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    Had My First LD!

    by Shelli on 03-30-2015 at 01:23 PM
    It was awesome! But pretty short.

    I had no intention of having a lucid dream last night. In fact, I haven't thought about it in quite some time. But last night I woke up to use the bathroom and couldn't get back to sleep even though I was sleepy. I even got out of the bed to check the clock in the kitchen. Afterward I finally fell asleep.

    My dream started off kinda crazy. I was in a very tall building falling to my death in a runaway elevator. I threw the brake hoping to stop my descent and the whole thing blew up! Suddenly I'm on the sidewalk looking at the building as the elevator explodes. I turn around to see where I am and notice two buildings that are exactly the same. It's like my dream decided to keep repeating buildings instead of making new ones and I NOTICED.

    I started jumping up and down saying "this is a dream!" So I made a minor change to the view in front of me to test it. Then I decided to have sex. Initially there were a few people walking around. Now there were hundreds. I ran threw the crowd looking for someone suitable. Then I woke up.

    It was weird and cool.


    by Shelli on 06-29-2013 at 12:32 PM
    I was waiting for a dressing room at a crowded thrift store. Several people crowded the area and pushed me to the back of the line. The clerk opened another dressing room area in the storage area. Once inside the room a voice said, "You want to be between 744 and 745 hz (or Mhz). But not 746." 746Hz was too high.

    The voice was a clear as a bell and I immediately woke up.
    dream fragment


    by Shelli on 06-21-2013 at 12:31 PM
    Dream fragment 1: I was standing in a bathroom with a group of people. One guy was obese. We were trying to figure out how everyone could fit into the bath tub. My brother got in. Then everyone else jumped in. I didn't want to take a bath with my brother (LOL). So I left to grab towels.

    Dream fragment 2: Sitting in a crowded sports arena with a bunch of tall athletes. There was a small dispute about seats. I thought a guy on my row was a jerk.

    Semi-lucid/lucid dream: A guy and I were playing some kind of cat and mouse game with a murderous, female automaton. We chased her then she chased us. At one point she had us trapped in a motel room. The windows were too high and narrow to slide through easily. We were sitting ducks.

    The anxiety and fear woke me up. I just laid there wondering how the hell I could fix this dream so it wouldn't bother me later. I've been rereading Frank Kepple and Robert Monroe and thought phasing might help me in my dream situation. While I thought of ways to escape the automaton my dream started again.

    I was back in the room with my friend. Only this time I wasn't scared. I forget the details of my first attempt at phasing. But the second attempt involved switching to a higher dimension. That way I could walk through the wall and/or see through it. The automaton would be unaware as she would not be able to perceive it/me.
    dream fragment , lucid

    Dreams 06.19.20

    by Shelli on 06-19-2013 at 02:43 PM
    1. Traveling down an old run down street in the back of a sedan. A guy was giving me a tour of a housing project. The homes were dilapidated and falling apart. Unlivable really. At the end of the development were a few new town homes. They were slowly making the place nice. But it was gonna take a while to accomplish it all.

    2. I was shopping in an Italian market/deli. The owner was worried about something so I stopped at the counter to help. She needed assistance getting a shipment of food. she had the money to pay for it. But she was working alone and couldn't be at the register and the loading dock at the same time. So met the delivery man and signed for the shipment.

    3. My family and I were living in a run down house with lots of rooms. We began rearranging the furniture to make things look better. Everyone was happy and smiling.
    dream fragment

    Dream 10.15.12

    by Shelli on 10-15-2012 at 01:57 PM
    I had a series of three related dreams this morning:

    1.) I was standing in a packed gymnasium waiting for a basketball game to begin. There were hardly any empty seats so I stood near an entrance. A tall man stood next to me as we waited. I had the feeling he was there for me and eventually we left together.

    2.) The tall man and I drove away in a small 4 door car (Toyota or something). As we approached our destination ( a military base) we noticed a disturbance in the sky. The clouds became angry and dark. Then a twisting cyclone appeared! We were so close to home. But the cyclone kept moving toward us then away. There was an empty building nearby where we finally sought refuge.

    While we kept an eye on the weather outside we noticed a small security detail driving around. They were looking for us as we hadn't been accounted for. I sensed we were in trouble. So we his in a big metal box just as the cyclone smashed into the building.

    After some time the box was opened. We were surrounded by water and policeman seeking our arrest.

    3.) A woman sent me to gather clothes for children who were being chosen for something (felt like a reaping a' la Hunger Games). The child I had to prepare looked a lot like Britney Spears (LOL)! I decided to cut the sleeves off her outfit. That way she'd be disqualified and not face any harm. When the other children arrived to pick up her clothing I held up her tattered things and shrugged.