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    Recent Entries

    Carrying weed with me everywhere in college; Browsing reddit

    by Ravens on 10-10-2015 at 03:47 PM
    Dream 1

    I was on a college campus. I was wearing shorts and I had some weed in my pocket. I talked to a few people about random stuff. I forgot most of the conversations. Near the end of the dream, though, I remember talking to a group of girls, and the weed fell out of my pocket. They were talking about how I smoked and they also wanted to smoke. We went back to my dorm to smoke, and the dream ended before that. I also may have gotten caught by a cop with it, and given a warning.

    Dream 2

    I was browsing reddit, and I remember a post that had -30 votes. I forgot what it said.
    dream fragment , non-lucid

    Somewhere with college kids

    by Ravens on 10-09-2015 at 03:02 PM
    I remember being somewhere with college kids. Also talking to them. Forgot the majority of it.
    dream fragment

    Halo game as Master Chief

    by Ravens on 10-08-2015 at 01:21 PM
    I was playing a game of Halo, and my mind was making up an entirely different story for the Master Chief, as that is who I was. I was fighting the Covenant in a forest area. It restarted a lot of times, because I kept dying. There was a night time level, where I was on a Covenant ship and had to kill Covies as they were dropped off by a Phantom. I also remember at the end of the forest level, the Master Chief was picked up by a Phantom, and he was kidnapped. Also, I wasn't playing the video game, I felt I was actually the Master Chief. The end.
    non-lucid , dream fragment

    High; Spaceship; Walking around an area I've already beenin the countryside

    by Ravens on 10-05-2015 at 03:25 PM
    Dream 1

    I was high on marijuana. I then woke up in real life and felt as though I was high, too. It may have just been tiredness, though.

    Dream 2

    I was on a spaceship, and it kind of looked like the Rebel ship at the beginning at Star Wars Episode 4 on the inside.

    Dream 3

    I was in the country. It was quite a poor area. I lived in a trailer with my family, and we were pretty poor. I then went out for a walk. I walked through town for a very long time, and eventually I came across a stadium. The stadium had a giant tented audience seat box thing (whatever they're called) around it. The tent that covered it was orange-reddish, but more orange. I went onto the box, and it was covered with hundreds of sleeping Canadian geese. I woke the geese up as I went near them.

    Later on I went past the audience box thing, and I found a junk yard. This junk yard had a ton of garbage in it. There was also a track field in the middle of it, making the yard kind of shaped like a horseshoe. The area surrounding the junk yard was very forested. I entered the yard on the left side, where there was a giant structure with metal see-through floor, which lead to the audience box. I climbed over the garbage to get past the junk yard, but it was fenced on all sides except the front, so I just climbed to the other side of the entrance and went back home.

    On the way home, I saw a lot of people from college. They were saying hi to me as I walked by. Eventually I got home.

    Later in the day (or the next day, I can't remember) I went on another walk back to the junk yard. I got back there, and decided this time I would not climb the garbage. I just walked in, waited a few minutes, and left. It also looked like it was about to rain at this point.

    As I walked out of the yard, I saw a flock of Canadian geese climbing the big metal object with the see-through floor to get into the audience box. I thought they were trying to not get wet from the rain. Then, it started raining. I started jogging home, passing by more college kids I knew. I saw a really cute girl I saw irl, and she waved to me. I waved back as I jogged home. The end.

    Smoke weed; Kill People

    by Ravens on 09-22-2015 at 02:10 PM
    I was in my dorm, when one of my hallmates A came in. We talked a bit, and eventually, he invited me to his room to smoke weed with him and a few other people. I went with him, and there were a ton of people there already. There were a few other people I knew from my dorm. Together, we all passed around a joint, and had fun. Eventually, I blacked out from the amount of weed I smoked, as if it were alcohol. (?) I remember stuff up to that point. I remember cops might have come, and we could have run for our freedom. I also remember we could've just sat there all night. It felt like the lazy kind of weed.

    Either way, I woke up the next morning in my room in my bed. It was fun trying to remember what happened the previous night.

    Dream 2

    I remember a bungalow in the woods in the night. There were people inside it, who included my family, and possibly a few other people. We were having some kind of gathering. There were four people who I saw. They all carried guns, and started shooting at us. I found a sniper rifle with a laser pointer on it and started aiming. I started killing them all, trying to save my family.
    This may or may not have happened. I can't remember this one very well.