• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between PercyLucid and INeverWakeUp

    5 Visitor Messages

    1. Hey, I thought I'd stop by and say I've completed the Task of the Year, but I haven't had my name turned orange yet. I'd appreciate the fix. Thanks.
    2. Oh, thank you! Everything's been fine. I just broke a dryspell Tuesday night, and I did my 10th TOTY. Just two more to go!
    3. Yeah, the site is getting better and better!

      I just removed the glow from your nickname Let me know of I can help with anything else!

      How is everything going?
    4. Hi PercyLucid! I was wondering, how do I remove my name glow? I think I'd prefer just having my usename normal.

      EDIT: By the way, I haven't been on in about three weeks or so. I gotta say, I love the way the site looks now!
    5. Did I not do the TOTM right?
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5