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    1. PRtitohp5
      PRtitohp5 liked post by ShadowLilla On thread : Hello everyone
      Thanks! I have no clue what you mean by oneironaut, but whatever :D. Yeah, I guess I was lucky for discovering LDing that young, as learning is easier for kids and stuff (though I still have a lot to...
      Liked On: 06-17-2017, 02:49 PM
    2. Verre
      Verre liked post by ShadowLilla On thread : Hello everyone
      Hi! I've visited this forum anonymously every now and then for wayyy too long, but now I finally got the motivation to create my own account. I'm a 13 year old girl (born in 2003 tho) from Finland...
      Liked On: 06-17-2017, 06:18 AM
    3. Letaali
      Letaali liked post by ShadowLilla On thread : Hello everyone
      Hi! I've visited this forum anonymously every now and then for wayyy too long, but now I finally got the motivation to create my own account. I'm a 13 year old girl (born in 2003 tho) from Finland...
      Liked On: 06-17-2017, 01:43 AM
    4. Letaali
      Letaali liked blog post by ShadowLilla On : Basic ToTM #1 and flying
      At first I was outside near my house and there were random people there. For some reason, they were a threat to me. I can't really remember this part. However, I realized it was a dream (there was no...
      Liked On: 06-17-2017, 01:39 AM
    5. Letaali
      Letaali liked post by ShadowLilla On thread : Task of the Month for June 2017
      I did the Basic Task i and made a DJ entry, but I don't know how to do that spoiler thing...I feel dumb. Someone tell me and I'll edit this. And I could have linked the DJ entry but apparently I...
      Liked On: 06-17-2017, 01:36 AM
    6. woblybil
      woblybil liked post by ShadowLilla On thread : Task of the Month for June 2017
      I did the Basic Task i and made a DJ entry, but I don't know how to do that spoiler thing...I feel dumb. Someone tell me and I'll edit this. And I could have linked the DJ entry but apparently I...
      Liked On: 06-17-2017, 12:07 AM
    7. spellbee2
      spellbee2 liked post by ShadowLilla On thread : Hello everyone
      Thanks! I guess I could (try to) give RCs another try. It would be great to get more LDs:D.
      Liked On: 06-16-2017, 06:54 PM
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    View ShadowLilla's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Cycling | Spaceship in a void + LD | DEILD Basic TOTM and more | DEILD a man with a moth stand

    by ShadowLilla on 06-11-2018 at 10:15 AM
    I've been trying to became lucid after last Wednesday, but these last days I've only recalled one or two normal dreams/night. Until today, when I finally became lucid. I got two normal dreams and three LDs. One dream was both. I also succeeded in a TOTM, the basic one about complimenting a DC. Here are my dreams:

    Normal dream 1: I am cycling in my neighbourhood. I'm using my phone to watch YouTube videos at the same time. I don't remember what I was watching. There is a forest by the road. I see boys my age/older. I cycle the same route over and over again. The dream is foggy?? and I can't remember it fully.

    Normal dream 2: I can't remember the start of the dream fully, but I was in some kind of ship and was in danger of bombs or something. We have to go to the deck or atleast somewhere up to escape the danger. I find my three cousins and my aunt from their room. The walls are red. I tell them that we need to go. My aunt and the oldest cousin come and my aunt is already rushing up. I tell my other younger cousins to hurry up. I'm scared of a bomb. They come and we go to the deck (different scene). I think that we're safe. We are in space/ a dark and purple void?? You can fall of easily, there's no fence or anything. It's hard to describe. I see another ship in the dark. I think we are going towards it. I realise that it's not safe after all, because that ship is our rival and whoever is commanding our ship wants to start fighting with it. The other ship has canyons. I almost go back inside to find a safer place. I don't want to fall into the void. I'm scared but calm myself by remindig that I can just wake up if something bad happens. I know it's a dream and became lucid.
    Lucid dream 1 (DILD): I don't do a RC. I try to teleport to a safer place by closing my eyes and thinking of another place. First I think of my neighbourhood but decide that I don't want to go there and switch to my school. I wake up accidentally.

