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    " The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven "


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    40th Lucid

    by smouse on 06-09-2013 at 11:52 PM
    -WILD attempt turned DEILD
    one of my crappiest lucids

    Didn't catch myself falling asleep so I just went straight to sleep and wasn't lucid. Eventually I noticed a false awakening and the vibrations came over me immediately. I stayed still like usual but the vibrations wouldn't stop. I could feel myself in my dream body now and was doing nose plug reality checks. I could breathe very clearly through my pinched nose. I still felt tingly with vibrations and couldn't really get control of my body to stand up. My eye lids were soooo heavy and I felt so tired that I just couldn't move and I just lied there. This has never happened before and it was really weird. Eventually I sat up but still couldn't open my eyes and I was getting frustrated. I woke up and couldn't DEILD so I just got up.

    39th Lucid

    by smouse on 06-06-2013 at 08:41 PM
    -DILD with branched DEILDS

    In a non lucid dream can't remember what it was about. I suddenly became aware of the dream and gained lucidity. First thing I did was start flying. It was a sunny day and I was flying around the neighborhoods that are near my house. I had to flap my arms to stay in the air so I tried taking off in different directions and putting my arms out like superman but I couldn't fly fast. Eventually the dream faded and I relaxed and waited to try to DEILD. I felt my body lying in my bed and I just stayed still and immediately got vibrations. Waited for a few seconds and got up from out of my bed while doing nose plug RC's. I guess I was at the end of REM or something because I felt really tired in the dream and couldn't keep my eyes open and ended up waking up again. I stayed still and did another DEILD. Got up in my room again and did some reality checks and took off flying right away. I probably should have chilled for a bit and tried to stabilize and anchor myself first.

    37th Lucid

    by smouse on 05-30-2013 at 06:39 PM

    attempted a WILD, but ended up falling asleep for a bit and becoming aware during a false awakening. Vibrations hit me immediately and I waited it out. Sat up in my bedroom and did a nose plug RC. Nose was a little stuffy but I knew i was dreaming and walked out to my hallway. To make 100% sure i was dreaming, I tried hovering in my hallway. I jumped straight up with the intention of floating but I went pretty damn high and smoked my head on my ceiling haha. Even though I didnt really hover I knew I was dreaming cause I jumped so high. I was about to go out my front door and fly and explore but I remembered I want to get some dream control practise and try some tasks. I wanted to work on summoning cause i've only done it once before. I reached behind my back into my blind spot while fully confident that my friend would grab my hand. I almost immediately felt someone grab my hand and I pulled forward. At first it was some random chubby girl who fell to the floor when I pulled her forward and I was like woah who the hell are you. Then as she like stood up i realized it was Emma watson the hottest girl in the world. I was stoked I was able to make this happen haha then we started doing it and it was awesome but I lost awareness pretty quickly and woke up my heart was broken

    36th Lucid

    by smouse on 05-28-2013 at 07:20 PM

    got vibrations and waited for them to go away. Nose plug RC'd before opening my eyes, worked perfect and I knew i was in the dream. I got up and immediately went to my front door and started flying. Never really took the time to anchor myself or figure out what I was going to do so i was fading in and out of awareness. At one point I climbed to the top of a telephone pole and jumped off trying to fly like superman but I just floated to the ground and had to keep flapping my arms to fly. Having trouble recalling any more things that happened but it was one of the longer lucids I've had during the times when I was aware.

    35th lucid

    by smouse on 05-24-2013 at 07:15 PM

    Woke up to pee then attempted WILD going back to bed. fell asleep pretty quick and got HH/vibrations which lasted shortly. I rolled off my stomach and sat up on my bed, and did a nose plug RC to make sure I made it into the dream. I walked out to my front door because I wanted to get around to trying some tasks I'd been putting off. I wanted to fly fast like superman instead of by flapping my arms like I always do. I flapped my arms to get in the air pretty high and then closed my fists and pointed my arms out to try and take off like superman. It kind of worked. Instead of going higher or further I started dropping towards the ground. But I was flying like superman...I just need gravity to kind of make it work. when I got close to the ground I would have to flap again and could only fly like superman if I was angling myself down with gravity which was bullshit haha. lost awareness at some point while practising and woke up.