• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between mooseantlers and Tara

    7 Visitor Messages

    1. Miss u bb
    2. I wonder where this awesome person has dissapeared to??
    3. xD
    4. When you kept saying you put a hug on my wall, I thought you meant Facebook. :I

    5. random hug time

    6. HO HO, YOU WISH. It's a drawing by Kate Beaton of herself, the artist of the Hark! A Vagrant comics which you can Google. It was drawn a long time ago so I wouldn't be able to find it in the archives, but yeah. A self-portrait of hers, secretly a portrait of me.
    7. Your profile picture is one of the kids from Pierre Burton's childrens story The Secret Land Of The Ogs. I love that shit.
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7