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    About scarfaceone
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    I am a Furry, a Brony and a Gamer, and I want to learn the art of Lucid Dreaming. Mainly because I am obsessed with exploring the world, I also have Autism, so go easy on me, I know a lot of things about Dreams. And I remember a lot of them.

    Lucid Dreaming can let us carry out revenge, explore the world, compete and eat without any of the complications.
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    Dream about an angry orange cat

    by scarfaceone on 06-10-2016 at 09:13 AM
    OK, so I had this dream today, about a cat, similar to Burger from the ''Angry Cat Video'', Orange Tabby.

    Basically, I went to this house, and this is the second time this house has appeared in my dreams. And my sister, who is a lesbian, and her fiancee were there, so were my cousins, the cat was clinging to me, and it actually felt like a centipede, rather than the normal claws in. It was quite an angry cat, that I was scared of the other ones, but apparently they were friendly cats.

    Yesterday, because of my Tourettes, I was actually meowing like an angry cat, possible realization of my Animal Nature? As a furry, I always thought I had Wolf in me. Now I feel like I have cat like qualities.

    The route to the house was scary as well, I have Lepidopterophobia, or Mottephobia, a fear of Moths and Butterflies, so I had to take a safe way to the route to the house as there were some Moths and Butterflies on the route to the house.

    Anyways, does this reveal my spirit animal as a cat, or half cat half wolf?
    nightmare , non-lucid

    Old Dream I had about Narnia

    by scarfaceone on 06-02-2016 at 09:40 AM
    This is an old dream, 15 April 2011. About Narnia, or a Forest similar to it.

    Basically, I was in Narnia, playing amidst the autumn forest with the foxes or something, and there was a lake, possibly a war going on, and I remember running. But at least at first the dream was tranquil, I can't recall it too clearly so the events may be wrong.
    non-lucid , memorable

    Slenderman and Puppet from FNAF Dream

    by scarfaceone on 06-02-2016 at 09:34 AM
    I Had a weird, non-lucid dream about Slenderman and the Puppet from FNAF. I played a version of Slender that had a ''Nice Mode'' which allowed the character to be a green marionette-esque character, other weird things in the dream involved me running in fields and whatnot, I think, I don't remember all of it. But I have lots of dreams about Giygas from Earthbound.

    And that's it.
    non-lucid , nightmare

    Seemingly First Lucid Attempt

    by scarfaceone on 05-31-2016 at 08:47 AM
    OK, so the dream started like this. I was at a Concert, it isn't clear which band, I Don't remember anything about the concert that much. But after, I was in this weird location with lots of mattresses and beautiful women, I looked into a window with these women having a dinner party, it then told me that this place was a special place for people to have sex with women.

    After This, I was in my School Corridor for some reason, and, I realized, ''Wait a Minute, I'm Dreaming!'', and tried to run to my School Courtyard and Summon Down a Mech. But I don't think I've got the hang of it yet, I need more training, more reality checks, I need to try and make my dreams properly lucid. But it feels weird when you attempt it.

    Any Tips?

    Also, there's no category for Semi-Lucid,
    lucid , non-lucid

    Disturbing dream I had about a woman I knew

    by scarfaceone on 05-27-2016 at 09:43 PM
    OK, so I Had this Disturbing Dream last week about a woman I knew. Basically, the woman, who I do not wish to name, was one of my old carers who I had a crush on, sort of. And basically in the dream, I went to one of my favourite shopping centres(or malls), and she was luring me to different shops, the GAME shop there had black walls instead, and I rung up her mother, who I also knew as one of my Teachers, and asked what year she was born, she said 1982, making her 34.

    The scary thing about this dream, was, even though I'm getting over this woman really well, was that I couldn't control my willpower, and it suddenly came out of nowhere, why I picked up the phone. It's so wierd, does this mean anything? I've barely got her in my head and I've been getting over her when suddenly this dream appeared.

    It's disturbing, I must admit.

    Updated 05-29-2016 at 11:14 AM by scarfaceone

    non-lucid , nightmare , memorable