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    Hey, I'm skiiddo, I'm 16 and I live in Birmingham. I play guitar and a little drums, and I just started a new band. My 2011 new years resolution was learn to lucid dream, here I am.
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    playing guitar, performing in general, writing music, hanging with friends
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    Relaxing Weekend Away / Drug Deal Gone Wrong... 31st August 2012

    by skiiddo on 09-02-2012 at 07:07 PM

    Me and one or more others, possibly including my brother are walking down a corridor in a posh hotel. The walls are white, and the carpet is a very light beige-y sort of colour. The whole place has a very fancy, expensive feel to it. We look through an open door into a hotel room, and I can't remember what we saw, but one of the people with me said "Looks like a drug deal gone wrong." (I'm not sure if I've forgotten some info or if the dream scene just changed here.) I'm briefly back at what I assume is my hotel room, it's just the appartment I just stayed at in Newquay. A line of my family members stacks up outside a closed hotel room, as if they are about to do some sort of breach and clear military thing. There is only one hotel room between the door we are lining up outside and the door we saw the 'drug deal gone wrong' in. I look towards the drug deal door and see it is slightly open, I can see someone moving around behind it. I walk back down the corridor towards our hotel room, I open one door but it is the wrong room. I see a black man and a white woman on a ruffled up bed with a shiny, pink quilt. I apologise and close the door, then wander off further down the corridor to my room. I open the door and the thought to go to the bathroom comes into my head. The last thing I remember is a group of people coming into the room.

    My in-dream awareness is getting better! 29th August 2012

    by skiiddo on 08-30-2012 at 10:56 PM

    (Probably a lot missing here) I call down the stairs from my room "Where is the _____" and hear my Mom reply "It's in the drawer". I walk to a drawer in my room under my desk (Not there IRL, I think it was the drawer from under the desk in my office.) I open the drawer and lift up two or three large books. Underneath are LOADS of pens. I notice that they are copies of a pen I have 2 of IRL, and I acknowledge in the dream that I don't have this many. Also, I notice that the pens are shorter than I remember, and turn around to compare them with one on my bedside which is there IRL. I notice my bed and the window next to it. I'm assuming I woke up, as I can't remember any more of the dream.
    lucid , dream fragment

    An insight into my mind? 28th August 2012

    by skiiddo on 08-29-2012 at 09:35 PM

    I've got to say, I didn't actually think this dream meant anything at all at the time. But I was reading the entry in my DJ (My actual DJ that is) and I think it says a little something about myself. I'm not sure about the chronology of the two dreams I had last night, I remembered the other one before I remembered this one, but I feel like I dreamed this first.

    I step out of the passenger seat of my dad's car onto the pavement. I don't see who it is dropping me off. The buildings along the pavement looks like the opposite side of the road to where I have my guitar lessons. But I don't cross the road, I turn around and start walking down the street. After walking a few metres or so, I hear someone calling 'Skiddo!' behind me (Skiddo is my nickname at school, it's sort of a variation of my surname.) I turn around and see one of my female friends from school called Chase, who I was briefly very into, calling me as she gets into my dad's car, through the passenger door I left open. I'm a little confused about why she was calling me and then didn't say anything, so I question reality a little. But I shrug it off and turn around. The road I was walking down is suddenly really crowded with DCs. Everytime I try and go around someone, someone else cuts in front of my path. It's almost as if the DCs are deliberately trying to stop me getting to my destination. I'm not sure if I transitioned into another dream or woke up, but that's the last part of that dream I remember.

    So, the reason I think this dream is sort of a reflection of myself goes like this:

    I was opposite the music shop where I have guitar lessons, but I didn't go in. I think this represents me choosing other things over the one thing I'm really passionate about - music.

    The school friend / crush calling me from behind and then not saying anything. I take this to represent outside distractions putting me off my goals by taking up my attention with meaningless things.

    Finally, the crowd of DCs trying to stop me walking down the road, and cutting in front of me. Realising that DCs are in fact representations of my own subconscious mind, that meant that I was stopping MYSELF from walking down the road. I think this means that I myself, am stopping myself from achieving my goals. For example, whenever I walked around one DC, another would cut across my new path. This reminds me of me making up new excuses for not meeting potential bandmates, because I was very nervous about meeting new people.

    I could be wrong about all of this, but I'm considering it kind of a breakthrough.

