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    Barely slept.

    by sNov on 05-17-2011 at 07:48 PM
    Bad night...

    Before falling asleep I was clearing my head big time.

    As I woke, I only remember big.. messy sounds around me.. like some sort of train was passing by right next to me.. Nothing else.

    Beautiful girl.

    by sNov on 05-14-2011 at 07:57 PM
    Dream began, it was night. Me having fun with some people, who seemed my friends but cannot recall who exactly they were. We were having fun around and someone was missing. We started looking for this person, quickly we did find him, lurking around on the otherside of the road, by the tennis field... All this took place just infront of my house, sadly my house hasn't got tennis field on the otherside of the road, nor new houses next to it. There was this girl.. or rather a woman (my age). She had this little daughter, her daughter threw a ball randomly to my direction and I kindly returned it rolling down the road we were walking on.. The child laughed and the woman kindly smiled at me. We started talking and I found her THE most calming thing thats happened to me. Even after waking up I could remember how she looked like, and the feeling that she gave me. Such relaxed and.. pretty much the feeling after your first kiss actually. Can't describe it any other way.

    She was gorgeous, wearing white shirt, jeans. She had blonde hair with darker kind of highlights (I think that's what they are called) ... absolutely beautiful person.
    non-lucid , memorable

    In the army now

    by sNov on 04-01-2011 at 02:21 PM
    Only fragments of a military scene, we were building a motor for some tests. Most people wore black uniforms. Grass on the ground, tables all around for different parts. Something big was built right next to us.
    non-lucid , dream fragment

    Traffic cameras?

    by sNov on 03-30-2011 at 02:33 PM
    Heading home from work. Traffic camera flashes. I kept cursing in my head. Making my way to a car workshop nearby, I parked close to the open entrance. I see my old friend working there. I instantly walked to a toolbox finding a worklight on it(on the left of the entrance), like if I knew it was supposed to be there. Im starting to look for my EVAP leak (which my car has in real life) while my friend keeps telling me to calm down about the speed camera.

    At the car workshop there were many cars and workers, blue car lifted in the air to be welded from the bottom(on the right). Welding and putting the cars together. My friend was wearing yellow high-visibility t-shirt and blue pants. He sat on the driver's seat, left foot outside of the car

    The road where the camera flashed is a real road and the camera was at the right spot, the workshop is not real for my knowledge.

    I was doing 65kph on 50kph zone when camera flashed. The lights turned from green to red without showing the yellow at all. I drove the left lane, which was wrong lane if I was driving home.

    AC DC was playing in the car, "If you want blood".

    Half-Life ?

    by sNov on 03-28-2011 at 05:53 PM

    Half Life 2: Chapter "Follow Freeman"

    Once again, orange/red scheme. Fighting Zombies with unknown person. I had a feel it was just a game and we were on a mission. Calm smooth feeling at all times. We were in this room for a minute, waiting, then activated somekind of door and zombies swarmed in. Very detailed dream. Floor was partially on fire so we could see, else black as night.

    Person seemed to be female, voice sounded very familiar somehow but can't tell for sure who/what.