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    View Pembleton's Dream Journal

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    My English Teacher and the Apocalypse 18/8/13

    by Pembleton on 08-18-2013 at 09:51 PM
    For real life references-I started my new school last September, it's a sixth form college.

    It appears to be a new term at my school, due to begin in real life in September, and I walk into my old English classroom. However it looks different, the tables have been moved around, some of the windows appear to be missing, but it's still definitely my old classroom. My old English teacher is there as well, despite the fact that he retired in July, welcoming everyone back.

    I walk around with a girl from my old school, who doesn't go to the school I currently go to, looking for a seat. She finds one in the middle of a desk and I sit down one down from her. In between us is some guy I've never seen him before, and don't recognise him from real life, but for some reason in the dream I know exactly what sort of person he is-quiet in a pretend cool way, a bit elitist, but friendly and personable, even if he doesn't laugh that much.

    I look forward at my teacher and ask, 'I thought you were going?'

    He replies, 'I am. I'm just here for the next three days why'll they find a replacement.'

    I find this odd as the school has had all summer to find a replacement, but shrug it off. My teacher begins talking but I don't really hear it properly and turn to the guy next to me and complain about something in a comical way, though I don't remember what it is. He laughs a little and nods his head. We appear to be about to begin work when suddenly the whole class collectively feels and knows something is wrong, even though we don't know specifically what it is.

    My teacher tells us to go quickly and we all stand up, as if it was a fire bell. Suddenly I find myself, along with the rest of my class, down on some sort of post-apocalytic wasteland. Grey, cloudy sky, black earth and no houses, infrastructure or anything to be seen. My class appears to have formed some sort of group helping each other to survive with all of my classmates and teacher sitting around in a circle chatting and laughing.

    For some reason I and around five or six other people are told to go look for something, presumably food, and we find ourselves approaching a worn down house, almost like a cinder block bar a set of steps leading halfway up the house to a wooden door. A man stands on the steps with a gun. Down below beside the house a few other men stand around with weapons of some kind as well. For some reason we seem to know they've stolen food, particularly grain, from this abandoned house. It feels like we're about to attempt to fight them when I suddenly wake up.

    Recurring Themes and Motifs from last dream: Guns, terrorists or groups of men with weapons, abandoned or worn down buildings,
    non-lucid , memorable

    The Assassination and the Church

    by Pembleton on 08-18-2013 at 09:33 PM
    This is my renewed attempt at a dream diary as part of a wider attempt to try lucid dreaming. During my last dream journal stage, around two years ago, I kept a detailed paper diary but became lax due to the time it took to write out all my dreams. I believe using an online one will really help me to keep up and hopefully recall my dreams better. I also hope to understand my dreams better with the help of this community.

    Dream Date: Friday 16th August/Saturday the 17th

    I find myself walking along a busy crowded street of a sort of stereotypical English market town. I feel relaxed and appear to be marching in some sort of parade. Suddenly I look ahead and see a group of men and women wearing wooly jumpers, some of whom are wearing masks, (in the style of IRA terrorists). One of the men takes out a gun and fires it somewhere, out of my line of vision.

    People begin screaming and I reach inside my own everyday jacket pocket and take out a pistol slowly. It appears that the Prime Minister, a President or someone of high importance has been shot, although I don't see anyone who has been shot or is bleeding, and I was some sort of guard. I look around observing the chaos as people run around screaming. The group of men and women, who I assume are terrorists, have disappeared.

    Suddenly I find myself walking along a gravel path. To my left a large, magnificent cathedral, to my right a small wooden hut. Beside me is some sort of tour guide pointing out things on the cathedral. He says to me, 'It's either there,' pointing to the cathedral, 'Or he burns and rots in hell,' pointing to the wooden hut.

    My dream once again jumps. This time I am in a tall building in a large city overlooking a slightly run down structure of a building below. I jump, but suddenly find myself in the run down structure of the other building-as if I had jumped into it but blacked out the jump itself. The structure is crumbling and dusty, but there a few rows of computers and people working on them. I turn around to see a woman in a suit, probably a businesswoman, before I wake up.
    non-lucid , memorable