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    About Torry
    I'm a complete drama queen who overanalyzes EVERYTHING. I'm also an insanely happy person, so I never stay sad for too long. I adore Barbra Streisand, and often joke that I'm an "honorary Jew" because I look so Jewish that almost every person I meet asks me if I am. I love reading (Harry Potter!!) and acting at my local theatre. I practically live there and thats where all my really close friends are.
    Theatre, Dreaming, Tennis, Bike Riding
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    View Torry's Dream Journal

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    by Torry on 06-16-2011 at 06:47 PM
    I can only remember fragments this morning (umm afternoon). I can just barely remember one little detail, and then it just slips away. Here's what I do remember though:
    The first dream that comes to mind I was in my old school, but it looked like my current school. I said hi to the teachers and ran towards these small rooms. In one of them was 2 kids that I'm very good friends with now. I hugged them and thats where it gets a bit fuzzy. The next thing I can remember in this dream is being in my old school assembly hall, and all the popular girls who didn't like me were writing my name twice on a small piece of paper. Another one of my friends was with them but she didn't go to my school. She had written my name down too. Apparently it was a good thing so I wrote her's twice on a piece of paper as well. I can't remember much more. Just fragments of all my theatre friends being there and running after and trying to talk to one of them thats mad at me right now. She won't talk to me in real life either.
    The next dream I was in this huge mansion. This was a big dream, I wish I could remember more. I do remember this strange writing on the wall. It looked like a mix of chinese characters and the greek alphabet. This man explained to me that it was ancient english. I vaguely remember something happening upstairs. Thats where I forget.
    non-lucid , dream fragment

    Torry's dreams

    by Torry on 06-15-2011 at 08:31 PM
    I couldn't dream very well last night. It felt like my dreams weren't fully dreams, just what I was imagining, but I was asleep. I did have two that I remembered so here they are:
    The first one I was on the TARDIS with the Doctor (from doctor who, if anyone is confused). I'm not sure whether I was his companion or just watching. Well there were these 2 kids, a boy and girl, who the Doctor liked so he let them tag a long. We were looking for Ood for some reason. The kids had on these glasses that let you see what something really was, they looked like those round Ozzy Osbourne glasses. The kids were looking around and they kept seeing this Ood mocking them in the wall. Finally the Doctor took the glasses to look himself, but when he looked at the kids they were actually these huge wormy looking larva things. The Ood in the wall came out, but it wasn't an Ood anymore, it was one of those things grown up. It turns out those were the kids mothers. I started to walk to a hallway which led into my second dream:
    This one I was in like a hotel. There was some conference about to be held. I remember this old lady giving me a elevator card. I went into the elevator and swiped the card, but then it asked for a passcode. I guessed it right (It was something like 2475). I walked down some more hallways and other doors yada yada then when I went through a door into a confererence room and the janitor who was cleaning up looked like Zac Efron. I smiled at him, and he kind of smiled back. Anyway, then I went into the next room, and it was my dad's office, but it wasn't. For some reason I knew I wasn't allowed in there and tried to get out. I saw my dad and he escorted me out, but I accidently went into a room where a panel was being held. It was over movies or something. There were'nt only business men in there though, there were surfers and then a rather fat women and her 2 kids and they all had on IMAX 3D glasses. After I got out of there I woke up.
    non-lucid , memorable