• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between MindGames and dicci0308

    4 Visitor Messages

    1. Are you practicing ADA? I dont know, WILD, is pretty difficult, don't you think?

      Hear soon
    2. Not much man. You looking for some lucid dreaming advice? The best technique is to be lucid throughout your whole day (meaning, you should be mindful of your surroundings, always know whether or not you're in a dream). Can be difficult to sustain, but it's the most rewarding. DILD is good for having sporadic dreams, but it's not really a long term solution. You might also want to learn to WILD. It's a great technique if you can master it. And even if you don't master it, sometimes you'll just be able to have random WILDs in the middle of the night. Good luck.
    3. Well, its going good, what's up yourself?:-) what techniques do you use? Glad for a response:-)

      Hear soon
    4. Sup man hows it goin?
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4