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    Once Again Through the Gate

    by Muhdi on 12-16-2010 at 08:21 PM
    We were trying to make it back through the Star Gate as we were being chased by a ruler of the planet we were on. Most of the ships that were following us were like giant flying sea dragons. There construction was fragile with wood frames and cloth sails that would flap to provide propulsion. The leader was not concerned with them as he would run into them as he pursued us causing them to brake apart and fall from the sky. You could see the pilots of the craft, as the cloth flapped in the wind, exposing the interior of the craft and the pilot. The pilots were wearing black robes and turbans.
    The leader was chasing us because we were not who we lead him to believe and he wanted our technology. We had believed them to be fairly primitive but now we could see by there ships they were more advanced. While the sea dragon ships were beautiful they were not too advanced but the leaders ship was on par with ours. I don’t recall seeing either our ship or his but I just knew it.
    We made it through the gate but it was not closing and the shield was not going up. I looked back and could see through the gate. It was like looking at a black and white TV with very low resolution. I was hoping that they would come through while the shield was up so that no one else would know about us. Finally the gate did close but none of them had tried to get through. It was like I knew that they knew what I wanted to happen it they tried.

    The Girls, the Burro, and the Brunch

    by Muhdi on 12-16-2010 at 07:56 PM
    The Girls
    I was with two girls and both were interested in me. I was interested in both of them but I did not want to choose one over the other. One of the girls looked like the new girl at work and the other was just a DC. They were both somewhat attractive but neither were what I would call beautiful. The girl from work was asking were we could meet later and was making it obvious to the other girl what she had in mind. She said something like “should we meet were we met before.” She was referring to my house and I said yes like I was not letting the other girl know were it was. The girl from work left and the other girl started walking with me.

    The Burro
    I don’t recall the conversation or when she left but, as I was walking by myself, a burro with buck teeth and saber like teeth came up to me and started walking with me like it wanted to be my friend. Its fur was gray and very soft. It put its tooth in my hand and walked with me to a near by hospital were I think I was working. I remembered that I was suppose to work a shift at the post office for Mike H and went inside to find someone that could take the burro. I was also looking for a phone so I could call the post office to let them know that I was going to be late or that I could not make it. I don’t think I settled on which. I passed by some handicap people being lead down the hall by a nurse and passed them I could see someone like Susan B, who I worked for, in her office. Then I was talking to Irene G about the burro and who might take it in. She said that I could sell it and I thought that was a good idea and I could make sure it got a good home.

    The Brunch
    I started looking around for the burro as I thought I brought it in with me but I could not find it. I went out side and found that I had left it in the zoo area were the tigers were. I hurried to look for it but it was too late, the tigers had eaten it. All that was left was it skin. At first I hoped it was not the burro but I could tell it was. I swatted at the tigers feeling peeved. There were two tigers, one had just walked by me and the other one was laying on the ground just passed the burros skin. I felt bad about what had happened but not as bad as I would have expected. It was like I hadn’t really been attached to it so was not emotionally invested in it but that’s not like me. I did feel bad though. That’s when I woke.