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    About Ryudin
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    I'm a nerd, I grant you, but a nerd with purpose.

    It was on an internet learning binge last year that I found out about lucid dreaming, and I've since sort of tried every once in a while to do it, but never really committed to learning the art.

    I'd love to have some novel purpose for wanting to lucid dream. Say, some past love of mine died and the only way I could be with her was in my dreams. Sadly, I have nothing of the sort (and I've been single for a REALLY long time). I'm just greedy and interested in exploring and using my own subconscious.

    The day before I made this account I'd woken up after a long period of sleep and a wonderful dream. As is custom with good stories, I wanted to keep it going and somehow managed to do so, even retaining control of my dream and directing it as I would a movie.

    So begins my informal study of the world of lucid dreaming. Wish me luck, fellow internet delvers.
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    Too Much Gaming

    by Ryudin on 08-20-2010 at 11:54 PM
    I've been gaming a bit much recently, mainly via Orbiter, which is a space flight simulator designed for realism. I finally made a successful Hohmann transfer to Mars and (although I didn't quite land it successfully) had been congratulating myself all night.

    It's sad; no one really cares when you fly 25 million miles and bullseye your mark if it isn't real.

    Anyway, that's some good background information for what really was a fairly strange dream. The dream itself was riddled with moments of blurry lucidity, but I don't remember most of it.

    I was running from someone, I believe, and I jacked someone's car. In the typical manner of dreams, the scene shifted and I found myself in low Mars orbit (in a 'Vette). Actually making this landing flawlessly in a crater on the dark side of mars, I was set upon by some fairly strange monsters.

    This part was just like a combat scene in a video game. In fact, I remember some points where I was watching myself battle from an isometric view. There were crablike things, dark brown in color, who had six legs. There was a pteranodon sort of thing that apparently took a liking to me and for the rest of the dream was my companion and mount. Finally, there was a zombie-looking thing.

    I do remember a female voice telling me at some point that "Mars people are cavemen so you can't kill them", which made perfect sense at the time.

    Hearing the voice of reason, I headed toward an oval of light in the edge of the crater that I apparently hadn't noticed. As I flew through on my new pet, I was teleported to some crystalline cavern that looked a bit like Superman's Fortress of Solitude. There was a river and an archway that led out into a heavily treed world.

    It took on a vaguely MMORPG feel here, and I actually having a text-laden chat with another player. I showed off my pteranodon and she asked if it was a faculty thing and then walked away without finishing the conversation.

    That's where my memory drops off. I think there was a bridge, but other than that I've got nothing.

    Strange, writing a report on a dream that I barely remember. I hope that as my dreams get more vivid so will my explanations of them. Seems pretty boring at the moment.