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    I'm just a guy interested in the idea of Lucid Dreaming, like most here.
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    Gaming, Shooting, Airsoft
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    My friend told me about lucid dreams, I googled it


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    1. Pegasis
      Pegasis liked post by Pickle On thread : Seeing people you've never met before in dreams?
      I read that everyone and everything you see is recorded. Your conscious mind might not take it in that you looked at someone but they will most likely appear in your dreams.
      Liked On: 04-18-2012, 09:27 PM
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    An Old Friend... Plane Crash

    by Pickle on 12-17-2011 at 03:19 PM
    I moved to New Zealand from Scotland a few years ago. Thoughts about old friends come up every now and again, but I only went to Primary School with them. Now, to set the scene. I'll try and simplify, as explaining would take some time. In my town there is an annual event. At this event there are many groups doing different things, and a group I am involved with take turns with a similar group each year doing the same thing. Please tell me if you don't understand. Onto the dream.

    It starts, when I am walking home from school, when who do I see but my good old friend Scott. Now Scott is here for the event, as it is one year in the future and he, who lives in Scotland and probably has no idea of the group and event I'm affiliated with, is with the second group taking their turn running their part of the event. Odd, I know.

    We go into town, I don't remember details but I remember reminiscing about Primary School, and me asking about other friends in Scotland. He eventually arrives at, what seems to be a location in many of my dreams that doesn't exist in my current home town, a large church on a small hill, surrounded by old brick/metal bar fencing/barrier, with a large metal gate at one side. I follow him inside, at this point he seems to be ignoring me, concentrating on being inside the church, where I've since not been allowed. I tried getting his attention, to no avail. We end up in this room, where there are other adult men I don't recognize. They all look at me like I've done something very wrong. Scott looks at me, and says "Bye Andrew"... it fades, but I end up back in the middle of town.

    I'm feeling sad about what happened, but then completely out of the blue, behind some small buildings which you would easily see a plane over, appears from as if underground a plane pulling up hard. It's close, and HUGE. I start running. I watch the plane. It's barely off the ground, pointing straight up, and slowing down from it's initial pull up. It drops slowly, the world is quiet, and lands on the buildings it came from. Screaming is heard. I'm still running but I still see the cloud of smoke covering everything and coming out from the impact zone, so no wreckage is visible. This, since it came from nowhere, gave me a fright and I awoke myself.

    I'm going to discuss some thoughts I had about this in a new thread, thanks for reading.
    non-lucid , nightmare , memorable

    A Recurring Nightmare

    by Pickle on 07-31-2011 at 11:38 AM
    Hello DV community, this is a story of a recurring nightmare that occurred over time when I was young. First I'll set out the background.

    I watched Teletubbies growing up. Those round, TV bellied, aerial-on-head gods were the greatest thing in my childhood. I had the toys, the videos and I watched it every time possible. And one day, they showed and episode that stopped me watching Teletubbies. The Lion and Bear. If you Google "Teletubbies the lion and bear" you will find the controversial clip. There was a Lion, that chased this bear, roared so loud that the clouds moved and trees shook. The Teletubbies were scared. So who else was scared? You got it, their number one fan.

    The dream began with me on my bedroom floor. In reality, I wasn't far from the bed, but it felt like miles. I got up. My legs were weak, and they shook. Then I heard a growl I heard watching TV a few hours earlier. The world shook. Through my bedroom door came the Lion. (Somewhere in my subconscious I knew it's name was simply "Lion", not "The Lion") It came towards me at high speed. My room wasn't big, but images of the lion chasing the bear flashed in my mind. My heart raced. I couldn't talk. It hit me.

    I woke up, and ran through to my parents room.

    So, as I said, this dream was recurring. From then on I just curled up into a ball and never moved. But I couldn't wake myself up. Eventually my curiosity took over. I stood, and was mauled down again. These passed after some time. There was another dream involving Lion that occurred once, however.

    It began with a false awakening. I went downstairs, and at the table were two babushka dolls the size of people. I knew they were my mum and dad. Lion appeared. This was some time after the recurring dreams, I felt like I had some power over him. I pleaded for him to change them back, but he roared, and spoke. I had to make a promise to them.

    I looked at the doll that was my mum. I promised her that I would always do baking with her. (Baking cakes was a common thing she did, and offered me the opportunity to help but I always turned it down). I looked at my dad, who, at that time I wasn't exactly closest family with. I loved him, and he was my dad, but it just didn't feel right. So I looked at the corresponding doll and promised I'd always hug him. They changed, and I awoke. I lay in bed for some time thinking about that dream, but then I went to sleep.

    I think that last one may have been helpful... as I've always tried to help bake stuff and spend time with my dad. The babushka dolls probably appeared because my uncle had one but I thought it was creepy.

    Thanks for taking the time to read my first entry!