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    The Giant Turtle

    by Sappy on 04-23-2011 at 07:15 PM
    After waking up and falling back to sleep a few times I had this dream.

    It was like one of those classic horror movies where the giant monster is on the horizon and everyone is running away. Except instead of Godzilla or a the Blob it was a giant turtle (maybe 15 ft tall). What was funny is that I was telling everyone to just keep running because its a turtle and we should be able to outrun it. While the giant turtle was approaching I was in my house with a DC that I didn't recognize. I was waiting for him because we were going to run from the beast. But instead he was to slow and we were inside my house and I could see the turtle outside my porch window. Eventually the turtle made it down to the milk house where a random DC attempted to tame the turtle by throwing a rein on it. He was unsuccessful. I was back at my house where then I say a giant baby walking around outside (maybe 20 ft tall) lol. I thought this just isn't right, and I realized I was dreaming.

    One weird thing that happened is that I don't think I did my regular RC's. This led to the disappearance of the two gigantic beasts. I went outside to work on some dream control. I was walking around and there where all these people that were looking at me from my porch (all I could see was their head) There was this hot Asian girl that was kinda checking me out, and I went to go talk to her and thats when I saw that they were all just heads on stakes or poles. It wasn't like gruesome more like mannequins. I was pretty weirded out by this. I attempted to give them bodies. I looked away thought that when I look back there will just be a bunch of people sitting on my porch. I looked back and the only thing that changed was the poles changed to flesh color. I tried one more time with no success. I gave up and went to my neighbors house. I was surprised to see that there were about a dozen mannequin like people (full body with a pole holding them up) just standing around outside. It was very weird. I saw a gas tank in my neighbors driveway and attempted to use some telekinesis to move it. I didn't really try to hard and had no success. I then walked to the road and tried stopping some cars. One thing that was cool is that I was standing in the road and jumped a car that was driving towards me. I stopped a car and the driver was someone I knew, Nicole. The thing is I haven't seen or talked to her in yrs and we weren't even really friends. She asked me if I wanted what she had for me I said yes. She acted as if we were about to have sex, I didn't want to (she isn't particularly attractive and I was focused on dream control) so I ignored here and tried to fly by jumping off the ground. (something I've never tried before) I was getting a few feet off the ground nothing crazy maybe 3-5 ft off the ground. Nicole then game me what she said she had for me. It was a pill that looked like it had a bite taken out of it. I took it and figured this pill will give me the ability to fly (a trick I read about here on dreamviews) I took the pill and started to walk done the shoulder of the road thinking that I was no going to have the ability to fly. As I was walking the dream started to collapse. I tried to stabilize it by rubbing my hands together, but everything was just going black. I then realized I was awake but everything was still black. I've never really had sleep paralysis before but I think this was my first. I couldn't move for a couple seconds and everything was still black. It was something that was uncomfortable for me. I regained the ability to move and was out of breath a little.

    The Forest (LD)

    by Sappy on 04-09-2011 at 11:05 PM
    I was running through a woods that had these weird colorful fuzzy plants. As I was running it occurred to me that these plants where not like anything I have ever seen before. I did a RC by holding my nose and trying to breath (my first time trying this RC and having it be in a dream). It was definitely a weird feeling, I also looked at my hands, first they appeared normal but at a second look they where all elongated and supper skinny. I also tried to push one of my fingers through my palm and as it was happening it felt to weird and I stopped. Once I realized I was dreaming I had to calm myself down due to the rush of excitement (3rd LD). I started to rub my hands together to help stabilize the dream and just look around. And then as I was about to explore the dream I was awoken by the telephone ringing. When I woke up I was pretty pissed that I was forced to wake up because I didn't even get to try any dream control, which is my ultimate goal.

    The Shootout/ The Speeding Ticket

    by Sappy on 03-24-2011 at 08:03 PM
    The Shootout

    I can only remember a few things from this dream but it was a lot longer and had a large storyline that I can't remember

    This dream was like a mix of a movie and a video game. From what I remember there was three "levels" i f it where but I can only remember the first one a little. Each "level" was like a puzzle in a room where I had to successfully kill DCs, that where bad guys. Each level had that amount of DCs in that room i.e. room one = one DC. In the first room there was a window and it was important to the "puzzle" for some reason. unfortunately I can't really remember anything else. I think I had a partner DC but can't say for sure.

    The Speeding Ticket

    These dreams suck for me because they involve my ex. I will call her K.

    At first I didn't really have a body. It was like watching a movie. There was a truck driving in my hometown that was accelerating. I could see the speedometer increasing. The truck was going to drive past the police station. Then I could see inside the cop car. The cops had a radar gun and clocked the truck at 250 mph. When the cops pulled the truck over I found myself in the driver seat of the pulled over truck. I was extremely nervous because I don't think you get a ticket for 250 mph in the city lol. But somehow things changed. I was in a different car behind the truck in where the post office parking lot is. One cop went about 20-25 feet in front of the car and pulled out a shotgun on the speeding truck. I was now out of my car and standing behind the truck. The cop told me to open the passenger side door and the driver not to move. I opened the door and I'm not sure when i noticed that the driver was K. i never say her face directly but i could see the back of her head and part of her face in the rear view mirror. I felt joy that she was in trouble and in this situation. (She cheated on me after 3 yrs) I don't know when she realized it was me who was behind her, but then I found myself smiling and she could see I was smiling. I walked back to my car trying to process what just happened and how to feel about the whole thing. Then I woke up.

