• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between Supernova and Sassafrax

    22 Visitor Messages

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    1. Haha, true.
      I'm gonna figure out how to do this tomorrow night, I promise, I'm just in the middle of a complete shitstorm of commitments right now
    2. we should get an abandoned building address near you and send it there.
    3. did u figure it out?
    4. Time for a google hunt...

      ...first thing tomorrow
    5. yah good question :/
    6. The book? Sweet.

      Now, to just figure out how the package pick-up thing works with the post office
    7. I found it!
    8. Hail Eris, Indeed!
    9. wow i wouldn't bother going to that discordian chat, they are laaammmeeeeeeee

      and not even in a good way.
    10. :O omg i'm there now
    Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 22
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