• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between Mismagius and spellbee2

    19 Visitor Messages

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    1. spellbee2, I mod you! We're really double awesome twins now ~(^o^)~
    2. Yes, yes it does.

      Actually, I'm pretty sure there was a GMM episode called "Will It Double Awesome?" Just reminded me of it.
    3. Thanks! Although the voting thread should have been up a week ago but got busy with some other projects

      So if you're awesome and I'm awesome, does that make us the double awesome twins?

    4. Man, you're awesome! I'm still impressed with how you're handling the whole community awards thing. Can't wait until voting starts!
    5. Man your signature is awesome
    6. Awesome signature!
    7. A little kitty in a hoodie is sooo cute!
    8. Dunno, but we is now. :3 mlem
    9. How are we not friends?! I could have sworn I added you.
    Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 19 of 19
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