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    Secret Agent Failure?

    by Pigwedgen13 on 01-20-2012 at 08:32 AM
    I was running through a huge city, with some friends 'Courtney' and 'Jordan'. It was very crowded and we had to really work our way through to this tall glass tower. It was kinda built like minecraft buildings...blocky. We were looking for this man 'Mr. Toya' who had gone missing from this city. We made it to a train station where some enemy agents were holding back some trains. We shot them down then took a train straight for the Tower. When we were nearly there, our train driver was shot and the train de-railed. We lost Jordan for the time being, and went ahead with the mission. First part of the mission was to take back some stolen cash. Like in minecraft, I broke blocks on the tower to make a stairway right to the room where the money was being held. There were two enemy agents there whom I shot, then I took the money. I went back down and gave the money to Jordan, he had caught up I guess. He decided to call 'Gavin' to come pick up the cash. I noticed that on Jordan's cell phone, he had Gavin's number, and I thought it was weird because Gavin doesn't have a cell phone in real life.

    So Courtney and I went into the tower and looked around for clues as to where Mr. Toya was at. I found some friends -'Dallin, Josh, and Issac'- who said they had heard some activity in the night near this white van at the entrance of the Tower. I met up with Courtney again and we went to look for the van. When we stepped outside, a helicopter came down and dropped a giant magnet on a cable to lift the van away. we tried shooting at it, but it was no use. We concluded that the government was trying to cover something up. Just then a train pulled up and blew up. We knew it was the government, and so we split up and ran. I kept running and the city shifted into some streets in my home town, Division st and some others mostly. I slowed my running when I got to a round about. I took the uniform from an officer. I saw a police man running toward me, so I began to run back toward the Tower. We were running really weirdly, but he assumed I was actually a police man.

    We met up with more officers, and they informed me that they were after some terrorists who had stolen money and potentially killed Mr. Toya. We were specifically after this spy, her name being 'Liza'. She was a lower rank agent than me, and so I played along as a police man. We chased her to the Tower, some other agents were trying to stop us, but we shot them. She ran up the stairway I had made into the tower, but when she reached the end of the stairs, she tunneled forward until she broke through the tower. She tried to jump out, but I caught her leg and pulled her back in. We were going to question her, but she was dead when tried to. The officers moved her over the the pile of deceased bodies, and I saw Courtney and Jordan there.
    non-lucid , memorable