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    hey guys! I am embarking on the wonderful journey of Lucid dreaming and have many dreams to look forward to:)
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    1. MJLucid
      MJLucid liked post by OpheliaBlue On thread : Task of the Month for December 2013
      http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/8435/92nl.png Introduction: This topic is for the Lucid Tasks that are assigned by the Lucid Task Club and the On-Topic Administrator. Please attempt any or all...
      Liked On: 12-02-2013, 07:08 AM
    View MJLucid's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    The Hills 2/21/14

    by MJLucid on 03-24-2014 at 05:29 AM
    color legend: non-dream dream lucid

    Lucid #7 The Hills

    I'm riding in a car on an isolated road in the middle of golden brown rolling hills. I suddenly become lucid. I get out of the car and run up a hill onto the vast expanse. I marvel at the beauty of the golden hills and distant snow covered mountains.

    I decide to form a mountain of my own and ski down it. I create my mountain by raising my hand and forcing a mountain to rise out of the ground. I fly to the top and reach behind me to find skis. I put them on and ski down the mountain. I then fly in the air and decide to make a floating mountain above the one I just formed. I wave me hand and a huge round ball of stone forms in the air. I play god by slicing off sections of it and adding others. I make it into a gigantic sculpture of sorts. Before I finish I wake up.

    Success! 2/1/14

    by MJLucid on 03-24-2014 at 05:05 AM
    color legend: non-dream dream lucid

    Lucid #6 Success!

    I'm in a classroom with a friend. We are sitting cross legged on the floor talking and laughing. We talk about lucid dreaming. For some reason I get cocky and say "Hey watch this!" And I look at my backpack on the floor and try to make it fly to the ceiling. At this point I didn't know I was dreaming, but for some reason I still tried to make it levitate. As soon as I tried it zipped up to the ceiling and right back down to the floor again! I was astonished.

    I know I’m dreaming and immediately nose pinch reality check and rub my hands together to stop the dream from fading from my excitement. I get up and try to fly. I can’t even get off of the ground. Disappointed, I step out onto the balcony and see that I am in New York City! This time I think of heaven and I rise off the ground and start flying upward over the city! I’m a bit scared to look down and when I do the view is astonishing. The sun is setting so the city is framed in shadow and an orange glow. The feeling of flying is too amazing to describe. You feel so free. Anything is possible. I see a huge glass tube extending into the sky from the city streets below. Curious, I fly into the pipe and zoom down it. I get shot out at the bottom like a bullet and zip through the streets with incredible speed. I fly sideways along the sides of buildings and

    I have a memory gap. I am in a room with a bunch of random objects around me. I try to use telekinesis to make them fly around and succeed with a few, but the majority just stay where they are. I get frustrated and I wake up.

    Updated 03-24-2014 at 05:26 AM by MJLucid

    memorable , lucid

    Water-Bending 12/31/13

    by MJLucid on 03-24-2014 at 02:04 AM
    color legend: non-dream dream lucid

    Lucid Fragment #2 Water-Bending

    I don't remember much of this dream because I forgot to write it down in my DJ when I woke up.

    I remember being in a classroom. I’m in the front corner of the room behind a desk. The room turns into chaos. Everyone suddenly starts fighting each other. I join the fight by water-bending into a girl’s face. I turn it into ice so she can’t see. My next victim is a guy. I water-bend water towards him and it surrounds his body. I freeze it and he falls over unable to move, begging someone to help him. Everyone looks at me and I smirk and walk out of the room.

    The next thing I remember is flying around a bit. I’m still not very good at it but it was a good second try.
    lucid , dream fragment

    Struggling 12/28/13

    by MJLucid on 03-23-2014 at 11:13 PM
    color legend: non-dream dream lucid

    Lucid Fragment #1 Struggling

    I suddenly become aware that I am dreaming. I RC with my nose pinch and am able to suck in a big breath. This feels amazing and I marvel at the feeling. I remember my goal of flying but become conscious of my real body. I spend the rest of the dream trying to lose the feeling of my body IWL but I wake up.

    Updated 03-24-2014 at 01:47 AM by MJLucid

    lucid , dream fragment

    Crazy Night 12/24/13

    by MJLucid on 03-23-2014 at 10:22 PM
    color legend: non-dream dream lucid

    Lucid #5 Crazy Night

    This was absolutely insane, it was about 9 in the morning and I fell asleep after an hour of trying. I have a memory gap but the first thing I remember is being Lucid in some sort of nursery. I remember there being a baby and an old woman in the room. I rub my hands together but I become conscious of my real body.

    I wake up and without opening my eyes and deild back into the nursery. I try to fly and I get maybe an inch off the ground. The scene shifts to me standing on a newspaper, and only a newspaper. As I look at it, it gets bigger and bigger. Probably twenty feet long. I imagine a dream door in the paper behind me. I reach back, take the handle and jump in. next thing I know I’m in a black and white town from the 20s.

    I wake up and deild back to the black and white town scene. I try flying again and don’t get much luck. I get a few feet in the air and fall. I try to put my finger through my palm for a reality check but it won't go through. I do my normal nose pinch reality check and I can breathe in. this blows my mind as usual and I try to fly again and I soar upward! on my way up I find I have to flap my arms like a duck-.- some brown haired man says I look like I’m having some trouble I grab his hand for some reason and take him with me. He doesn't slow me down at all. I realize I’m actually going really fast. My goal is space. When we get close he tells me that I won't be able to breathe, but I assure him I will. I let him float back down to earth and I plunge into space.

    I wake up and deild once more... Into space again. I imagine I have huge wings like in the maximum ride books that I loved when I was younger. I imagine them unfolding from my back and extending them. I have pretty black wings with some brown and grey mixed in. I try flying this time but it feels weird. Then a small pink boy with wings flies over to me from nowhere and tells me the tips of my wings are caught on my shirt still. So he helps me, and my beautiful wings unfold all the way. 13 feet long wingspan and amazing.

    I wake up before I can try my new wings out. This time I wake up for sure because I want to remember the dream so I can write it down. This was a very long lucid for me and a very crazy series of my first deilds.
    lucid , memorable