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    Im a table and bar magician for bars and nightclubs... yay!
    Cambridge City, Indiana, United States
    Magic Magic The hand is always quicker then the eye!
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    From making games with chalk to UFO's

    by Shakingace on 09-01-2010 at 03:44 PM
    Ok so I went a WHOLE day without sleep so I decided to catch up yesterday and this morning. It was a long and stressful day (not going into details) but never the less I had woken up many times and gone back to sleep to give myself tons of dreams. Most are fragmented but some I remember with detail. All are non-lucid.

    First: I was in a parking lot in the middle of nowhere with someone who i dont know their name but seemed familiar. I had a idea for a new game. I had chalk in my hand and i ran around in circles forming spirals and I couldnt touch the lines or i had to circle around and form another spiral... then I had like 6 spirals and i could cut over across them by the centers of the spirals... i dont know how else to explain that.. lol...

    Second: I was in a office and it was my office I had nothing to do and i was bored sitting there at my desk. I went down the hall to this black ladys office and walked in. She seemed really busy and I had asked her if there was anything I could do and she replied oh my god I am so busy and I need a break. Then she showed me what she was doing. It was multiplying 12800 times 700 and problems like that... She walked out and I saw a calculator ... well it formed a error cause the problem was too large to fit... so i began to do it on the laptop next to me. Then i got up walked down the hall way to the end... I opened the door infront of me and it was a small room overlooking a intersection in a woods... there were several people there... in the room with me. I explained to them it would be awesome if we put a drag racing tree on top of the roof and we could have the cars drag race.

    Third: I was in a car going over a bridge. I was looking out the side of the car and spotted 2 UFO's in the sky slowly coming down near the water and hovering over the water very close I could see the UFO's sway and balance. We continued to drive across the bridge and stopped on the other side...I could see people or aliens inside the ship through the glass I got out and a stealth bomber was taking off near me at a runway and I watched it go into the sky and disappear in the sun and reappear as it turned... it was skinny and like a bird. I then walked into what seemed to be a building waiting room. There was a grandfather and his grandson sitting in there talking about the UFO's I saw and was saying they were run by the government and they were picking up submarines. The UFO's cloaked the submarines and they hung underneath the UFO's... that is what they said anyway.

    Second Lucid! City Cartoon Scape

    by Shakingace on 08-26-2010 at 04:26 PM
    I am so excited that it hasnt even been a week and I have had my second lucid dream!

    I started in a house like a country style house, very nice and detailed. It had a lot of mirrors and things and all I remember from this point is that I was walking frantically back and forth and I had went to the back room and turned around and walked into the hallway. Then I stopped in front of a mirror and looked at myself. I was a old man. Then it hit me that I was in a dream! The feeling of it changing from non lucid to lucid was amazing I can feel the change in my brain. I then turned back into myself and felt myself coming out of the dream. Then I spun around right quick and everything was great. Spinning for me is the best which I found out from my first lucid dream. I put my hands up and concentrated on them but i did that just in case lol. Well then I ran down the hall and I think i felt myself coming out again and I spun around while running. Then there was a glas door leading outside and I went outside and there was a tree. Well I told myself I wanted to be in a city after I woke up from my last lucid dream so I was walking in a circle around this tree and I wanted a door to appear. Then the branched hung really low so as I was walking the door appeared from a low hanging branch (hard to explain) I then saw something through the door but it wasnt the city scape I wanted. I began to think about the city scape and walk around it one more time. Then I looked through it again and i still didnt see what I wanted but i walked through anyway (The door didnt have a door door... it was just the frame) When I walked through I saw a cartoony style landscape and purple trees and wierd odd things I cant really remember. Then I looked to my right and saw my city scape but it was alll cartoony and there was futuristic style cars and flying cars and like 4 or 5 levels of sidewalks floating. Then I concertrated on the grass I was standing on. It was really cartoony and fake looking. I nelt down and looked at it and it was all pixlelated and weird looking. I was disappointed cause I was expecting a realistic landscape. Then I woke up unfortunately. Oh another thing I felt my dream really unstable... I cant describe the feeling I felt I knew I was lucid and at the vurge of waking up but I wasnt sure how to get in my dream completely without that feeling. I could feel myself breathing and things it was such a odd feeling. Yet again I felt myself laying in bed yet I was standing in my dream.

    Frist Lucid Dream! :D

    by Shakingace on 08-23-2010 at 04:05 AM
    I had just got done hitting a guy in the face when I walk through a metal door into what seemed to be a warehouse with a lot of semi truck docks. I was standing beside a guy who I dont know who he was. Then for some reason I realize Im dreaming. It hit me so suddenly I said Oh my god im dreaming! to the guy, and began running past all of the docks. I passed a worker and put my hands up and yelled IM DREAMING to the guy as I ran by. I then began to feel myself start to wake up so I first remember to concentrate on my hands I put my hands up and when I look at them I see them start to crack and split open like they were burning away and started to feel the effects of waking up more so I think fast and remember spinning, I spin around one time and I am back into my dream. I stand there and realize that I can feel my real body the one laying in bed and I can feel my position Im laying in, yet I know im standing in my dreamworld. I then run over to a door and open it to a nice outdoor landscape and there is a cement ramp with stairs and a rail. Well I think to myself I have ALWAYS wanted to fly in my dreams and never had the chance. So I think to myself I can fly and jump over the railing and begin to fly to a hill I see. I remember trying to go higher in the sky but I couldnt control myself. Then I crash into the hill softly. I am on my knees and I touch the grass with my hands and feel how real it seems and say Oh my god it looks so real! It was so vivid and realistic and I knew I was in a dream yet amazed by the detail. I then thought okay I want to close my eyes and when I open them be in a city. Well I close my dream eyes and when I open them I open my real eyes, and wake up. I was so happy to have my first lucid. Yet as I sat there I thought to myself am I still dreaming? But unfortunately I wasnt still dreaming.