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    1. View Conversation
      Oh sure thing, have fun
    2. thanks I checked it out yesterday after sending the message to you, wanted to do both of them in one dream but I was in a lot of pain after work yesterday and all I felt like doing in my dream was blow stuff up etc but will try again tonight
    3. View Conversation
      Cool, I suppose you'd be really interested in doing the tasks of the month then!

      You can try out this month's tasks, or go back to previous months and do them as well. They're really very interesting, take a look around!

      Gaaa i can't seem to put links in here, that's weird. You can find the tasks of the month in The Lucid Experiences forum
    4. View Conversation
      Welcome to DV! And holy s&#^!! 7300+ LD's?! That's awesome

      Anyway, have fun browsing the site and see ya around!
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    About sketchy21

    Basic Information

    Date of Birth
    July 21, 1992 (31)
    About sketchy21
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    I'm a natural born Lucid Dreamer, earliest memory I have of lucid dreaming was when I was either 2, 3 or 4yrs old. My mum and dad were watching "X-Files" on Tv and I was (kinda still am) afraid of aliens. I ran to my room and lay down to try sleep, every time I'd get to start dreaming I'd dream of aliens or aliens kidnapping me or something so as soon as it would happen, I didn't even think about it properly I just zoomed out and identical to an Iphone or something I'd scroll through and choose a memory or something I liked, this time it was batman the 1989 movie with joker played by Jack Nicholson. I'd watch the movie replay in the dream and then an alien would crash in and pick me up or start to then I'd zoom out again and start over and then got sick of playing it over so I would rewind the movie to just before the aliens and I remember thinking "no aliens, play the movie" then it would play through. The dream followed on and I watched the movie until it started to morph or change into my house, like the house in the movie became mine and joker was after me, it was kind of like a nightmare only I knew it was a nightmare so it didn't scare me and felt like another version of the movie so I let it happen and just kept rewinding it back a little bit each time it got too scared.
    I've had a mate ask me to try lucid dreaming and I've told him "I've told you already I've been able to do that since birth" but up until about 15mins ago it had never occurred to me that the way I dream is different, sounds stupid that it hadn't crossed my mind but I hadn't ever actually thought that "wow other people have to dream what the dream tells them"
    Nowadays I still lucid dream every night but through the years learnt to just accept a dream as a dream and not control it every time, most nights I let a dream play out like a movie and if something happens or follows a path I don't like I just rewind it and press play again but with new instructions. Its really helpful I've found because if I have something that's bothering me, I'll sleep and when I wake up I know that there are many different ways it could pan out and just choose the one that worked best in my dream... obviously though dreams aren't real so that doesn't always work out they way I usually hope due to different variables being around in a dream than in reality.

    I really want to find out how far I can push things since I've never really tried to, if I could figure out how to dream like watching a movie since as long as early as I can remember it would be interesting to see what I could do if I pushed it further like maybe astral travel or something. In short, I use my dreams as a tool to aid my waking life and want to find out how else I can aid my waking life.
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    Art, Sketching, Thrash metal (aswell as most other kinds), music in general, the spiritual unknown
    Landscape Gardener but soon to attend Uni for an arts degree
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    1. sketchy21
      sketchy21 liked post by ThisWitheredMan On thread : Assigning Lucid Tasks/Rituals to Alleviate Schemas
      [split from the September TOTM Thread - Ophelia] Holy hell I just typed a really long post and the forum ate it. Recap: In the realm of convincing myself to accept new...
      Liked On: 09-21-2012, 05:48 AM
    2. sketchy21
      sketchy21 liked post by OpheliaBlue On thread : Task of the Month for September 2012
      Agreed to both of you! That's why it's the advanced task. It's not so much of a task as it is a conquering of fears on several levels. As long as you make yourself remember that it's just a dream,...
      Liked On: 09-20-2012, 10:36 PM
    3. sketchy21
      sketchy21 liked post by paigeyemps On thread : Task of the Month for September 2012
      Agreed! :happyme: "It only ends once. Everything that happens before that is just progress." These tasks are really awesome, even the attempts are amazing!
      Liked On: 09-20-2012, 01:15 AM
    4. sketchy21
      sketchy21 liked post by OpheliaBlue On thread : Task of the Month for September 2012
      Yeah, the rules about doing the tasks in separate dreams is for the task of the year, but I don't see any reason to complete both TOTMs in one dream. Also, great job folks on doing your research!...
      Liked On: 09-04-2012, 08:04 AM
    5. sketchy21
      sketchy21 liked post by OpheliaBlue On thread : Task of the Month for September 2012
      There's always a bigger fish: http://boneblogger.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/cretoxyrhina.jpg ...
      Liked On: 09-04-2012, 08:03 AM
    View sketchy21's Dream Journal

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    by sketchy21 on 10-02-2012 at 12:34 PM
    The other night I had a really weird dream. I was rich with some bimbo type ladies at a casino and I snorted cocaine (I've never tried cocaine btw) and then the colour hue changed like the greens were bright green and the yellows bright yellow, like everything increased in saturation and sometimes swirled. I became lucid and walked around a park etc but for some reason couldn't change the affect the "cocaine" was doing. It was really odd, usually I can control every aspect of a dream, I'm god of my dreams but even though I could do anything I wanted the colour change and affects remained like as if my dream state was actually on drugs or something. Was intense but really really cool.


    by sketchy21 on 09-13-2012 at 01:18 PM
    I was at work and suffered a massive migraine and took panadine fort to fix it, I fell asleep for an hour and dreamed.
    I continued on from a previous attempt of the easy Task of the Month:
    I was riding on the scorpion I had tamed through a one lane dirt track with massive, tree sized blades of grass. Walking along I'd focus in on the flying insects and see them up close (the opposite of what happened last time where they were blurry, this time I seen them in detail when I'd focus on them) I see dragonflies and house flies and looking around the ground I'd see train sized Millipedes and Pill Millipedes. Then a giant spider jumped down infront of the scorpion I was riding on looking aggressive but its eyes widened like in shock and then ran away, I seen all its pupils look at me before it was startled like it wasn't afraid of the scorpion but of me.
    I jumped off the scorpion, gave it a pat and untied its claws and freed it. I then focused my 'energy' and lifted off the ground and flew super fast down to the end of the lane, seeing blurred insects along the way like when you see a tree while driving. At the end a mountain grew larger until I was at the top of it and landed there.
    The panadine must have been too strong and I must have dozed off and next I knew I was standing infront of a millions of ants and they were worshipping me with a number of other insects, I quickly gathered that the mountain must have been an ant mound but yeah all the insects seen me as their god.
    I flew to the beach after that and found a massive tubeworm, I grew tall again to normal hight and for some reason bit off the tubeworms head? This shocked me into taking control of the dream again (I let go and let a dream happen until I like to take control again and then let go, this happens a lot). I noticed that the tubeworm had a hole and decided to jump into it.
    I ended up in the world of the second task and decided to run with it and ventured around.
    I swam through seeing Ichthyosaurs and Loch Ness monster like dinosaurs, Ammonites, Tubeworms, Trilobites and all kinds of massive dinosaurs (mostly the ones I remembered from walking with dinosaurs when I was a kid) and lots of sharks. I'd swim around through the coral caves and with the ichthyosaurs for protection, not because they could defend me but I knew safety in numbers. Suddenly I seen an Allosaurus drowning for some reason with blood coming off it and decided to wake myself up, I woke up to the intense light from the migraine and decided to just lay there until it went away.
    In most of my dreams I have a godlike feeling, like in all of them I feel like I am the ultimate power within them, greatest part of dreaming.
    I wasn't going to do both tasks at once but it was leading down that way and decided to just roll with it and do them both at once, not sure if the second task is complete because of how short the dream was but the first one seemed to last longer