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    29 Visitor Messages

    1. View Conversation
      Happy birthday man ! hope u get anything u want.

      alles gute
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      I have a DJ...
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      YES! I did it again!
    4. View Conversation
      I keep doing this, sometimes I end up RCing, but this time I was absolutely convinced that it was a dream, so I turned over, then did and RC en was like 'crap, I screwed it up again!'
    5. View Conversation
      ROFL at the last one, I don't remember my dream, I think I focus too much on it when I wake up, usually I can remember it once I let my mind wander a little, but notlast night. I did have quite a weird experience with SP, than screwed it up because I thought it was a dream and I could move, turned out to be reality....
    6. View Conversation
      Did you have any interesting dreams last night?
    7. View Conversation
      Thanks for adding me.
    8. View Conversation
      I remember my vegetarian arch-enemy baking schnitzels... that's all (not really strange, he's in my class and he has no problem COOKING meat...)
    9. View Conversation
      awesome, i dreamed about coocking class but i can't remember enough to write it in my DJ...
    10. View Conversation
      first time, it was because i woke up (false awakening??) and got back to sleep. second time i was playing pokemon, that was strange enough to make me lucid, xDD.
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    About Schlachtfeld

    Basic Information

    Date of Birth
    June 21
    About Schlachtfeld
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    I'm an information leech and nothing pleases me more than going to the ends of the Earth to learn something new. My subjects of heightened interest are psychology, genetics, psychoanalytic studies. In addition to this, I usually remember most of what I learn.

    I love reading anything I can get my hands on, especially action/adventure fantasy books and encyclopedias. In addition to that, I've an avid story writer and I draw my inspiration from the knowledge I've gathered and the dreams I have at night.

    I also quite enjoy shooting for sport. I especially enjoy using the AR-15 and sniper rifles. I love video games, 4-wheeling, and people-watching as well. Music-wise, I love rock and I barely stray from it.
    Country Flag:
    A Parallel Universe
    Reading, writing, listening to music (Tokio Hotel), analyzing human behavior, studying psychology...
    How you found us:


    "If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world" - C.S. Lewis

    Goals: Attain Sleep Paralysis!!! [X]
    Attain Sleep Paralysis ON PURPOSE [ ]
    Lucid Dreams: DILDs: 3 WILDs: 0
    Lucid Dream Goals: Control Fire [X] Summon a DC [X]


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    View Schlachtfeld's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Surprise DILD and it ROCKED

    by Schlachtfeld on 02-26-2011 at 09:56 PM
    So I had this big long dream and it resulted in me hanging out at the house I lived in as a child. I was climbing the stairs which were above the living room when i fell backwards and landed at the bottom. I tried to put my shoes back on because apparently they fell off, but for some reason i was having trouble getting the shoes on. As I was halfway up the staircase, I suddenly realized "Hey, wait a minute. I'm dreaming! I don't have to do this." So the first thing I thought to do was hold out my hand, snap my fingers, and hope fire would appear. To my excitement, it did! I could feel the warmth of the flames, and of course I started shooting flames everywhere. Then I tried web-slinging like spiderman but it didn't work. So i went back to my fire fun

    Then I looked down at the living room couch and decided to try to summon a DC. It took a lot of concentration and it was tough, but BOOM he appeared on my couch. So i hopped down the stairs and sat next to him on the couch. Note to all people: in a lucid dream, do be careful of what you think because you may make something happen by accident XD Why do I say this? Well for some reason in the dream I was thinking about rape (I have no idea why O_o) but when I did, the DC i summoned attempted to rape me. (Isn't that delightful...) He had my arms down but I woke up.

    Man, I love lucid dreams.