    I stay still and imagine my school. Soon I'm inside a dream.
    Lucid dream 2 (DEILD): I'm in the school yard. There are lots of people with dogs. I'm a little above them for some reason. In the dream I think that they are there because of a dream I just had, but it's not actually true. I remember wanting to compliment a DC because I have thought a lot about it when awake. I say (in Finnish) "Your dogs are nice and cute. Be proud of them." I said it to the crowd and not one DC. At first they didn't react at all and I became worried, but then they said "Thank you", as if they were just one DC. Then want to stabilize the dream. I forgot to do it in the beginning. I touch the ground (I'm not above the DCs anymore). It's sand. I take some of it and brush my hands against each other. The quality of the dream is kinda good, but not as great as last Wednesday. I wish it was better. I remember reading about how you are more likely to recall the dream in the morning if you try to remember things from the waking life. Or something like that. I remember my whole name. I try to remember things about last week, because a YouTuber had said it would be impossible in a dream. I remember that last week was the first free week after school ending and that I ate certain food. I don't think I could have remembered the food thing while awake... Then I look at the sky. Another Youtuber had said that it should look like a painting and I wanted to prove (to myself??) that my sky was normal. Well the sky isn't a painting but there's a message. It looks like it's written by hand. I'm afraid that it's something creepy. It's in English even though I speak Finnish. It said "Hey I'm the one reading your diary. -You" or something. It's clearly a direct message from my subconsciusness...It isn't as creepy as I thought it would be. Instead I find it super cool. The U in "You" was unfinished. I wake up.

    I imagine the school again.
    Lucid dream 3 (DEILD): I'm closer to the actual school than last dream. I'm flying. There's a stand and an old man. The stand is about a moth. It has a forest backround and pictures. I'm scared that it's something dangerous or creepy. The man shows me the moth. It's a green moth until you flip it and it's a blue btterfly. In the pictures it's only a blue moth. It's big. I don't fly away because I'm losing lucidity. The man convinces me that the moth is harmless and I let it fly to my chest. I don't control the dream enough and the dream unstabilizes. I wake up.

    So those were my dreams last night. Now that I am awake I realised that the man in the last dream was in one of my nightmares... He had a stand (I hope it's the right word) in that dream too... That nightmare is in my DJ here if you're intrested. I need to talk to him next time I see him.

    Updated 06-11-2018 at 10:32 AM by ShadowLilla

    lucid , non-lucid , memorable , task of the month

    I'm back & I had 4 LDs last night

    by ShadowLilla on 06-06-2018 at 11:12 AM
    Yay. I did not visit this forum for soo long. But I didn't have a break from LDs. Recalling my breams and writing my DJ is luckily a habit for me so I wrote down at least a few dreams every week (5-10 dreams maybe) and even got LDs every now and then. I wanted to get LDs but because of school I either couldn't have them or they were not really worth it when I sometimes had them. So up until now I only tried to get LDs on the weekends. I tried to have WILDs whenever I happened to wake up during my sleep but never succeeded.

    But now I'm on summer holiday. Because I don't have to wake up for school I get more sleep and LDs are easier for me. I can finally focus on this more . I'm hoping for LDs to be like a "summer hobby" for me, thought obviously I would love to continue having good LDs when school starts, if I succeed in summer of course. I'm looking forward to it.

    I got four LDs last nights, two of them remotely better than the other two. I didn't do anything great on any of them but the better ones were finally vivid. It was a great feeling after only having bad LDs for so long. I stabilized the dreams by brushing my hands on the walls nearby. The biggest things I did were making a fence disappear, flying and trying to call people with my phone.
    lucid , side notes

    A weird nightmare & a LD after a while

    by ShadowLilla on 09-15-2017 at 05:35 PM
    So, I have been trying to get LDs since I got more motivation for that. I have been trying DILD (with MILD kind of) but one night I accidentally almost got a WILD. Too bad I wasn't prepared and didn't realize what was happening so I moved... Too bad, because it would have been super easy to get to the WILD from there. But now, let's just get to the dream I had tonight:

    I was in some park. There were trees and a stand of some kind in front of me. The stand was owned/run by some old guy. He was standing in front of the stand. That old guy was a bad guy somehow. He didn't do anything. He just told me that he was bad. It was something spiritual. I think some other bad creatures were supposed to come after me or something, I don't remember (the dream wasn't really clear). I just felt/knew that everything wasn't right even tought the guy didn't even fight me yet (very typical logic nonsense for my dreams sometimes...). I decided to avoid all that and just try to wake up. The scenery went a little foggy ro something after that decision. It was like Minecraft with low graphics. But because I soon realised that it was obviously a dream if I was trying to wake up, I decided to start flying away instead. It was a LD after that. The scenery was really unclear. Too bad I heard the guy's voice in my head. He said he would be "asking guestions" during my dream. I didn't want it at all (even though now I wish I knew what he would have asked) so I told him to be quiet. It didn't work right away and I was going to say it again but then my alarm rang. Yay.

