• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between spellbee2 and Superdremer

    5 Visitor Messages

    1. OK thank you for letting me know
    2. No, I haven't posted them yet. I should be posting them by the end of the day (at least by east coast USA standards...)
    3. Hey spellbee2 I just wanted to ask you haven't put up the pairings for the buddy program yet right?
    4. Hey Superdremer,

      A PM (Private Message) is a way to communicate between members privately. You can PM someone by clicking on their username, and then clicking "Send Private Message". You can view your private messages by going to your Control Panel in the top right corner of any page, and then clicking "Inbox" on the left-hand side.

      The PM to me is just a way to confirm through the forum that you were the one that submitted, not someone putting your username in their response (we've had problems with that in the past). You don't really have to put anything more than "Application Submitted" in it if you want.
    5. Hey spellbee2 what's a pm? Because I'm almost done filling in my fourm for a buddy but I'm not to sure what a pm is?
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5