• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between OpheliaBlue and Linkzelda

    33 Visitor Messages

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    1. That's ok, I know gentlemen really prefer blondes

    2. Lmao.

      I'm so confused. I feel violated....hahahaha
    3. yeah where's the sexy red-head?!

      (it's who you were meant to beeee)
    4. *gulp*

      Almost got me there.

    5. Don't ring my doorbell again until it gets to 3000.

    6. Gave you your 2,700th like. Just saying *cough* *cough*
    7. LOL, Ophelia.
    8. Well, no.. and here's the deal. The Easter bunny hides all those eggs. And you know why?

      He doesn't want anyone to know that he's f***ing a chicken.

    9. Oh, you saw them, YAY.

      Happy Easter to you too, but I don't see any eggs coming out....is anything supposed to happen?
    10. Happy Easter from my Keister!

      Ophelia <3
    Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 33
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