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    About Trent
    Its all about KarmaI'm so fortunate to be Living the Dream!
    I'm at peace with my sole and surroundings
    I'm living in Paradise in Thailand and i'm thankful and blessed to be alive and happy.
    I go to an Online school where i'm studying to be an Energy Master.
    Its one of the coolest things i have ever done.
    The school taught me how to become Lucid so i'm going to try and help as many others as i can.
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    1. skiesAffinity
      skiesAffinity liked blog post by Trent On : Bondi Beach
      I AM DREAMING So i was down at beautiful Bondi Beach Sydney Australia. I was hustling making money. Laura was done there with me. I was playing dice with some gang members. Laura must of...
      Liked On: 09-07-2013, 10:45 AM
    2. skiesAffinity
      skiesAffinity liked blog post by Trent On : Fight Prison
      I AM DREAMING So i woke up recorded my first dream at about 5am it was nothing major i was going to stay up and talk the other Avatars but i decided i drank 2 much carrot juice to not to try and go...
      Liked On: 09-07-2013, 10:38 AM
    View Trent's Dream Journal

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    Tooth missing

    by Trent on 09-11-2013 at 09:10 AM
    I had a dream where my tooth was out i didn't feel it get ripped out thank god but the pain was emphasised for some reason. Blue Lotus thinks its because of everything i just went through here in Perth and i just grounded it in because it was a big change for me.
    Weird dream but to run out without a tooth. lol

    Merge my Soul with a Whale INTENSE

    by Trent on 09-07-2013 at 11:02 AM
    I had this dream a few night ago just trying to catch up on my dream journal.
    I was out with Laura at some restaurant eating wicked food having a ball and its like 4am in the morning and i get a call to go to work in a few hours time to go diving.
    I'm like for real cant you get someone else to do it?
    I'm like dude its 4am in the morning and he hangs up on me. I get home laura is pissed i get no action i roll over get a few hours sleep and rock up to work at the dive shop.
    They give me one student i'm like WTF
    You got me to finish a great night for one student and i miss out on getting laid are you for real.
    Everyone else has like 3-4 students and there are 2 other teachers and you give me one so im like what ever lets go.
    We end up in phi phi island and we get out there via jet ski's.
    I take down some kiwi girl who has dived on the east coast of NZ so i know she is going to be a fish its nice and easy so i don't have to worry about her all too much. The dude that call me up dived near where i was with his students.
    My student and i go down do the dive come up and she is on the boat. I was going to catch up with that dude that ended my night because i wanted to bash the shit out of him. Then all of a sudden
    everyone is screaming out "Whale" "Whale" "Whale"
    I look at him and it turned into a race and hooned out to where the whale is. It was a humpback whale everyone was trying to touch getting photos i just sorta hanged back and thought to myself they have all gone japanese on this whale the poor thing.
    I went to touch him and i couldn't touch him there were 2 many people there. The whale started swimming off i was like fuck this i'm on a jet ski i went around to him and as he was swimming away i put my hand out and touched the whale. I then felt the whale and i did a pulse out of my hand and he stopped dead in his tracks. I then soul merged with the whale and as i did it i looked at his left eye and his pupils dilated. 2 souls become one. Wow this was most intense feeling i have ever had in the dreamscape come to me i mean i actually felt it like i was there. The best way to describe it was if you physically touch source and embrace pure white light. It lasted for about 20 mins. At this stage i knew i was dreaming. This was a more then Lucid feeling it was like source telling me congrates you put up with all the bullshit i threw at you in the dream you worked it out now enjoy my reward and don't get me wrong he does this all the time that is what dreams are lessons. You get to the final destination now enjoy the feeling you deserve it. My heart was racing and the dude that told me to come out to work that day was next to me. I was like take a photo dude quick and he tried but he didn't want me to look better then him he didn't want me to get a photo.I hate that jealousy. I grabbed his camera and threw it in the water. lol
    I was Lucid so i created a waterfall under his jet ski he lasted about half a second and was out of the picture real quick lol
    I let the whale go and he swam off making his whale sound good bye. I then had a news reporter come up to me and was like awesome.
    I'm like yeah i know but you know what i did right and he looked at me confused, i merged souls with the whale right i told him how to do the merge then he said don't worry i got a camera we can go get a photo.
    I woke up like 5am in the morning and i could not get back to sleep i normally get up b4 lunch this was not going to happen this morning.
    I love Whales.
    I would pass up getting any action from any female any night of the year to do what i did lol
    Merged souls and i learnt that in Avatar Energy Master. Thanks Michael Monk and Peter Collectiveconsciousness Shelton

    Millenium Falcon

    by Trent on 09-07-2013 at 11:00 AM
    So i found myself flying the Millenium falcon sitting next to my brother. I looked at him and i said crank it crank it.
    He went downstairs and did the chewbacca thing and we jumped into light speed it was pretty cool.
    We come out of it and i pull into the Death star.
    There were these four races that were given power and battling over Earth below from the death star. One race was trying to poison the population on the planet. I figured hey if source was letting it happen then let it be. It sounded like a Monsanto thing with the GMO poisoning which is happening to all of us right now. They were all fuckheads so i did something nuts, i wiped them out by sacrificing myself.


    Owner of the Heat

    by Trent on 09-07-2013 at 10:58 AM
    NBA season was on it the lock out was happening. I was the owner of the Miami Heat and i knew Dwight howard.
    He was making up his mind whether or not he would sign with the chicago bulls as they needed a centre.
    I told him to wait until 10 games in and then sign with the Heat.
    I was then down at the Miami heat first game of the season and everyone was rusty as always when its the first game.
    For some reason a security guard was playing on the court and he was messing it up.
    Then shaq walks in the building and i was like your hired done.
    I should of said I AM DREAMING as shaq is already retired but it didn't click.
    Source always throws little hints to see how alert you are for you 2 work out your in a dream i'm getting better at it.
    I was hanging out with Pat riley in the end organising stuff.
    It was just a cool bball dream.


    poker table

    by Trent on 09-07-2013 at 10:57 AM
    I was in Perth at the Burswood casino.
    If i bothered to remember it i was probably blazed the night before since it kills your dreams.

    That was it and that was all i can remember i didn't write this one down when i should of a few weeks ago because only the other
    day guess what i was in the Burswood. I lost $70 on the poker table from chips which my mate had kept like a few years ago.
    Some of this stuff is starting to trip me out a little because when im at certain locations in my dreams they come true. Even if it was just one line sentence that i find on my voice recorder.
    Im going to go full detox now im over everything. My dreams are more important then what there making out to be.
    If i could remember the whole dream i probably would of lost my money at the poker table and not of played poker the other day because i knew i would of lost.


    Updated 09-07-2013 at 11:12 AM by Trent
