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    My first Lucid Dream

    by Renard10177 on 05-15-2014 at 02:15 AM
    Family Disputes and Eyebrow Beards [Wednesday, 5:42 PM Pacific, 5/14/2014]

    I had passed out while I was messing around on my laptop, I was pretty tired, and my blankets are very comfy. The dream started off in dream similar to another one; a sort of hotel where me and my younger brother were living in separate rooms, for some reason we got into a fight, soon after he stormed out of the room in a fit of rage and called some of his buddies to complain, meanwhile I went inside to grab the video camera that we both share, I figured that we should decide who gets what...

    [a large chunk of dream is missing here due to difficulty recalling it]

    Some time later I found myself speaking with a friend at school and I invite him to my house/apartment, once we get there I decide I need a shower, so I strip down whilst still talking to him, I felt comfortable showering in front of him, about a second after I started doing some silly poses, he said he had to go somewhere and walked out of the room, I was pretty certain he was going home, I turned to get in the shower and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.
    "Might as well check myself out." being a pretty overweight guy, I didn't do much other than look at myself, but I noticed that I had a large amount of facial hair on my eyebrows, making it a uni-brow and leading down into my upper lip; like an upside down beard. It was incredibly thick, so I twirled my finger in the beard and then I thought to myself: "this is really weird, I don't remember having THIS much facial hair" (for some reason having a beard on my eyes didn't set me off) so I looked down at my hands, yup, still there.
    Next, I pointed my index finger at my palm and attempted to push it through, I've tried this hundreds of times in real life and it never worked, so I didn't think it would work, but astonishingly, it worked! It went through (almost) seamlessly! "Wow", I thought to myself "I'm actually doing it!", I decided to do something I've wanted to do for a long time, so without putting on clothes, I ran at my door at full speed, and the song "Fireflies - Owl City" began to play. I jumped at the end of my run, diving at a 65 degree angle upwards out of my door, my intention was to pass through the door, just like my finger did with my palm, a small portion of me passed through, the excitement is killing me, this is so amazingly incredible! But suddenly, everything goes black, and I feel incredibly warm. I try to open my eyes and I find myself in my REAL bed at my REAL home, I felt strangely awake... More awake then I've ever been in my life...
    In an act of pure desperation, I attempted to push my finger though my palm again several times, to no avail, it was true, I was awake again, so I decided to write all this down somewhere to remember it.
    As I sat down and brought up notepad, I had no trouble remembering what happened, it was crystal clear, not a centimeter of fog separated me from my euphoric delusion; the need to be out of reality's grasp.

    Performing this "lucid dream", bringing myself to clarity in a place where i thought there was no such thing as "order" I was just as easy as explaining to someone how to press a button: "Just do it."
    It wasn't as near as difficult as I thought it would be to achieve, so don't be discouraged by people telling you its "difficult". Go with the flow.
    Despite it only lasting 1-3 seconds, it was the most amazing 1-3 seconds of my life, and I would do anything to return, which is why I planned to make a second attempt at it the same night I wrote this and posted it.

    Updated 05-15-2014 at 02:22 AM by Renard10177

    lucid , memorable