    The Cube/ Going in Circles/ The Massacre in the Barn

    by Sappy on 03-23-2011 at 08:49 PM
    The Cube

    There was earlier stuff to my dream but the first thing I'm able to explain is that I was in a weird dungeon /industrial room. I was sitting in on a bench holding some sort of cube. There where DCs that where authorities were walking towards me (police officers I think). I knew that the cube I was holding contained incriminating evidence (I don't remember if it was of me or not). I tried to hide the cube in the space where the back of the bench meets the seat. I was removed from my seat by the men walking toward me and they searched where I hide the cube and removed it with. They where very pleased with their confiscation of the item. I don't remember what happened next.

    Going in Circles

    Another dream I remember a little about (I don't remember if it was connected to the dream explained above) involved my friend Ripply (Rip), this is the first occurrence of him in a dream I can remember. He was having me follow him around in this house where we kept going from one room to another but making a big circle. It seemed like we were in a hurry for something but he couldn't decide which part of the house to exit, so when we got to one exit of the house he would decide another exit was better and we would keep going in circles, I think there was another DC following us, as in with us, but not anyone I knew. It was my opinion that we leave the part of the house that was closer to the car, but i either didn't voice my opinion or Rip didn't listen. I don't remember leaving the house or not.

    Another dream I had was very intense.
    The Massacre in the Barn

    I was in my barn and there were people locked inside the heifer pen in my barn, there where Libyans I believe. I was outside of the pen talking to them, I don't remember about what. One of the men inside the pen gave me a card, it was some sort of government issued card. I noticed that there was a mistake on the date. the years where wrong on the month of Dec. it said 2013 instead of 2012 for the next year. The card was some kind of reimbursement or 'get out of jail' card, it was important. But the incorrect date would void the card. I went to talk to someone about this and their was a guard of sorts, with other men now watching the men in the pen. There where a lot more DCs now. I was able to argue that the guard fix the mistake on the mans card. I was able to convince the man to do so. I showed the guard the card, this is when I had an opportunity to go lucid, because when i showed the guard the card I was unable to make out the dates, they where blurry and out of focus. Instead of doing a RC I just ignored it and told myself that I had the dates right After giving the guard the card I went back to the pen, very pleased with myself for what I had done. I had made some exclamation about I should do this for a living. After a short time shit hit the fan. The guards watching the men in the pen had started to open fire. The pens where now open and people where fleeing for there lives. The door that is right next the the heifer pen was semi open. I tried to get out through the barn door and only got my top half through due to the mass of people trying to exit. I could here the gunshots and was terrified that my legs where going to get shot. I could hear the gunshots from the semi-automatic assault rifles and tried and tried to push through. Looking back I think I was stretching my body pushing so hard to get through. I finally got free and ran the other way a lot of the other men were running. I went behind the barn and looped all the way back to my house. I do not recall seeing anyone get shot but i knew it had to happen because it was like shooting fish in a barrel. The last thing I remember is looking at my house.

    The Barn/ First LD with Dream Control - The Pool Cues

    by Sappy on 03-23-2011 at 08:07 AM
    A short dream during a nap.
    The Barn

    I was in my barn looking at where the basketball court is and there was a male DC and a female DC that had a living room of sorts set up. I did not interact with either character but simply observed hem. The woman was angry at the man, but not showing, it for some reason. She decided to leave the man, in a I'm going to a hotel for the night. The man did not seem affected by this. his attention was on something else, he was watching T.V. but thats not where his attention was. little was said between the two, but i felt I completely understood the situation at the time. As the women was leaving and I could see her better, I saw her face was a little disfigured. As she left the barn I woke up.

    This dream occurred about two weeks before this one
    The Pool Cues

    I have been training myself to ask on a regular basis if I am dreaming. No real method but to just look around and see if stuff makes sense. It turned out that one of the times I asked myself this question I was dreaming. I was in some sort of pool hall/mining site. I thought this can't be right and I realized I was dreaming. While in the pool hall I wanted to try and control my dream. Being a Star Wars fan I began with trying to lift a pool cue via the force. I struggled at the beginning but eventually had moderate success. My best attempt was lifting a pool cue, moving it to a table about 15 ft away and attempting to make, i believe it was the one ball. I got the cue to the table but before I could make the shot Someone walked in front of me and I got distracted. After this I thought it would be cool to turn one of the pool cues into a light saber. I was unsuccessful after a few attempts, though I did swing the pool cue into another one and i cut it in half. I later ended up in a sports bar and kinda forgot I was dreaming. There was a football game on TV that was a little different and thats the last thing I remember happening.

    Updated 03-24-2011 at 07:26 AM by Sappy

    lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment