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    My 4th lucid dream

    by Scratch on 01-22-2011 at 12:09 PM
    As it has always been for me with the lucid dreams, since the beginning of the dream I had the feeling that something was wring or weird. I am in my appartment and it's pretty dark, I remember clearly the shape of the room I'm in, but I don't remember seeing any furniture or anything, and it's semi-darkness, I don't know where the light is coming from. Suspecting I might dream, I look at my hand but it seems normal. I don't want to give up and keep staring at it, and then suddenly a sixth finger appears like it grows from one of the others, and it starts to move weirdly around. Now I am sure I am dreaming and I'm not too excited or anything, and think what I should do. I remember I wanted to try to summon T, and I go towards the bathroom thinking that she will be there when I open the door. Thinking back about it though, I don't think I tried hard enough, and I was hurrying too much.

    When I open the door the light is on but she is not there, but I'm not that disappointed and just think of something else to do. The mirror above my sink is gone, and I remember reading that mirrors are weird in dreams, and decide I want to see how I look like. There is a huge mirror in my shower, and I just look at it and see myself. I'm wearing the same clothes as the day before, the blue shirt with snowflake and red trousers, and there is something wrong with the reflection, but it's not as bad as I thought. I think my head is slightly deformed or something, but my hair and body look pretty much normal. I'm not sure I remember seeing my reflection move though, now it seems like it was some kind of a picture. Then I get bored and walk out of the bathroom and say something like "Dream guide, let's meet", but this obviously doesn't work either.

    Then after that I just woke up or lost the lucidity, but I remember dreaming about posting the LD here, though I'm not sure if it was the next dream or if I just lost it and then continued to normally dream that dream again.

    It was pretty cool though, even though it was just a minute long or so, but trying to summon T and my dream guide were two of my goals, and the most important ones. And I'm happy I tried the mirror.