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    1. View Conversation
      heh, that's pretty interesting I've been really off on my sleeping pattern lately so I haven't been trying much recently, but soon enough I'll be able to get back into my sleeping habits.
    2. View Conversation
      That must have been very pleasant to be the first thing to recall in such awhile! hope the strategy works out!
    3. View Conversation
      ah, that's unfortunate. congrats on the Ld though sounds pretty interesting. My recall has kinda died down, but im rebuilding it up and doing some research on the side; I'm going to master the WILD no matter how long it takes.
      Then if I come up with any new or different way of perceiving things I believe I may write a tutorial.
    4. View Conversation
      Thanks! hope your recall has been more consistent lately! I've been getting better and more focused and aware of my surrondings. My recall has been a little up lately I just got to get back to writing in my dream journal more often.
    5. View Conversation
      really? nice! my recall is starting to come back, I think I was a little stressed out thats why things may have been bad before. I'll have to look into your dream journal tomorrow. glad to hear things have been going well for you.
    6. View Conversation
      yeahh my recall has been dying lately, but i'm going to go for it and do my best to go lucid soon! hope all has been going well with you!
    7. View Conversation
      shoot well thats unfortunate! my recall has been a little shabby lately too, but no worries keep at it and im sure you will see some success soon!
    8. View Conversation
      Hey looks like i'm your first buddy on here hope all is going well with you!
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    English Invasion of Scotland?

    by Peetee36 on 03-05-2011 at 11:00 PM
    Non-Dream Non-Lucid Lucid

    I was in the big sort of moder/futuristic complex that was like a fancy college, and we were in a room that looked out over a man-made lake with some fencing on the other side. Tons of people started to amass at the fencing, and started coming towards the complex. Some people started running saying that thousands of English civilians had started to invade Scotland, apprently for their independence, but I stood and fought. I was in the same room with a friend and someone else I didn't know. The door burst open and an Englishman came through. I grabbed his foot as he tried to kick and my friend punched him in the face. But he managed to fight my friend off, and he attacked me, knocking me to the ground. He punched me, and then punched me again, and everything went black. I'm not sure if I woke up then, or a little bit later.

    Missed opportunity.

    by Peetee36 on 02-11-2011 at 06:45 PM
    Non-Dream Non-Lucid Lucid

    I woke up, and started to notice that there was doubles of things. I thought I must be hallucinating, and I ran downstairs. There were two of the same laptops. The "Real" one was in it's usual place, and the other one was on the floor. I picked it up, and asked my mum if she could see it. She didn't seem very interested, so I just assumed that she couldn't see it, and that I was indeed hallucinating.

    I woke up again, in the middle of the night, and ran downstairs. Everything was normal again, and I suddenly realised that I was dreaming. For some reason though, I had many feelings that told me to wake up. Not necessarily that I wanted to, but sort of that I was escaping from these hallucinations. Sure enough, I did wake up.

    Induced False Awakenings.

    by Peetee36 on 02-10-2011 at 12:50 PM
    Non-Dream Non-Lucid Lucid Hypnagogia

    I had a false awakening, and I can usually realise when it's a FA or when I've actually woken up, but I did an RC just to make sure. There was a list of goals written in red writing on the side of my bedside table, although I can't remember any of them. Everything was still very vague, so I tried to stabalise. For some reason I closed my eyes to take in all the sounds and feelings, but the vision started to fade.

    I could feel both part of my real body, but knew I was still asleep, but was on the verge of waking up. I tried to remember what I was doing and imagine it again, but it wouldn't work. I decided to try and induce a False awakening, and sent a sort of shock through my body as a jump start.

    I woke up in my bed again, and straight away knew it was a FA, since that's what I had intended, but I knew it was a different dream. As I got up and started walking to the door, a little text box appeared in front of me (Sort of like how it appears in the film Sex Drive) and telling me that in order to increase vividness I had to teleport into a different body (Not transform, actually jump to a different "dream plane", if you will). The person's name was something like "Michelle Michaelango Messerdo", so I accepted. I just sort of seemed to appear in their body, didn't feel much of a teleportation. It didn't work however, and it faded away.

    I find myself in the same state, and wonder if I can induce another FA.

    I wake up again, and do an RC check. It's similiar to the previous ones except now there is a man standing in my room. It's still very vague and he says something like "It's because you're afraid, you need to visualise". For some reason, I had my eyes closed. I open them, and everything is fantastically vivid. I look outside the window. It isn't the normal view from my window, but I think I've seen it before. There is a lush green field across the road, and I can even see the rough terrain of the road. But for some reason I continue to think about my real body, and go to the hypnagogic state again.

    However, this time I hear a noise around the house (It's about 7:30am at this point) so I don't bother inducing another FA, and I wake up.

    Updated 02-10-2011 at 12:53 PM by Peetee36


    Who is this?

    by Peetee36 on 02-09-2011 at 11:38 PM
    Non-dream Non-lucid Lucid

    I am sitting next to a girl, and I'm looking down at the floor. She says:

    "I hear you're a really passionate kisser?"

    So I think, hey why not? I move in to kiss her, but for some reason I'm really nervous. Although she is extremely beautiful, although I don't recognise her. We kiss, but she backs away.

    "No, not like that"

    It's pretty obvious that it wasn't what she was hoping for, and she looks down at the ground. I lift her chin up, and move in again, all nerves gone. But then I wake up.

    Target range.

    by Peetee36 on 02-03-2011 at 05:47 PM

    Me and someone else where in a large hilly area. We were both wearing camouflage, and had weapons. We suddenly noticed that we were on an American target range (We weren't American, but we were allies with them), and we noticed a group of trees about 100 metres to the North-West of us. We started running towards them, and as we did, a shell fell about 50 metres in front and slightly to the right of us. I felt the ground tremble, and heard other shells dropping. We reached the trees (There was about 6 in a long column, and were very large. Base was about 2 metres wide), and noticed that there was about 15 soldiers hiding behind them. I hid behind the first one in the column, as my friend went out to signal to them (We knew they were American). As he did so, a soldier on a platform in the trees shot him. I shuffled to the other side of the side that I was on, and looked round. There was a soldier about 10 feet in front of me looking in my direction. He started to raise his weapon. I tried to shout "Friendly", but I seemed to have lost my voice, and the sound didn't carry. I didn't want to be shot, so I woke myself up.

    It wasn't lucid, but at the end I realised that I could end it. Also, the shell dropping was just awesome. It was like being in a warzone.