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    August 5
    About Taterking5
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    I haven't been able to do much lucid dreaming. That's why I came here. I've heard so many amazing things about what lucid dreaming is like and I want to do it more. Most of my dreams don't make much sense considering the fact that they shift all of the time, but when I'm able to fully control them, amazing things will happen in them. I usually stay up late, so I should be able to remember my dreams more. This should help with the lucid dreaming. Let the threads begin!
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    basketball, origami, video games, sleeping, ping-pong
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    View Taterking5's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    My First Lucid Dream (Finally)

    by Taterking5 on 01-12-2013 at 09:36 AM
    So I finally had my first lucid dream, but this didn't happen last night. This happened December 29th.

    As soon as the dream came into view, it automatically came to me; I was in a dream. I looked at my surroundings: I was in a grey building and I had a pistol I was holding, but I viewed everything like a first person shooter. The first thing that came to my mind was that if I'm in a first person shooter, there might be other people in the building that might want to shoot me! So, the first thing I looked for was a doorway that led me out of the building. As I was looking for the way out, I came into a classroom that had a bunch of people from my school, but they all looked like they were mad at me for some reason. I just walked through them, when I saw the exit door. As I go towards it, some girl trips me...so I punched her in the face. Then were boyfriend got up, and I just shoved him. "This is stupid," I said to myself. Before I opened the door, I thought to myself there will be a town behind this door. Sure enough, there was a town that looked like a map out of Modern Warfare 2. First attempt at controlling something: successful.

    I walk down the sidewalk and I see a few strange things, like a couple sitting at a table with a bunch of baby dragons jumping around them, giant air waver things on the ceilings of buildings (like the ones you see for advertisement), etc. Anyway, as I go down some ally I come to this opening with a fireplace in front of me. I look at the sky and think I wonder if I can make myself fly. I flew off the ground a little bit, about 12 ft, but then I fell back down. Well that won't work. I turn around to go back, but then I see my Uncle Anthony sleeping on the steps of the ally. I ask him why he is sleeping there, and he just told me that he was tired. Well, apparently his head was next to ANOTHER fireplace, and his head caught on fire. I find some oven mitt and try to pat out his head, but it made the oven mitt catch on fire. Then my Uncle Paul comes from the ally and says, "I'll take care of this." I guess the only reason that he was in my dream is because I was working for him that week. I look around and get an awesome idea. "Wait, I got it!" I said to him. I look at all the fire in the ally area, take a deep breath, and then "WARGLFLARBGARL!" I start shooting a bunch of water out of my mouth and extinguish the fire, only it wasn't a steady stream of water, it was more like a wavy stream. Once everything was extinguished, my Uncle Paul looks at me and says,"Now that's a way to put out a fire...in a disgusting way." I kinda laugh to myself, and then I woke up.
    lucid , memorable

    Birthday, Sadness, and the Wishing machine

    by Taterking5 on 09-12-2011 at 02:08 AM
    This dream has been very random and was very long, but I remember most of it.