    Dream Spiders are Bigger Spiders O_O

    by Schlachtfeld on 02-12-2011 at 10:39 PM
    I hate dreaming about spiders. They're the worst DX

    So I was at my mom's house with her and my sister Amy. Every once in a while a big spider would scuttle across the floor and they were popping up more and more frequently. Then a big, lanky, hairless, sky-blue spider with a white hourglass-shaped mark on its back (like a black widow's mark) bit my sister. I had to drive her to the hospital and the car I was in had no roof. It didn't feel like a car; it felt more like a horse and buggy but without the horse.
    As I was driving I kept running into all these obstacles and I kept hitting other cars and driving off. Once I was ran into the curb by another car so a bunch of race cars could go by! I was getting really frustrated. My sister's bite was cold to the touch, which was a good thing because it meant the venom wasn't spreading quickly. When we finally got to the hospital, the bite was growing warm, which was bad. I woke up before we went inside.

    Man, I'm itching for another lucid dream! DX
    I can only attempt to WILD twice a week and I've never succeeded yet. I need a method to try in the meantime...-_-
    non-lucid , nightmare

    Twas a Dream? Or SP?

    by Schlachtfeld on 01-27-2011 at 05:14 PM
    Ok I think I woke up in sleep paralysis again last night, but I'm not sure. I woke up for something, then drifted back to sleep. I believe I woke up again and was staring at the backs of my eyelids. I thought I heard the rustling of a plastic bag along with the voice of my stepbrother call my name. But when I heard it, I immediately thought "Don't look. It isn't real." So I kept my eyes shut and sure enough I started feeling waves of strong vibrations which got more intense, then died down, then got intense again, and so on. I thought I must be in SP and tried to put myself in a dream. It didn't work, and I eventually I got up. Thing is, I was thinking like I normally do when I'm awake and I thought I got up and moved, even though I really didn't. How much do you want to bet that if I looked at my hands when I 'got up' that they would blur or melt away or something and I would be in a lucid dream?

    But when I got up for real, I questioned that maybe I just dreamt the entire thing, but the vibrations felt so real and my thoughts were clear. I told myself "I must be in SP". I'm not sure; what do you all think?

    I Dream I Can't Forget

    by Schlachtfeld on 01-23-2011 at 01:23 AM
    This dream is one I had quite a while back. I remember it pretty clearly because it was so out of character for me. Here we go, short and sweet:

    I was in a narrow field that was bordered by woods on both sides. (It's a real place, by the way. It's behind a friend of mine's house). It was dark but I could see everything clearly. Across the narrow field was the wooden part of a tractor's trailer and it was full of hay. (It's used for hayrides during Halloween time) Standing in front of the wagon is Tom Kaulitz, the guitarist of my favorite band. So I stroll up behind him...and begin violently beating him unconscious with a rusty shovel I don't know why I did it, but I did and I won't forget it XD

    I feel awful for hurting him. So much so that when I have another lucid dream, I'll find him and apologize XD
    nightmare , memorable , non-lucid

    First DJ Entry - Natural Lucid Dream

    by Schlachtfeld on 01-22-2011 at 10:31 PM
    So I've decided to start a dream journal. For my first entry, I will describe a recent natural lucid dream, which I don't get very often at all. So it was a pleasant surprise.

    I was in one of my classrooms up at the teacher's desk. The teacher was either an actual teacher of mine or my mother; I think it kept switching between the two. I was talking to her, and suddenly thought something along the lines of "Wait a minute, I'm dreaming. Holy crap, I'm lucid! I gotta post this on DreamViews! ". So then I decided to see if I could control anything. The teacher was talking, and I wanted to talk, so I thought "Stop talking now. Shut up." And the teacher stopped talking. I'm not sure if it was really me that did it or if she just finished her sentence but I felt pretty accomplished.

    Next I was walking down a corridor (the whole place looked like the Hogwart's castle) and I thought "Ok so-and-so will be standing around that corner when I get there." It didn't work, but I guess I didn't really expect it to since I've never tried controlling a dream before, even when I did have a natural lucid dream. The dream ended with navigating an extensive tower full of staircases. Then I woke up.

    I'd say it was a pretty successful dream. I've been remembering a lot of dreams lately and I'm loving it, except a few of them have been really scary