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    A few dreams and a night horror

    by stiffyswe on 07-09-2012 at 04:04 AM
    There have been alot of dreams now, although they have been very fragmented. Also, I had a really terrifying night horror, which will be excluded here.

    In my first dream I was sitting in my fathers car and we were on a family vacation me, my father and my siblings. Our car was parked between these two tall houses whose architecture reminded me of the architecture found around the mediterranean. We were parked and I was looking out the drivers window, down the road. Further down there was a house, maybe 10 stories just as the two on my sides. I sat there trying to remember the dreams I had, which was fairly succesful. I told myself I would remember them if I went to sleep again. Now, as I'm writing this, I can't remember the dream within the dream (heh), but it had something to do with sumo wrestlers and pink flowers.

    My next dream took place in a dressing room connected to a gym or pool. I was a private detective supposed to follow this woman, whom her husband suspected was cheating on her. For some reason, as I was standing in the dressing room with a towel wrapped around my waist, I saw my client. He was there as well, and I saw him standing with his back against me. He looked like LL Cool J. The thing is that he was zoomed in, like if it was a movie.
    Anyway, I made my way to the showers only to see a big, fat black woman getting fucked by an even fatter and hairy white guy. I just kept walking, when I noticed another fat, black lady standing right next to them. Apparently, the black woman not getting her hole stuffed was the shower sluts mother. She said her daughter should be fucking a real man... and that's when the attention fell on me. It was also then I noticed that I was black. To calm the situation I suggested she should be fucking her husband.

    Once again, it was like waking up from a dream within a dream, except that this was no dream. It was a movie. The kind with screaming black people who's having issues with their Eddie Murphy-complex (I hate those kinds of movies). The movie was playing on an airplane and the screen was attached to the seat in front of me. When I got up to go to the bath room, the volume from the movie was turned way up and as I was moving further away I hoped that my fellow passengers wouldn't connect me to that horrible piece of film, since I was ashamed to be watching it in the first place.

    Dream fragments from this morning

    by stiffyswe on 06-18-2012 at 10:38 AM
    So I believe that dream starts up with me waking up and hurrying to some kind of school. There's a big room (classroom?) with a big table and when you're seated you have one person on each side of you and someone right across the table. I start massaging my temples since I have migraine (which could be because of the fact that I didn't study for the test). Weird thing is that it is an art school, so I don't really get what should have been studied. My classmates start patting me on the back and comforting me, saying that it's okay. Both the migraine and the fact that I didn't study.

    ...and so the teacher enters and she focuses her attention on me as she hands out the papers. I don't know why, I just know that she does. She has red hair, a knitted pink/red blouse and a white top. I believe she had beige khaki pants.

    Later on I'm walking through the halls of the school, which looks like an abanded waterfront warehouse, except there are paintings and art projects high and low. The lighting is dingy and damp, the only light reaching me is from the windows that are a few meters over me, just under the roof. I see a television screen and there's thist artist being interviewed (or maybe he's doing some kind of monologue). Lars Vilks, the artist behind the Muhammed charicatures, crosses my mind. It looks like him and they're both named Lars, but in my mind I know that "he is like Lars Vilks, but another Lars". The feeling was very surreal...

    At this point the dream goes very fragmental and I can't be sure about the connection between these parts, although there is a small link in recurring dream characters, although they just appear as shadows and the general feeling in all these parts are the same.

    We're out biking and I am on my sisters bike (I don't know how it looks or anything). I'm with a famous TV duo from sweden; Filip och Fredrik. We're on this trail in the woods and in front me is this guy with red hair and dreads... He looks like a crust punk with a smallbrimmed cap, camo-cargo-pants and a black hoodie with some kind of DIY-print on the back. I feel that I'm holding the tempo back by not passing him and I start going by him. // CUT //
    We're out on an asphalt road, still in the woods. We're talking and their rapport amazes me. Somehow I'm clued to that one of them, Filip, is an alcoholic and that he can't drink without becoming a total asshole... And that is exactly what happens; he becomes unbearably annoying. In reality however, I think it's the other way around, that Fredrik becomes an asshole when he's drunk.

    However, we arrive at our destination, which is my sisters apartment where I am suppoed to leave her bike. Her place is a mix between where she actually lives and where an old friend of mine used to live (we're not friends anymore and he haven't lived there for years). Somewhere between arriving to this house and being on the asphalt road in the woods I sense, more than see, the image of my khaki-wearing teacher.

    I think the last part of the dream was my sister being angry with me because I hadn't told her that I was out biking with Filip and Fredrik.

    The last dream of this morning - Running late to see Bruce Springsteen

    by stiffyswe on 06-18-2012 at 09:49 AM
    As this dream begins I'm not really sure where we are, but I do believe we are at my fathers fiancees place. It's me, the mother of my children and my soon-to-be-roommate. There are other people there, some of whom I do believe I've met in previous dreams. There's a total of five or six people in the apartment.

    The room in which we are at the moment is scarcely decorated. There are blinds covering the window, white walls and a bed with white sheets. There's a TV turned on and a nintendo 64 connected to it. Me and the mother of my children always do a battle royale when there's a N64 present and we do this now to. My soon-to-be-roommate joins in, and as usual he is not competitive while me and the mother of my children and I are competitive to the point where we might just get into a fist fight.

