• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between Mismagius and OpheliaBlue

    22 Visitor Messages

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    1. Because roses is the best and you is royalty.
    2. Thanks! Beautiful boutique of blue roses! How did you know roses are like, my favorite flower?
    3. Happy Birthday Prince!!

    4. Happy Birthday, Ophelia!!

      Hope you have a great bday! ^_^
    5. Nice ribbon!
    6. Pretty blue wall you've got here, me likey ^_^
    7. The imperial palace is always open to you, when you are in need of a rest. I'll set you up in a tower room, with a balcony of course. The staff and guards will help you in any way possible. If you would like to make use of the kitchen, feel free to.

      You may also use the pool, beach, garden, library, or anything else that interests you.

    8. Thanks! I forgot lol. 10 years, wow...
    9. Happy belated forumversary! (\(^o^)/)
    10. Congrats on passing on to the next round! \(^o^)/
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 22
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