    I started at my house, we were playing a complicated game of goldfish with holographic cards that had pictures of horses on them. My house is basically a big shed with tools everywhere (pretty much exactly like my real house) and has a small kind of apartment complex in it. My friend wanted to show me something, so I followed him into my house. When I walk in, I notice everyone is standing around looking at me with smiles. I see the balloons everywhere and then I realize: it's my birthday . They sing happy birthday to me and tell me I have to find the gift myself and that only one person in that room new it's location. I start looking around until I notice a stage in the back of the room (was never there before) and I see a pile of dirty clothes on it (from my room in my real house). Something told me that my gift was in that pile, so I started digging. I found what appeared to be a shiny white ball. They didn't tell me what it was so I told them thanks in a confused manner. I started thanking everyone and then sat down. My aunt came to me and started telling me congratulations, but when I looked, she had tears all over her face and she was trying to keep a fake smile. I asked if she was ok, but she just walked away . Then my cousin walked up to me, also crying, and congratulates me and walks away too. Confused, I walk to my mom and asked why everyone was crying. She said that the end was near and people were coming to take me away. Then it hit me; this ball was a wishing machine .
    I quickly thought of someplace I wanted to go to. I started rapidly turning in circles for about a minute or two until everything slowly started turning from my house to snowy mountains and ski lodges. Then, I fell in the snow. I quickly got on my feet and looked around. Snow was everywhere. There was a ski lodge to my right, a chair lift behind me (along with a very steep drop off), and some kid from my school appeared to my right in ski gear. "It's not as easy as it looks is it?" He said. I walked up to him and said, "How does this thing work exactly?" "Just think of any place you want to go to, or whatever you want, no matter how bizarre, and wait a minute. You will then rapidly spin in circles until you appear at the place you imagined with the thing you wanted. I said "show me." He held my hand and we started spinning again (this will happen several times). Eventually, we appeared in the middle of a valley with a shallow river. "Where did you bring us?" "Pennsylvania", he said. I looked around to see tourist and other people staring at me. I kinda smiled at them and quickly thought of another place. I turned in circles again, and appeared at a gas station.
    "Why would I think of this place?" I looked behind me to see a highway, but instead saw the ocean with a dock on it. On that dock was a white corvette. White, the color of the wishing machine. Two people walked up to me. I've never seen them in my life though. One was a tall, curly haired girl with freckles and a averaged size man with orange hair, a orange beard, white shirt and blue jeans. "We gotta go", the guy said. Confused, I looked behind him to see a crowd of people frantically running after us. "They're after the wishing machine", I said. Then, we ran .
    We all started running through random buildings that appeared to be in, or what I thought was Las Vegas. We ran into a building that had pink walls and quickly looked around for an exit. I found an exit and ran out, but it wasn't an exit. It lead to a novelty gift shop. We kept running through the store, out onto a sidewalk. I looked around to see that we were in Galveston. We ran around the corner (sorry, lots of running) and kept running. We found some trees and thought that they would lead to somewhere else, but instead, they lead us to where the gas station that we started at was. We decided to get in the car and try to find a way to make the wishing machine to work, but it was too heavy to turn in circles. It was too late by then. The crowd of people ran to the car and shoved us into the ocean. Now, we can turn.
    It took several minutes, and while we were thinking of some resort to go to, I decided to think of turning this car into something else, like a hover car. When we teleported, the strangers were on the beach while I was in the air on what I thought would be a hover car, but was instead a bicycle with a huge square seat big enough to hold us. I was laughing and riding around in the air and over the water . The orange hair guy told me to get down, but I just ignored him and dove into the water. Then, I suddenly disappeared and was looking through first person point of view.
    We suddenly teleported to the gas station again, where the strangers started walking through the streets, making sure it was safe. A hobo jumped up and yelled "there back, get them!" They ran at the strangers and captured them. They were then transported to a prison to be tortured to death. It was awful to watch . Then, I woke up.
    A lot of things happened in that dream that I don't remember, but this is what I do recall dreaming about. It gave me a headache.
    non-lucid , memorable

    Amnesia and Friends

    by Taterking5 on 04-17-2011 at 07:22 PM
    It's kinda hard to remember where it started but I remember that I was at my friends house. We were having fun talking about the new game he just bought: Amnesia (actual scary game). Amnesia is a game made to scare the crap out of you. You start out in a room high in a castle having know idea where or why you're there. As the game goes on, you start having flashbacks and weird memories. This makes it to where you sometimes see monsters or here weird noises. The worst part is that you can't fight. You have only one choice: to run and hide. It's a pretty awesome game.

    Anyway, he starts his computer and we take turns playing it. When it's my turn to play, my dream perspective changes to 1st person of me in the game. I start out in this weird room with lots of different machinery. I remember that the game is kind of a puzzle so you have to do many things before you can escape. I see this button on a counter and decide to press it. As soon as I press it, I heard a loud scream . I turn around frantically but see nothing. I turn back to the button and press it again. I heard another loud scream and I started to hear banging on a door (I didn't realize that there was a door in the room). I'm trying to find the door and then I hear it bust open. I turn around and see all these thugs (they're suppose to be scary monsters) coming at me; about four thugs coming at me. I apparently die and start the level again. I did the buttons again and then I picked up a giant iron ball like thing. As soon as the thugs came into the door, I threw it at them and they all died and disappeared.

    Then a boy comes through the door with sad eyes and gives me a twenty dollar bill. Confused, I continue through the door the thugs just came out of and then I come back to my friends room because it was sadly my brothers turn .

    I got up and went outside. It was nighttime. My friend's room was a whole building to himself, which was kind of weird. I walked across his drive way into another building. I saw a long hall way when I walked in with a bunch of rooms to my right. I walked in to the first room and found a bedroom/restroom. There was a shower nozzle on the left wall with water spraying onto a bed. In the back there was a toilet and another bed with a bean bag chair to it's right. I decide to go to the restroom but forget the door is open. While I'm trying to take a crap, my brother walks in on me! I yelled at him to get out and he just shrugged and walked down the hallway .