    At this point I start to realize that we should get ready for going off to the concert, but the mother of my children and my soon-to-be-roommate kept playing video games. Since I am the kind of person who just puts on my shoes and I'm ready to go anywhere, I started exploring the apartment (which wasn't really my fathers fiancees, even if that was what it felt like). Then my phone rings and it is my father who is going to pick us up, since the concert is in 30 minutes and it takes about an hour (!) to get there. And so, I put my shoes on and tell everybody to get going and I myself run out the door.

    I stand outside the apartmentbuilding for quite a while waiting for the mother of my children, but she is taking alot of time getting ready. I call her to see what's up and when she answers the phone she tells me she is trying on outfits. I tell her that we need to get going and in my mind I just know that we're gonna miss "Born to run", which is probably on of the Boss' best songs.

    Somehow I end up in a cab. Or a bus, but when I arrive at my destination it's a cab. Although I do remember the bus seats from my hometowns public transport in the dream. Anyhow... We're going through this huge system of roads, with tunnels, bridge, ramps and what have you, and I don't really consider it. I have my favorite cap on (which is now lost) and my wallet in my backpocket. I put the wallet on the seat, right next to me, since it's uncomfortable in my back pocket. I also take my cap off.
    In a turn that is tunneled I see a really weird car. It's only got two wheels and it seems like it has disintegrated through rust. The driver is holding a wheel, and there's no motor hood, no roof and almost no body at all, just the skeleton of the car... Except that you can see where the rust has eaten it. For some reason that's the car I end up in when we reach the destination, which is an underground parking garage. When I'm about to pay the driver, I realize my wallet is missing. Ofcourse it fell out while lying on the seat, since there was no doors or walls to keep it inside the car(!).

    Updated 06-18-2012 at 10:01 AM by stiffyswe (Categories)

    non-lucid , memorable

    Confusion is all around

    by stiffyswe on 06-14-2012 at 12:32 PM
    Last night before going to sleep I was meditating quite a while before passing out. I remember waking up a few times a night, but not remembering any of my dreams. Each time I tried a different technique but to no avail.
    This morning I woke up several times and the last time I woke up before I got out of bed 11.30 was somewhere around 9.30-9.45. I tried to WILD (for the first time, actually) but I do not remember if the attempt was succesful. When I woke up and got out of bed there was two things that happened that often tells me I have dreamed; I had a sense of having been somewhere else and I had an old song in the back of my head which I was constantly humming.

    This was disappointing to me, as it always is when I do not remember dreams. However, I suspect that I did become lucid without remembering it, 'cause I have this nagging feeling of standing somewhere under a deep purple sky and saying to myself that this is a dream, but the thought/feeling is too fleeting to be categorized and proved. The problem I'm often having with my lucid dreams are that once I become lucid I can't keep control and a false awakening occurs, or I just lose all vividness and the dream continues on without me remembering it.

    At least I have identified my own problems and are working to solve them.

    Several dreams this morning

    by stiffyswe on 06-12-2012 at 11:39 PM
    For the first time in quite a while I could sleep in, which I did to the fullest. Slept for more than 12 hours and my dreams during the last cycles were intense, short, superlong and manymanymany. It has been hard for me to keep track of which dream fits into which and some I have forgotten during the day, even though I wrote down keynotes each time I woke up. Therefore I'm just gonna put 'em all down bulletstyle.

    The first dream I'm putting down is the one I think came first; it's about this blogger girl that I've been following for a while. As I love language it is important to me that people use language well and that is excactly what she does. It just so happens that she writes alot about sucking cock. So in my dream she wanted to suck my cock while I wanted to seem intelligent to her (as that is what I percieve her as). The thing is I am not interested in women at the present, so her sucking my cock was completely out of the question. All the while I'm lying in just my underwear and a t-shirt on the floor, she has the same kind of clothing. While this is happening there is a proverbial storm of the century going on outside. The lightning flashes bright and makes everything in the room extremly bright. When it's not flashing there's thunder and the sound of rain growling constantly in the background. The location of this dream is a house I used to live in, except the fact that where this room was there should have been a toilet but in this dream it was kind of a chill out-corner.

    The second dream is just an image. I'm moving to a new place soon and there I will build a sleeping loft. I'm going to make totempoles out of the legs to the loft and in this dream that was excactly what I was doing; carving wood.

    The third dream I'm with my band in a city upnorth. It just so happens that a girl who contacted me and was very impressed with my writing is from this town. We were supposed to do a gig there, but we got stuck in this room which was supposed to be some sort of backstage-area (but it wasn't, it was the room where I recieved my first kiss (that I found out during waking reflection)). I'm currently off every mindaltering drug, but no one else that I know is. So there was a hunt for drugs in unknown territory, and this girl who likes my writing obviously had some connections and she said she was going to help out in the quest for finding junk. I told her that I'm currently not using and she carresed the fold of my jacket sensually and said "too bad".
    That was not the only thing happening. The weather outside was constantly changing, from sunny to total-annihilation-storm. Outside the windows was a female friend of mine, hanging halfway inside kicking with her legs playfully saying she wanted to get stoned. People are running back and forth through the room and the only grounded point in the room was the girl who said she'd help getting drugs.

    Fourth dream: nothing remembered except the fact that I'm being chased and I have the mother of my children in my company. I've got the first scene from one of the Bourne-films running through my head as I write this (the one where his girl dies somewhere in the desert, or something to that point).