• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between Purebred and Mirror

    10 Visitor Messages

    1. First of all I wrote down in my dream journal the "commands" I want to "type" in my subconscious. Then I do 10-15 minutes of meditation to free my mind from thoughts and then when it's calm enough I say the affirmations I wrote in my head. When I say them I feel the power that lies behind those words, I feel happyness like I already succeded, calm and determined: I know I lucid dream every night, I don't convince myself. Then I visualise myself in the dream becoming lucid and doing what I want to do like you would in the MILD technique. You can do this in the morning, before going to bed or both if you need to take your self confidence to a higher level.
    2. Hey. Can you describe what are you doing for self programming? it's not like it's not working for me. I just want to know what you are doing.
    3. Boobies and ass? Let me shut my mouth or I will turn your profile in a pornographic page Anyway 10/10
    4. Yeah. But I like blondes with blue eyes more than with green eyes. What about her boobies and ass? ;D
    5. Yeah I like blond hair. I noticed that green eyes are extremely common, so you are full of blondies with green eyes. The streotype is blond blue eyes. When I was with her I never felt intolerance towards me, maybe because I didn't live there and I was in a "protected" environment ( her family).
    6. People in our country are not very tolerant. That's the only thing I hate here. ;D
      yeah, I must say that our girls are pretty nice. Did you like blondes? xD
    7. My ex-girlfiren was Lithuanian. She lived in Kretinga but she has now moved to Kaunas for University. I liked your country, especially the countryside, but most of all... you have so many freaking beautiful girls
    8. I must say that I am shocked. :O Why???
    9. Sorry Lietuva
    10. Location: Youwontvisit. haha I could have visited it I've been to Lithuania 5 times
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10