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    trees again

    by Pokerface on 05-18-2011 at 04:56 AM
    I'm navigating corridors inside a public high school and see my friend Kyle waving at me.I become lucid. The first thing I try to do is "find" a member of my own personal dream army behind the door to the bathroom. It doesn't work. I decide to fly away, just missing a passing car while crossing a street. I come across a row of tall redwood trees by a baseball field. There are a group of DCs hanging out in the branches. I float up to them and ask one his name. He says his name is Kha.
    Suddenly, I find myself in a field at home. There are strange trees present that aren't there in real life. I try to push my finger through my hand to make sure I haven't woken up, and my hand stretches like rubber. I fly around the trees a few times and see that a darker tree has apparently killed a lighter tree.
    I wake up.

    slenderman and killing spree

    by Pokerface on 05-07-2011 at 03:47 AM
    I was on some sort of road trip with a few of my friends, when I looked out the window of the car and saw the slenderman (look up Marble Hornets on youtube) standing on top of a telephone pole and alerted the driver. The driver freaked out and swerved, so I was somehow launched from the car vertically. I softened the fall with a cardboard box (dream physics ftw) and ran back into the car. A while later I saw the slenderman again, this time accompanied by ToTheArk. I ended up chasing the slenderman and got a hold of an axe.
    I became lucid. The first thing I did was spin clockwise to clarify the dream. Then I slaughtered the nearby DC's (about 70 of them) with the axe who had been bothering me earlier. The dream changed and I was on a platform above a wide river. The sky was almost black, but light was provided by lanterns on other platforms. I flew to a nearby one and met some DC's who claimed to be related to me. They treated me like some sort of father figure. I woke up.
    lucid , non-lucid , memorable

    stubborn tree

    by Pokerface on 05-04-2011 at 03:02 AM
    So I'm in a local field where I used to play baseball and soccer.I realize I'm dreaming. I make sure by sticking my finger through my hand. I see a tall tree in the middle of the diamond on the baseball field. It doesn't strike me as odd at the time. I make an upwards gesture in an attempt to uproot it. It doesn't work. I decide to try and stabilize the dream by dropping to the ground and feeling the grass. It was rough. I licked it too. I wake up.