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    by spooker on 08-23-2016 at 03:09 PM
    Once in fifth grade, I had a dream that my mom drove me to the mall. she then got out of the car and left me there.

    Suddenly I was in the front seat of the car, and it started driving itself.

    There was a lot of blue glass skateboard ramps I drove off, and one in particular was super high. Mid jump, When I looked down, I saw my friend Lily getting off of a bus, looking up at the car and dropping her backpack. She screamed at me to get down, and the car started to fall.

    It crashed into someone's garage that I'd never seen before and Lily ran up to me.


    "I'm sorry Lily, it was driving itse-"

    and I woke up. The next day at school, Lilly looked really tired, and I asked her why. She said she had a dream that she was on a bus and I was in her dad's car, and I crashed her dad's car into her house.

    She described the car, that fit the car I was in perfectly. She described the house, that also was perfect.

    I wasn't even that good of friends with lily at the time, and I'm not at all friends with her now.

    I did some research, and apparently Buddhist monks who train for decades can do something similar to that, and they use it for religious reasons. Or at least used to, I'm not sure.

    I've done it three times, two by accident and one on purpose. They were:

    1. The one involving Lilly that I just told you about (accidental)

    2. This one involving some really bad shooter videogame with my friend Joseph, but he kinda was only connected with my mind for about 3 seconds before it stopped and he went away (Accidental)

    3. This one time in middle school when I was edgy and decided to try and give some kid who lived on my street a nightmare. It kind of worked, I made him have a nightmare about a plane crashing with him in it, but then he went away and it turned into a nightmare for me with some weird second reality. (On purpose)

    That's what made me originally decide to try to become Buddhist in fifth grade, but it's been many years since I gave up on that. Nightmares to ALL MY ENEMIES!

    To be honest, the reason I haven't done it more is because it takes so long to actually do, it's incredibly difficult, and not that effective. Some people I gave nightmares to don't fully remember the nightmares once they wake up, only remembering fragments of the dream.

    I sound totally insane, but I swear I'm not delusional. I ask the people about their dreams the next day, without giving a prompt.

    This is (at least kind of) How I did it purposefully:

    1: Lie down and wait a while to induce sleep paralysis, go into a dream.

    2. Focus on the person. Their name, personality, location, looks, ect.

    3. Imagine yourself watching them sleep, then slipping inside their mind. (I sound insane, I swear I'm not. I've been to a doctor for my depression, they did a psychiatric analysis, I'm not psychotic I promise.)

    4. QUICKLY, design the setting for the nightmare and put them into it as well as yourself. Watch them, DO NOT TAKE YOUR EYES OFF THEM, and have DC's interact with them. If you look away they're going to be able to escape.

    5. This is only effective if they don't lucid dream. If they can control their dreams they're gonna wake themselves up pretty fast.

    Lucid Dreaming

    by spooker on 08-23-2016 at 02:43 PM
    For some reason Lucid dreaming has become ridiculously easy for me. I just lay down, stop moving, wait for the sleep switch that renders your body immobile, and then start dreaming.

    It's getting pretty damn cool, actually.

    Predicting the future with great accuracy

    by spooker on 07-25-2016 at 04:51 PM
    I was washing dishes, wearing a stupid yellow apron. I looked over my shoulder and saw this guy made completely of shadows looking at me.
    "Sid, you need to leave," He said. "They're gonna be here soon, to take you away!" He starts crying. "I don't want to lose you.."

    "For the thousandth time, I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!" I turned around, smashing the dish on the floor. "LEAVE ME ALONE YOU FREAK!" He looked hurt and sad, then angry.

    "All these years I was only trying to protect you! AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME?" He stood up. "You'll regret staying here."

    "For all I know, you're not even real!" I shouted.

    "How do you know?"

    "They told me..." He got up and put a hand on my shoulder.

    "They L I E." and just like that he was gone. I heard loud banging on my front door, and my vision went black. When my vision returned, I was standing in front of my front door, which was leaking black mist around the edges and still being pounded on. I reached towards the door handle, and my vision faded out again. This time when it returned, armed cops were in my house, guns pointed at me. I put my hands up, they cuffed me, and they injected me with a sedative.

    When the sedative wore off, I was naked in a room with white walls, facing a girl with blonde hair that went down to her feet who was also naked. Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around.

    "You should have listened to me," the shadow said, before leaving once again.

    "NO! NO! WAIT, I'M SORRY! I BELIEVE YOU NOW!!" I banged on the walls and cried, eventually turning around to face the naked girl. she walked closer to me, and once she touched me, she turned into a tiger and mauled me to death. Then I woke up.

    That was a couple years ago.

    I have now actually been to that white room before, at least now. That room was the quiet room (Modern version of the rubber room) of the second mental hospital I was admitted to.

    I guess that dream was a warning to do something about the people at my school before they pushed me off the edge.

    I still have no idea who that shadow guy was supposed to be, but I named him Andrew for some reason.

    This is a dream alright

    by spooker on 07-25-2016 at 04:31 PM
    I was walking through the woods near my house and then I heard really loud chanting. I was curious, so I walked towards it.
    Michal Jackson was wearing a priest outfit and leading this cult ritual where they were trying to save the jellyfish, and they forced me to help. I didn't want to help, so I shot down a bird and put it one the ground and said that the bird would watch over the jellyfish so I could leave.

    Michal Jackson was totally cool with this and he invited me to sing for their cult choir sometime, and left.

    So I went to my old bus stop, and waited for the bus to come. When I got to school, it wasn't actually school it was prison, and eventually we broke out by rolling up a giant ball of mud. (?) Once everyone left, I went into the cafeteria to find Peridot (From steven Universe) Making macaroni and cheese. I ate one bite of it, so she got mad and chased me out of the school. I got in a car and drove to the cult's meeting place in the woods, and all the cult members were super happy to see me and they let me play piano for their play. I don't know how to play piano, so I messed up, and the cult got mad at me and called the police. when the police got there, I jumped in my car again and drove to this research lab place that is close to my old friend's house, where the scientists put me on a rocket and made me watch a youtuber speedpaint a political map of the USA.

    the rocket failed and blew up a lot of stuff, but I was taken underground to this cavern full of undertale charecters.

    This demon guy showed up and introduced himself as the "other devil" and showed me around, only to figure out that I ate Peridots macaroni and turn on me, gathering up random people to beat me up. Then I woke up.

    I promise that this isn't a random = funny joke, this was a legitimate dream. It made a lot more sense while I was asleep.