    Okay I honestly don't care that I woke up because the LD sucked. I only slept for six hours last night so that mich be the reason for that. I just hope that this nice memory of succeeding gets me a better LD this weekend.
    lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , side notes

    My family moved | My birthday party

    by ShadowLilla on 08-31-2017 at 11:53 AM
    I had two dreams last night. I'm working to get LDs, but didn't get any this time. It's only natural, since I only just got my motivation truly back. Here are the dreams:

    1# My family moved back to a certain house (not a house I have lived IRL). I did not like it at all. It was a detached house, but it wasn't done yet. It's yard had sand and not grass and stuff. The house was yellow. It was a little dark inside because it didn't have that many windows. It's roof was very low. It was weird and uncomfortable. I didn't like the houses location. Other houses weren't very close and there was a lot of long grass outside. It was like if the house wasI on a beach or something. I tried to imagine normal daily life in that house, but it was hard. I didn't think I could enjoy it. There was also something about the area that bothered me. Two guys were killed within nine days (I don't know what the "within nine days" meant but that's what I was told in the dream). It had something to do with a company that my dad was working for in the dream. Great.

    2# It was my birthday. I was having a party in a park in a certain city (not revealing what city because of reasons). I was going to the area with my family. Many finnish YouTubers were there. They were going to have a gig (if that's the world). I saw my favourite YouTuber there and I went to take a photo. I told her she was my first idol I've had. She had her dog with her. Some guys started playing. I recognized some of them. I didn't like the music. It was just lame. Others didn't like it either. There were many people from my school in the park, but they didn't talk to me. No wonder, because I had an ugly pink dress. I also had way more weight and was just uglier than IRL imo. It was all just weird and lame. I went to eat. There was some woman there. I think I talked to her. I saw my crush in a large group behind the stage. Yes, behind the stage... No one liked the music. I talked to someone about the music.

    A game, a whale on the beach | Huge trees, AoT and my crush and his friends

    by ShadowLilla on 08-30-2017 at 05:27 PM
    Okay, that's a great title but whatever. AoT means Attack on Titan (or SnK/Shingeki no Kyojin) if you're wondering. What's important about it now is that it's basically titans versus humans. (Go watch it. Contains a little blood tho. A little). But yeah, I guess being inactive here is a habit for me now. I haven't got LDs after my last DJ entry (too long ago) but I've still been active enough with my dream recalling imo. Active enough means at least one dream per day. Last week I had nine dreams in total, a week before that it was 12, a week before that...six?? And a week before that it was 13. Good enough for me. But here are my dreams from last night:

    1# I was in a game. Or "game", because it's graphics were way too realistic. My dad was there too. He had made the game. Yeah. We were on a beach. It was sunny. There was only a little water where we were standing. Like, only a puddle. I don't remember if anything happened before this, but there was a whale. It obviously wasn't under water but in a puddle if even that. It was still alive. I was looking at it. It was very small compared to a real whale. It was gray, black or blue. Not sure anymore. Then I realized that you shouldn't go too near it for some reason. It was something relevant in the game. I was too late. Somehow the whale "threw" me in the air and ate me. It had a big mouth. I saw it from a third perspective so it wasn't scary. It was a game over. I think you could respawn after that, but the dream ended.

    2# I was in a forest. The trees were very big. There were supposed to be titans, but I didn't see any. There were other people including my crush and some people that were his friends. There was a "hole" in one of the trees. Like a cave. That's how big the trees were. Or then we were small. There were red ladders in front of the "cave". We were analyzing if titans could climb to the "cave". Then we went inside. There were some furniture. We did...something. I'm not sure. We went outside too.
    non-lucid , side notes