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    Holographic UFO

    by natureofmind on 08-12-2014 at 05:46 PM
    I was flying to South America to meet up some friends. When I got there, people were panicking because a storm was coming and I had a vision of me standing in the middle of a storm and a giant wave engulfing the city and people were holding on to anything that was sturdy so they won't wash away and hit things. After the vision was over, I looked through the window and the news anchor were talking about the dangers of the upcoming storm. I was not in Cancun at this time but I had to meet my friends there. It wasn't far away because I was there in no time. I got to a cave thing and I saw all the girls that I was and still are friends with. They were sitting in what looked like a roller coaster cart shaped like a booth with a wooden table in the middle that was rectangular. I got in, and the ride began. We were going through the cave and when we exit the cave there was a beautiful view. Eventually, we got back to where we started and then we got out. I had booked a room with four beds, so I asked if anyone wanted to stay with me. We met up with the others to go to the store to get a few things for the hotel room before the storm hits. Upon leaving, I was with Johnathan and Robert. I looked up as I always would to look at the stars but instead what captured my attention was a strange circular light that was a multitude of colors. It was a large circle with slices through it like a pizza and each triangle had a different color. I realized what I was seeing and I got Johnathan's attention to look at the sky. He told me he didn't see it at first and I slapped him saying, "How can you not see that its right there look at the sky!" He finally saw what I was talking about and he blurted out, "Oh shit." By then all three of us were watching the bright light. Two more appeared forming a triangular shape and it almost looked like a bright hologram. It was purple and pink and transparent. Whatever this thing was, it was huge. We couldn't believe what we were seeing. The thing turned into an oblong shape and flew into the sky at an astronomical speed. We looked at each other like, "Holy shit, what the fuck did I just see?" The others came over and we were telling them about what we saw. They didn't know what to think about it, but as we were walking the elongated shape appeared from a distance and flew in our direction. A box dropped from the thing and landed in front of us. It was made out to Robert and inside the box was an envelope with also Robert's name on it. We gave it to him and he opened the envelope. Enclosed was a letter and A LOT of money. He read the letter and it was basically a thank you letter for his company and for being such a good friend. He was confused. Enclosed was an image of a dark skinned man that he did not know. We started heading to the next store where he had another envelope with more money and this time a card with a name and number. Johnathan called the number for him and a woman with an accent answered the call. He explained to her about the packages that Robert received and she explained that she was an attorney and that she was an old friend of Robert's. Steven answered the call and they discussed something. He ended up crying and told her it would be best to cease all contact with Robert then hung up. We were all like, "What the hell what happen? Why did you do that for?" He told Robert that she was his invisible friend when he was younger and reincarnated into a new body and wanted to thank him for all his company all those years. She also said that before she reincarnated she was a part of an Indian tribe. Robert didn't know what to say. We were in disbelief at what just happened and we walked to the hotel quietly. I woke up.

    Updated 08-12-2014 at 05:49 PM by natureofmind
