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    Another Terrifying Disease Dream

    by Stephen022 on 06-20-2016 at 07:13 AM
    Well, diseases have been a common theme in my dreams. In the past, it was generally cancer and/or some type of random organ failure. This dream, the medical nightmare involved me having aids. Basically, I was contacted by a teacher from community college, where I went early in my college career. The teacher said that an HIV test had been run on all of the students. Everyone else was negative she said, except me, and that I had aids. Hearing this news I was in utter disbelief. I was just terrified about the whole thing and what the prognosis was going to be. I had little knowledge of the disease, and I wondered how I could have gotten it. I ended up going to a doctor's office that was supposed to be some sort of clinic for people that were suffering from aids. In the office, I was pretty much scared out of my mind, thinking that the doctor may give me a grim prognosis. However, I found it equally mysterious why I had it. It seemed as though there was simply no means of having contracted it. My mind began to go to horrible scenarios of that I could have been taken advantage of by some mysterious person and had no recollection of it, just the stuff of nightmares...... because that literally was what it was, although I didn't know it, yet.

    Dream Two------extension of dream one, with subtle wakefulness in between where I was still confused and frightened by the previous dream

    After leaving the clinic, I was on the street of my hometown. I was going to walk up the street at night through the questionable neighborhood to see my parents to pick me up. Oddly enough, the whole aids thing just kind of dropped, which made no sense as I was naturally terrified about the whole thing. I mean, I guess I remembered it, I just wasn't thinking about it. Then, my Mom was in this shop where she was baking. However, upstairs supposedly there was some guy in there that could kill me. It was dark and mysterious, and people were saying not to go in there that the guy could kill me. However, I couldn't see him. At this point, I began to develop very low level insight that I was dreaming and the whole thing became much less scary. Then, I decided to leave and call a girl from where I went to college that ditched me, as I knew I was dreaming. She basically just gave me the brush in the dream, so I just kept on walking, then I woke up.

    When I woke up from this dream it really scared me with the aids part of the dream. The aids thing couldn't be possible in real life, as I haven't done anything that's risky along those lines. However, the dream first had me so shook up that I just wondered if maybe somehow I did or that I could have some other kind of horrible disease. Then, after a few minutes passed, I realized that it was merely a dream and I didn't have any kind of disease. I have to say that this dream honestly gave me a lot more empathy for people that actually have received that diagnosis and had to deal with that experience.
    lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , memorable

    Last Night's Dreams

    by Stephen022 on 05-03-2016 at 09:17 PM
    - I was with an old friend that I had a falling out with as a teenager. Someone began making fun of him for having a small penis, and he was deeply offended at it. He started getting depressed about it. We hadn't gotten along, and he kept being a complete jerk about it, mocking and teasing him. I had no issue with this guy making fun of him about that, and I thought it was good. I told my Mom about what happened. She had a very different view of it. She said that if it was me that was making fun of him, she wouldn't still be talking to me now. She said she'd have abandoned me and had nothing to do with me. I found this outrageous, but she stood strong in this, insisting that she would have had nothing to do with me and cut me out of her life.

    - I went back to college, but it was just for a brief time. I walked around for a bit, excited about things. My parents were following me around, but I had the option to just go. I didn't though, until later on. Then, I began to realize this was merely a dream. I found some thing there that weren't there in real life, and I knew it was a dream. I went to this place where there were several girls from there. I attempted to have sex in this lucid dream, but my Mom was standing around...... and obviously the dream basically didn't let me, as she was just standing around. Later on, I wasn't really as lucid anymore. I was going to go to a symposium for something at school. A girl that I really liked from there was there. However, she had ditched me in real life. In this dream, I didn't even get a chance to talk to her, although other people were talking to her. Later on, there was a demon that was chasing me. Oddly enough, the energy of me began to shift from the demon and back. It was odd, like a cycle of possession and non-possession. At times, "I" was the demon. At other times, and then the demon became what used to be me. It was very strange, yet it almost illustrated that there was no demon. Instead, the demon always was what was different. Still, this was a very frightening dream.
    non-lucid , lucid

    Four Memorable Dreams Last Night

    by Stephen022 on 05-01-2016 at 06:38 PM
    -I was at my childhood home with Mom and Dad. While I was there, I had a bit of an argument with my Mom. I was very angry about what she summed up as her traditional, conservative attitudes. I said that I had enough of her and her ways, and I spit on the floor (which I actually did during an argument with her as a teenager). She basically was using the fact that she was old as an excuse for what I saw as her hateful attitudes that were difficult to live with. Then, I ended up leaving the house. We both began to fall by the side of the driveway. I managed to pull myself up, and I rescued her from falling. I had wondered if she would have done that for me, but I never got to know as I pulled myself up and saved her.

    - I was upstairs visiting with Mom and Dad while Mickey and Karl were downstairs. Mom and Dad discovered something, and I thought they found morning glory seeds that I had been regularly tripping off of as I had hundreds of them stashed in the closet. They didn't find them. Instead there was a microwave like device that was on the verge of exploding or bursting into flames. I handled it very cautiously, as I knew it could burst into flames or explode on me. I decided to take this outside, and I attempted to throw it off the deck. However, this didn't work. I couldn't get it far enough. When I told Karl and Mickey this, they basically said that it would be moved later on.

    - You were planning to go back to the town you went to college in. You were going to work next door to a girl that you liked that rejected you. You thought maybe she would end up having more interest in you now for some reason. You planned to get this job at a lumberyard, which was actually there in real life. Then, you ended up going to counseling on the way out. The counselor began telling a personal story of how his one autistic son was "addicted to mushrooms". Apparently, all of his sons were autistic, this one was seriously so. You basically corrected him saying that psychedelics are non-addictive, therefore he isn't really "addicted to them". The counselor begins to get very upset about this to the point that he vomits in one of the dressers. He was saying that you could benefit from the social skills training his son went to, and you greatly apologized. However, you didn't understand why he was so deeply offended, as you were merely telling him facts. Then, you decided to walk around town for a while. However, Mom and Dad ended up picking you up. You saw them in an abandoned house. Mom actually bit your lip, and they were both very angry with you for what happened, especially Mom.

    - You went to a restaurant that offered a number of different beers. There was one that was like 15% on tap, but you didn't get that one. Instead, you were looking for something not as strong. You were having trouble ordering anything though. Eventually, you ordered. The meal came, and you drank the beer you got. Karl and Dad got three others that were also really strong. You drank them too, and you just hung out talking.... eventually waking up.

    Sitting At The Bar/Going Back To School

    by Stephen022 on 04-28-2016 at 12:40 AM
    I was sitting at a bar, at a pizza place. My mother was there along with another lady. I was sitting and eating. I noticed there was an issue with this lady there. I thought she was giving me a look over having painted one nail black. However, she wasn't. I didn't actually have it, only residue from where it had been. Then, I contemplated ordering a beer at this bar. However, I didn't end up getting it. Instead, I just ate. I then had a beer with it later on.

    I was home with my family. We were discussing different things. Then, I remembered that I had another year and a half of college. I was very excited about the social events I would go to. However, I had less interest in the educational aspect of things. Then, I woke up.