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    Nightmares and b-vitamin

    by SilverLining on 11-09-2013 at 08:41 PM
    I only remember parts of dreams today. Nothing stabile, lasting, just fragments.
    I took two Biotin pills before bed because I forgot to take them earlier (I take one for dinner and one for supper. 5000mcg)

    The pieces I remember are of me moving crazy colored boxes around. I think I remember seeing colors all around actually. Neon colors, blinking colors. Don't remember more from that dream.

    I can't recall seeing much from this dream, but I remember hearing lots of voices. Can't give description. Might have been people arguing?

    The last before I awoke was scary as heck. I'm standing outside of a large building looking like an abandoned old school. The doors are open and the inside completely black. A young woman stands outside with me. Long dark hair, pale, scary looking (japanese horror style). She follows me into the school and then the dream shifts and I'm driving a car, a red car I think. The same woman is in the passanger seat but with a horrid, rotting face and I start screaming. I scream three times extremely loudly before I wake up.

    I never have nightmares so this was totally bizzare. I still remember screaming and it freaks me out how long it took me to wake up when thinking of how scared I was. As for the Biotin pills, I won't take them before bed like that again!!

    I never understood I was dreaming.

    Updated 11-09-2013 at 08:43 PM by SilverLining



    by SilverLining on 11-06-2013 at 09:19 PM
    I remembered four-five dreams this morning, but I was way too tired to write them down and fell asleep for twenty minutes more. When I woke up again, I only remembered part of one dream, where one of my bottom teeth came loose. Creepy as hell.

    Goal now: write things down! too annoying.

    Bought a new watch with hourly alarm. Helps me doing checks. Watches are a great tool for me because I'm addicted to them and there is more or less always one on my arm both in real life and dreams. I only wear digital watches now and they have given me my first two lucids!

    I'm going to get more.

    Lucidity! woop?

    by SilverLining on 11-04-2013 at 11:23 PM
    The last few days I haven't been able to remember many dreams. Two nights in a row were just empty, and then one morning I woke up remembering 5+ dreams, and the next night after that came out empty again.
    But this morning a few minutes after I awoke, I recalled my digital watch in a dream (very white simple watch. Very easy to remember and I thought it would be great to use for dreams.) In the dream I checked the time, and then re-checked it, and I realized the time had changed!


    Instead of doing something smart like checking out where I was or doing cool stuff, I kept checking my watch. I made up numbers in my head and made them appear on my watch, again and again. I thought it was so cool. I'm dreaming!! Yay!

    I've done this TWICE now, just checking out my number-changing watch. The first time (a couple of weeks ago or something) I think I was too excited and simply disappeared from the lucid dream into another dream. In the second, last night, I was definitely conscious a lot longer.

    Next, I'll try to turn my head! I sometimes think I might just be too dumb when I'm dreaming :p