    Then, my dream shifts again and I'm in this two story building with a bunch of what seems like teenagers. I look at a big banner that is hanging above a giant wood floor that said," High School Prom." I kinda smile a little bit but I see no one I know. I decide just to act crazy and I went down to the dance floor . There, I meet these two people I've never seen in all of my life. They start complaining that they will never be able to dance with a girl. I laugh and go to a random girl and ask her if she wants to dance. When I do, she turns around and I see that it is one of my friends at my real school. She smiles, says yes, and we start to dance. After a while, we go to a rectangular section of the room with a giant stained glass window for a wall. Through it, all I see is a full moon. I smile and howl for no reason. She laughs and soon everyone is howling. I laugh and then my dream shifts again.

    I don't remember the rest after that part but I remember that even though I couldn't control it, it was a good dream.
    non-lucid , memorable

    Amnesia and Friends

    by Taterking5 on 04-17-2011 at 07:21 PM
    It's kinda hard to remember where it started but I remember that I was at my friends house. We were having fun talking about the new game he just bought: Amnesia (actual scary game). Amnesia is a game made to scare the crap out of you. You start out in a room high in a castle having know idea where or why you're there. As the game goes on, you start having flashbacks and weird memories. This makes it to where you sometimes see monsters or here weird noises. The worst part is that you can't fight. You have only one choice: to run and hide. It's a pretty awesome game.

    Anyway, he starts his computer and we take turns playing it. When it's my turn to play, my dream perspective changes to 1st person of me in the game. I start out in this weird room with lots of different machinery. I remember that the game is kind of a puzzle so you have to do many things before you can escape. I see this button on a counter and decide to press it. As soon as I press it, I heard a loud scream . I turn around frantically but see nothing. I turn back to the button and press it again. I heard another loud scream and I started to hear banging on a door (I didn't realize that there was a door in the room). I'm trying to find the door and then I hear it bust open. I turn around and see all these thugs (they're suppose to be scary monsters) coming at me; about four thugs coming at me. I apparently die and start the level again. I did the buttons again and then I picked up a giant iron ball like thing. As soon as the thugs came into the door, I threw it at them and they all died and disappeared.

    Then a boy comes through the door with sad eyes and gives me a twenty dollar bill. Confused, I continue through the door the thugs just came out of and then I come back to my friends room because it was sadly my brothers turn .

    I got up and went outside. It was nighttime. My friend's room was a whole building to himself, which was kind of weird. I walked across his drive way into another building. I saw a long hall way when I walked in with a bunch of rooms to my right. I walked in to the first room and found a bedroom/restroom. There was a shower nozzle on the left wall with water spraying onto a bed. In the back there was a toilet and another bed with a bean bag chair to it's right. I decide to go to the restroom but forget the door is open. While I'm trying to take a crap, my brother walks in on me! I yelled at him to get out and he just shrugged and walked down the hallway .

    Then, my dream shifts again and I'm in this two story building with a bunch of what seems like teenagers. I look at a big banner that is hanging above a giant wood floor that said," High School Prom." I kinda smile a little bit but I see no one I know. I decide just to act crazy and I went down to the dance floor . There, I meet these two people I've never seen in all of my life. They start complaining that they will never be able to dance with a girl. I laugh and go to a random girl and ask her if she wants to dance. When I do, she turns around and I see that it is one of my friends at my real school. She smiles, says yes, and we start to dance. After a while, we go to a rectangular section of the room with a giant stained glass window for a wall. Through it, all I see is a full moon. I smile and howl for no reason. She laughs and soon everyone is howling. I laugh and then my dream shifts again.

    I don't remember the rest after that part but I remember that even though I couldn't control it, it was a good dream.

    Weird Island Dream

    by Taterking5 on 04-16-2011 at 04:30 PM
    I started my dream in a hotel room. My family and I just dropped off our luggage and were now relaxing. I go to look out the window and realize that I'm at the highest room on a sky scraper. there is no city in view though, just a few houses with a beach in the distance. I tell my mom that I'm going to go look around for a while and left. My view changes and I'm suddenly at the beach. The sand is bright white with the beach having clear blue water. In the distance, there is this giant rock wall in the water, kind of like a steep cliff. I turn around and see stairs going from the beach to a small grass plain and with it a two story bar. The bar had a square like base with no windows or doors. I see my mom and all of my aunts laughing and talking happily . I decide to walk off not to disturb them. I go back to the beach and find these weird cards in the sand. I start to look through them. Each card had a different color of plastic on it and had a weird pictures on them. I hold one of them and put the rest of them on the ground. I grip the card in my hand, hold my hand in the air, and a red beam shoots out of my hand. Finally something awesome happens. A giant army of heavily suited warriors start running towards me in a distance . I pick up the rest of the cards, start to run into the bar, and then I woke up.
    non-lucid , memorable