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    1. View Conversation
      Heh must be cool to live in Alaska eh? Whats the whole idea with runes? ive never looked into it much, any information will be much appreciated.
    2. Rune Fehu- Possessions, nourishment

      Fehu is a Rune of fulfillment: ambition satisfied, love shared, rewards recieved. It promises nourishment from the most worldly to the sacred and the Divine. For if the ancient principle "As above so below" holds true, then we are also here to nourish God. This Rune calls for deep probing of the meaning of profit and gain in your life. Look with care to know wether it is wealth and possessions you require for your well-being, or rather self-rule and the growth of a will. Another concern of Fehu is to conserve what has already been gained. This Rune urges vigilence and continual mindfulness, especially in times of good fortune, for it is then that you are likely to collapse yourself into your success on the one hand, or behave recklessly on the other. Enjoy your good fortune and remember to share it, for the mark of the well-nourished self is the ability and willingness to nourish others.
    3. Do I dare to believe that my story is fully told?
      I think not.

      -R.A Salvatore, Drizzt Do'Urden
    4. Rune Gebo- Partnership, A Gift

      Drawing this Rune is an indication that partnership in some form is at hand. In love relationships, in business matters, in parnering of every kind, you are put on notice not to collapse yourself into that union. For true partnership is achieved only by separate and whole beings who retain their separateness even as they unite. Remember to let the winds of Heaven dance between you.
      At the same time, there is another aspect of partnership that you are being called to consider. For the path of partnership can lead you to the realization of a still greater union-union with the Higher Self, union with the Divine. The ultimate gift of this Rune is the realization of the Divine in all things: God always enters into equal partnerships. Gebo, the Rune of Partnership, has no Reverse, for it signifies the gift of freedom from which flow all other gifts.
    5. To die shall be an awfully big adventure. -J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan
    6. Rune Wunjo- Joy, Light

      Reversed meaning: Things are slow in coming to fruition. The process of birth is long and arduous, and fears arise for the safety of the child within. A crisis, a difficult passage, even if brief, is at hand. Consideration and deliberation are called for. Ask yourself wether you possess the virtues of seriousness, sincerity and emptiness; to possess them is to have tranquility, which is the ground for patience, clarity and perseverence.
      Seen in its true light, everything is a test. And so, focused in the present, sincere toward others and trusting in your self, know that you cannot fail.
      In times of crisis, Wunjo reversed is a useful meditation.
    7. I have never known that calm existence I so badly wanted. I cannot deny my life is better, a thousand times better, than anything I ever knew in the Underdark. And yet I cannot remember the last time I felt the anxiety, the inspiring fear, of impending battle, the tingling that can only come when a challenge must be met. Are we then creatures of action? Do we say that we desire these accepted cliches of comfort when, in fact, it is the challenge and the adventure that truly give us life? -R.A Salvatore, The Legacy
    8. Rune Raido - Journey, Communication

      Not intent on movement, be content to wait; while you wait, keep on removing resistances. As the obstruction gives way, all remorse arrising from trying to make things happen disappears.
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    About RunexOfxMine

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    About RunexOfxMine
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    I'm just a nineteen year old girl.
    I was born in Anchorage, Alaska.
    I've never left.
    I just graduated cosmetology school and am now taking a break while searching for work. I love being a hairdresser. Think of it what you will, but at the end of the day it's very fufilling.
    I've always been interested in lucid dreaming, since the age of thirteen or fourteen. My first brush of knowledge with it came when I read a book based mostly on astral projection and OBEs. It sparked a curiosity that has yet to die.
    Never the patient one, I have a hard time accomplishing things that require waiting and progessing. Something that takes someone one year will inevitably take me between three and five.
    Anyways, with age I grow more patient. I practice instead of throw myself into something. So here I am, trying to slowly learn how to become aware, instead of having sporadic and crazy LDs.
    But I've started rambling...
    I'll see you all in the forums.
    Anchorage, Alaska
    Lucid Dreaming, reading, guitar, music, hairdressing, tarot cards, runes, meditation, writing


    And yet I cannot remember the last time I felt the anxiety, the inspiring fear, of impending battle, the tingling that can only come when a challenge must be met. Are we then creatures of action? Do we say that we desire these accepted cliches of comfort when, in fact, it is the challenge and the adventure that truly give us life? -R.A Salvatore, The Legacy


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