• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between mooseantlers and JoeyBelgier

    8 Visitor Messages

    1. Sure, everybody gets free samples, after that I sell it for ridiculously high prices and take a seat next to Bill Gates. Then I hook him up too and convince him to give a few billions in return for the recipe. After that it'll just be drinking, smoking and buying motorcycles I guess xD
    2. And you would give me some..Right?
    3. Thanks, I guess
      I'd be cool if I was one, I'd be boiling "lucid-soup" every minute in an hour
    4. You are wizard like.
    5. What's the reason for that question?
    6. lol
    7. I believe not xd
    8. are you a wizard?
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8