• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between Phased and Sensei

    41 Visitor Messages

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    1. remote file is too large.:/
    2. Awesome, let me know if you want any changes or even a different font/image.
    3. That looks pretty good! I have literally walked by a lake and created a couple moons like that before!

      The name seems pretty hard to see. It might just be my phone though. Shall double check when I get home.

    4. Just a basic idea.. thoughts?
    5. Thanks man! You are the best!
    6. Ok. I'll make up a couple and you can choose from them :3
    7. Hmmm... I finally thought of something. A rose with red petals and everything else black (stem and stuff). It was in the LD that brought me to LDing. Either that or places that are obviously other worlds. Extra moons, impossible rock formations.
    8. Hmm.. Could you provide an example of a surreal image? So many to chose from and I can't pick one.
    9. Ask Ophelia. I just came back, before we did it by voting people in, but I don't know if that is still how they do it.
    10. How does one become a dream guide?
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 41
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