    Updated 08-30-2012 at 10:37 AM by skiiddo

    lucid , non-lucid , memorable

    Strange Naked Dream... 28th August 2012

    by skiiddo on 08-29-2012 at 08:56 PM

    I'm standing in a room facing a door that leads to a hallway and some stairs. I guess the room must be a living room because of some large red chairs to my left, centred around a table and close to an old fashioned TV. To my right, there is a door leading off to another room. I decide to take my clothes off (No idea why) so I just randomly strip naked. I hear someone coming so I run into the room to my left (I've gotten into the habit of questioning reality whenever I pass through a door when I'm awake, so my subconscious kind of failed me here...) The room is mostly empty, with a bare concrete floor and no decoration. It looks like building work is still going on in this room. On the wall to my left there are some coats on pegs, and on the wall opposite me there is a door leading outside, and a rusty sink under a window. The wall to my right is mostly bare. I can hear someone following me, and panic a little (Strange, my dreams are always very vivid, the only thing my mind usually gets wrong is that I'm emotionally indifferant to everything... Panic is rare in my dreams.) I notice a door on the same wall as the door I just came through. It is partially concealed by coats, so I decide to hide there. I run to the door and pull it open, it turns out to be a closet. A strange blue glow is emitted from quite a large source, it looks sort of like a night light. Other than the light, the closet is filled with brooms and tools. I close the door behind me but someone grabs the door from the other side just before it closes. I quickly cover myself with a black towel (Can't remember if I had this for the whole dream, or if it just appeared in my hand.) The door is pulled open and I see my younger brother on the other side. He looks at me with a strange expression, almost like how you would look at a child who had done something wrong. He then leads me back towards the living room. My 3:00AM alarm wakes me up, telling me to attempt a WILD.

    Updated 08-30-2012 at 10:36 AM by skiiddo

    non-lucid , nightmare , memorable

    The Return Of Kazm / The Best Dream Recall I've Ever Had? 2nd June 2011

    by skiiddo on 10-18-2011 at 07:23 PM

    Oh Kazm, how I miss you... A little back story, Kazm was the first band I was ever in, and, as a result, the band I was in the first time I ever played guitar in front of a crowd. This is of obviously massive importance to anyone who knows me personally as it was the moment I realised that this is what I want to do with my life! Now, here we go:
    I am in a room I have never seen before, but the 'look' of the place reminds me of my school (DS) style-wise. There are 3 amps sitting in the corner, 2 shitty looking ones and my epic marshall. My (former) bandmates are all there. It appears we are about to play a show. We are all talking about something or other and then a tough looking black dude comes in and says 'We should really get going now.' I believe one of my bandmates said something like 'show time!' Then everyone started walking towards a door in the corner. I panic ad shout 'FUCK! What's the setlist?' Tom turns to me and says a word that I don't recognise, and I reply 'You mean we're just going to jam completely randomly and fail epicly.' I think Tom nodded and then just walked off. I panic and run over to get my amp but the black guy says he will get it (Must've been a roadie) So I point out my marshall. I also notice that my amps handle is broken, but pay no notice. I run through the door in the corner, following everyone down some stairs and ending up in a massively elongated version of my school's (DS) sports hall. There is a stage at the opposite side of the hall to me but the crowd is blocking the way (They are seated) The chairs are arranged like a maze or something, and it takes me a long time to work my way through. Mrs Stoker is on the stage and says 'Now Performing...' I think 'Oh, it must be a talent show or something, maybe there's time to rehearse!' So I run off behind the stage to the backstage area. There is a very big backstage room and I see lots of people carrying gear and instruments from place to place and just helping the acts set up. There is a small, window sized hole in the back of the room. Now, Mrs Stoker and my bandmates are with me and say something about that being the *secret* backstage area, we go through the hole into what looks like the best shop in the world. Thousands of guitar models stacked high up. Huge 10 foot bass and guitar speaker cabs. A whole wall of guitar picks, including one packet that reads - 'moulded to fit the fingers of Skiddo' - I am losing my mind in an 'I never want to leave' sort of way. I then realise that our set was starting as I hear someone behind me on the stage say 'And now, the highlight of the night... KAZM!!!' I don't get to the stage in time and Tom starts playing using my guitar. 'Fair enough' I think 'I didn't want to play anyway.' I go back into the amazing backstage area to look around some more. My recall gets a little jumpy here and the last thing I remember is Tom coming back from playing and being really cocky. I was actually extremely impressed that I remembered so much, and that the dream was really long and vivid in general. I'm not so impressed anymore, as I stopped caring about dreams for a while and my recall turned to shit.

    Updated 08-30-2012 at 10:36 AM by skiiddo

    non-lucid , memorable