• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between SleepyLala and SophroniaLee

    13 Visitor Messages

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    1. I do anime people too- they're a lot of fun- but recently I've been getting into more realistic styles. I love drawing faces. I'm not necessarily good at it, but I love it XD
    2. lol, I didn't think I would either but I just sort got into the zone and was just real focused on it
      So you draw people? That's sort of all I draw too, cept for me it's anime people lol
    3. An entire day on one paw?! I would most definitely never have the patience for that.
    4. Thanks : ) I sure hope so, i've never done a project like this before, I always liked working with clay in school but this requires so much more detail than anything i've done. I spent all day yesterday working on one paw x.x
    5. Awesomesauce! I'm sure she'll love it
    6. It's a present for my friend, a werewolf : ) It's actually a character from a story she's writing
    7. That's cool. I love drawing too, but I can only draw people. What is you clay project of?
    8. Well lots of different things I suppose, do you mean what medium I work with?
      Mostly I do drawings, like sketches [i'm in a drawing 1 class], but i'm also working on a clay project right now
    9. Lol, we'll get it eventually!
      I see that you major in art. What kind of art do you do?
    10. Cool : )
      I'm new to both, I just joined the site like a week ago, and have been trying to LD for the same time.
      [Mostly failed] lol
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