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    1. sleepyrhino
      sleepyrhino liked blog comment by bro On : Sleep Paralysis
      Sounds like in this dream, some of your awareness was breaking through. You realized something was up, that you were paralyzed, but then your mind tricked you into justifying it, and not quite...
      Liked On: 07-19-2013, 02:30 AM
    2. sleepyrhino
      sleepyrhino liked post by bro On thread : Harnessing sexual energy for LDing?
      Ah, thank you for bringing that up- There isn't a whole lot. But there is a bit. I think you would be able to find more if it wasn't a taboo topic. Most of the increased focus from abstinence has to...
      Liked On: 07-14-2013, 02:02 AM
    3. sleepyrhino
      sleepyrhino liked post by bro On thread : Harnessing sexual energy for LDing?
      I want to chime in just to say: Yes, It works! And it works well when combined with previously established techniques (for me, WILD & DEILD) Today marks day 30 for me (as a 24 year old, healthy...
      Liked On: 07-12-2013, 03:57 AM
    4. sleepyrhino
      sleepyrhino liked post by n00bf0rlyf3 On thread : Harnessing sexual energy for LDing?
      I just read How to Harness Your Sexual Energy (http://boldanddetermined.com/2011/10/24/how-to-harness-your-sexual-energy/) and it makes a lot of sense. If one stops releasing sexual energy, you could...
      Liked On: 07-10-2013, 02:50 AM
    View sleepyrhino's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Sleep Paralysis

    by sleepyrhino on 07-14-2013 at 07:12 AM
    was in the yard of an apartment building I used to live at when I was a kid. It was daytime and my brother was with me. We thought about purchasing the building and turning it into a compound of some sort. We would explore it and have fun. I was talking to him about putting two cement barriers around the property to protect it. I was kidding I think. He went into a blue tent that was just sitting there in the yard. I stood by waiting for him and I fell down. I got stuck and couldn't move..I realized I was in a deep sleep paralysis. I didn't know I was in a dream though I thought it happened because I just woke up from one. I fought it as hard as I could trying to move my arm. I tried to roll and when nothing worked I tried to pretend I saw a snake to try to trick my body into thinking it was an emergency and let me move. When that didn't work I just kept fighting it until I woke up.

    Too Drunk To Drive (almost lucid)

    by sleepyrhino on 07-13-2013 at 04:43 AM
    I was in the parking lot outside of a jam packed movie theater. It was night time and I was WASTED while trying to drive my car. I knew I was way too drunk to be driving. I wanted to get out but I was stuck..too drunk to move my body right. I tried so hard to slow down the car but my legs were not cooperating and I was going faster swerving all over the lot, almost crashing in to cars. I knew I was going to wreck soon but I couldn't stop it. I saw a cop car drive by me before I woke up. I was starting to realize it was a bad dream and trying/wanting to wake myself up before I crashed.

    Hot Leader

    by sleepyrhino on 07-09-2013 at 03:24 PM
    It was another torn world type dream where the civil world seemed to have been abandoned for decades and everything appeared to have been destroyed with nothing but rubble and people struggling to survive.

    I was with a group of people and we got together in a warehouse for a meeting or gathering of some sort. Our leader was a woman, medium build, mixed skin and a pretty face. She was kind and promised to help us make the best of this awful situation. I was very attracted to her.

    She was scavenging the warehouse for supplies and told us we could help ourselves to anything we want as she bent over to pick up some tools. I was checking out her backside and said to myself "Can I help myself to that?"

    The Escort Had An Accident.

    by sleepyrhino on 07-09-2013 at 02:15 PM
    I was hanging out with a group small of people outside of what looked like a childhood home. We were standing in the driveway between two houses. Someone told me that there was an professional escort inside of one of the houses and that she was cleaning herself up in the bathroom because she shit her pants..

    I was curious what she looked like because I had heard of her before and I guess I had an appointment with her awhile back but bailed out of it before seeing her.

    She came outside and was visibly embarrassed about what happened. Almost to the point of traumatized. She wouldn't talk and just stood of to the side.

    I looked at her and couldn't help but notice how attractive she was. She was gorgeous and I thought to myself how much I regretted not showing up to that appointment.

    Outsmarted By A Child

    by sleepyrhino on 07-07-2013 at 05:27 PM
    I was in my room and there was a little girl (she was 5 or 6) with me. I don't know if she was my daughter, niece or some other relation but I was watching over her. We were playing and I dressed up in some extra clothes she brought to make her laugh. I looked ridicules with her tiny pink shirt on. She seemed entertained though.

    I heard people talking in my living room so I went to close the door because I was embarrassed and wanted to quickly change back into a normal shirt before someone saw me. I slowly walked to the door so I wouldn't be detected and just as I put my hand on the door the girl started screaming and crying because I was wearing her clothes! Everyone looked up and saw me... I was so embarrassed.

    The dream then shifted and later that day I was walking with the little girl in a store and she was walking next to me trying to suck up and get my attention but I wouldn't even look at her because I was still so mad at her for doing that to me. I felt she did it on purpose to bust me out and get attention for herself.

    I was still embarrassed and upset when I woke up lol.