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    by nyasu on 01-23-2011 at 07:12 PM
    My first dream was set at my house and I remember there were frogs and tadpoles or something, outisde my house was flooded and we were trying to get inside (I was a tadpole). I can't remember this very well, but when we got inside their was water on the floor there too. It sort of ended here.

    Then in this one, the first thing I can really remember is there was some guy documenting himself at a waterpark. He was going down a slide and when he was partway down the slide he started running into people coming from the other side and stopped filming, then returned to filming himself at the top of the slide.

    Now in my last dream I'd just finished watching a display given by a Russian politician, he was yelling about how he couldn't do things and was going to resign. I remember I sort of paused life and zoomed in like it was a camera and thought about it for a bit but soon left. For one reason or another there were kids hanging around by the road and I went over and told one of them a joke and she thought it was helarious, then I tried to weird her out and told her "you're the only one who exists, I'm just a projection of your imagination" and she started following me around laughing and repeating something I'd said earlier. I was in a city so we were walking around the blocks. I was getting super annoyed with her and was about to just scream in her face and tell her off but then I realized she might've been my past self and if I did that I might've changed the present/future so I didn't, but was about to hide in some sort of church but then my dad woke me up. I was kinda glad because she was so annoying xD;


    by nyasu on 01-10-2011 at 07:41 PM
    I can't remember a whole lot about this dream but I remember I needed help, I was in a classroom but I was the only person in the school. Then some guy appeared and made me his apprentice or something. Apparantly he had some sort of power to alter things around him and his appearance, and he changed the world around us into a valley with water in the bottom. I can't remember much of the inbetween stuff but I remember later he was going to die and everything went back to us being in the school. and had reverted back to his original form and I was talking to him and he wasn't telling me something, so I started being able to alter things too, and then I sort of made my way into a parallel version of the school and into the parallel of the room that I was originally in. He was in there and there were 2 chairs and 2 other people in the room. one of the people drew out some sort of diagram on the board and brought it over to him and was going to have him do something but one of the options on the board split into 2 (death and life), because he had 2 apprentices with the same name. So the other apprentice appeared, she was all dressed in lolita fashion, acted like a little bit of an airhead but you knew she was smart. She took the other seat and I had to sit on the arm of his chair. It sort of changed to me reminiscing about the little time we had together and I finally thought I'd have someone I could be together with, then I realized "No, this is only a dream." since there's no way I could get a guy irl lol
    Then I was outside by a big brick apartment type building, Hatsune Miku was sitting on a step and started singing something on a about "sailing in a boat through the valley of apples". My dad opened the door and I woke up.


    by nyasu on 01-08-2011 at 07:28 PM
    Can't remember tonight's too well. I know in the beginning a lot had to do with anonymous message boards though and people were trying to give me some advice because apparently I had asked a question or said something. Then some of my online friends came up and were saying stuff about how one of the anons either loves me or hates me because of the advice they were giving. I know a lot happened after but I can't remember any of it..


    by nyasu on 01-08-2011 at 01:20 AM
    tonight I had 2 dreams but I can't remember either very well

    1st one:
    4chan was throwing a New Year's party at some sort of a park place. there was a park and then a really tall sort of house that resembled someone I know's but it was a lot bigger. There wasn't really fire works but when I went up there people were setting all sorts of stupid things on fire, like a bowl that someone was carrying on their head full of propane jello and marshmellows and other stuff. general craziness, can't remember a ton besides thinking it was odd there was a New Year's party a week after New Year's. I left and went down the stairs and I remember meeting someone but can't remember anything about it, I got onto a car or ATV or something and went through the field and left the event. I was on the road and I remember seeing a couple kids on the side of the road and hitting something, then going over to the kids and then started walking with them. It was an older sister and a younger brother, they were about 6 and 3 1/2 years old. can't remember a ton but it feels like we might've gone up a road somewhere to some sort of a ranch but I can't remember any more of it.
    I woke up, it was still 5 so I went back to sleep though.

    The 2nd one all I can remember is that Pokemon were real and I think Steven (a character in the games) was there and we were going to battle or something but I woke up. I think more happened but I really can't remember because my dad started talking to me before I could write them down.

    yesterday and tonight's dream

    by nyasu on 01-06-2011 at 10:14 PM
    Since I'm new I guess I'll start off with the dream from yesterday.
    There wasn't a whole lot to it, but it started off we were having a dinner with the neighbors who just came back from a trip, that only lasted for a little bit then it turned into some sort of a spy game. I was with a couple people and we were trying to break into a warehouse or something.. there were lazers and stuff and the ground was all water so you had to walk over the metal beams. There were a few larger areas where you could walk on and I vaguely remember coming up to one and meeting the boss of that area, I don't think we faught but I remember seeing them. Stuff happened I can't remember and then my crew and I were all trying to get out and we were in the water. I think we got out but yeah I forgot >o<;

    then tonight's dream was kinda weird
    I think I was living in some sort of a colony, can't remember too well the details before the part where someone was staying with us who was all nice and all but then they somehow started becoming really weird and threatening to us. They had a venemous snake that they were sort of threatening us with, and since we live somewhere they're disallowed I'm like "omg gotta get it out of here" so I ran with it's cage and brought it to the police and the police was looking at it and it slipped out of the cage into the bushes so then I start thinking they're going to breed everywhere and we're going to die so I go back home and one way or another all the doors have way more locks now..? so I start locking them up super good and am doing something in the kitchen and I hear something trying to get through but I think nothing could get through so I don't think much of it but I'm still scared and paranoid at the same time, go over to the door to check and there's a knife someone apparently used to get through the door with. I picked it up and started searching around for whoever was there and found them in the hall and they had another snake, and they started a sort of game where you had to cut it up or you'd die. he let the snake out and I cut it in half and it disappeared. He then started assigning different tasks.. like maybe a doll or something where you'd have to cut off the feet. I did it, then he wanted me to cut a small dog in half but I felt sick so someone else offered to do it (idk how they got there but they were apparantly someone who was staying with us not that long ago) and I turned around and waited for them to finish and when he was I turned back around and the dog disappeared. His next task was for us to cut up him and he turned small and started slithering around on the floor. I cut up to his knee off and he said something like "hey I said only the feet" but still kept going around and I think I cut up to his waist but then woke up.

    Last night's was kinda weird. It wasn't really a nightmare though because it all felt fairly neutral besides the slight paranoia and the slight sickness. I still don't get dreams like this often though.