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    Zombies Lead by a Giant Robot!

    by TwistedNitWit on 05-24-2014 at 12:35 AM
    So in my dream, I was with a group of people who were surviving during a zombie apocalypse. Things were going well and we weren't facing too many zombies that threatened the lives of the group members. But then out of nowhere we were met with a horde of zombies. I was dual-wielding an axe and short sword, and I fought as many as I could. But in the end we had to run away. We managed to escape and catch a breath, but a moment later we started hearing and feeling a large thump. We decided to cautiously check out what was going on, and it turned out not so great. We saw at a distance a gigantic robot traveling through the land. It's main body was round and spherical, and had long four legs at the bottom. It kind of resembled the daddy long legs spider, but this one was 2 stories tall. We also noticed that all the zombies in that horde from earlier were following it. I decided and told the group that It's not safe to stay nearby it, so we backed out and fled.

    Then I woke up!

    Ghost Scared my Nephew!

    by TwistedNitWit on 05-08-2014 at 04:52 AM
    In my dream I was at my old house. It was just after noon and my father and I were in the garage packing up our items that we were trying to sell at our garage sale. While packing we were doing small talk with each other, just to pass time. But then out of nowhere we both started to hear screaming, the screams were of my nephew. I dropped whatever I was doing and told my father that I would check on him. As I approaching the front door, which was about 10 feet away or so. My nephew burst out the front door screaming "PAPA" repeatedly. His face was red and his expression was in terror. I went towards him and was going to try to calm him down. He ran right by me as if I wasn't there, but it was okay he favored my father more anyways. So I followed him into the garage, where my father was. He ran to a corner and hid behind a box still crying. My father went to him to comfort him while I tried to figure things out. My father asked him "Nito what's wrong?" and my nephew replied "The bad man!"

    So then I thought that a home invader entered our house through the back door by hopping over our backyard wall. I go to a table and grab a hammer gripping it hard intending to hurt, maybe kill. I turn it over so the sharp end would be in the front, then I started towards the front door. I approach the metal screen door, and peeked inside. The main door to the house was open so I was able to look inside. I saw that the TV was on and my mother was sitting on the couch closest to the front door with a sandwich in her left hand, holding it up. But that is where I got suspicious because my mom wasn't supposed to be there. So I yell to my father, "Hey dad, is mom home yet?" He couldn't hear my at first so I repeated the question. This time he told me that she wasn't home at all. Which brought me to the conclusion that this person on the couch was an imposter! So I flung open the screen door and charged inside ready to crack open the skull of that imposter.

    Then I woke up.

    Dream About Buying Manga

    by TwistedNitWit on 01-13-2014 at 08:24 PM
    In my dream, I stumbled upon a Manga (Japanese comic) store. It gave off a cool feeling, it looked kind of gray with a hint of blue, and had J-pop playing int he background. I saw the clerk staring at me, and he had with an expression like "What are you doing here American?" I didn't pay it much mind and approached him. I told him that I've been reading Manga online and I really wanted to get a collection going. So he goes to the wall and picks a box of a Manga series. It had Anima/Animus character archetypes and I wasn't quite into it and told that I would like something else. Then my dad appeared asking what I was doing and I explained. I then told the clerk that I would like something that is Action/Adventure I talked to my dad some more (I forgot the specifics of our conversation.) And I was presented with a bundle of Manga to start my collection. They were all boxed in/ stacked on each, and wrapped in clear plastic. I saw some Manga I didn't recognize, and saw some I didn't. I thought this was a good way to start me of and payed for it. I was a little shocked because the whole thing cost my $35 and I expected them to be more.

    Work, Relationship, Death

    by TwistedNitWit on 12-10-2013 at 09:37 PM
    I got called into work, at a clothing store I have been recently employed to. I was told in the back by my supervisor that he might be letting some people go and told me to wait while he gathered other employees. Some time passed by then they eventually all came. There were: my dad who was a coworker (only in the dream), my friend from school, and this girl. She was white, short, skinny, and had light brown hair, and lastly my supervisor. As he entered the back it turned out that he wasn’t letting anybody go and instead gave us a new work wardrobe. It was just t-shirts, with some fashionable logo. Afterwards my supervisor instructed me and the girl to go outside in the back to start working and sent off my friend and dad to do something else.

    While working the girl and I made friends with each other, then eventually we showed interest in each other then I asked her out. Things then flashed forward to a beach setting. It was me and her, talking and messing around. I was on top of a jetty, and she was chilling in a floaty tube, then I found some water guns. One was at the end of the jetty, the other was next to her. So I got all dramatic, slid down the jetty kind of like a penguin, grabbed the water gun, and started soaking her. She fired back and hit me in my face, I laughed, grabbed my face, and fell into the water. I then jumped out really quickly because my cell phone was in my pocket.
    Hoping that it was okay and didn’t suffer too much water damage, I checked to see if it still worked. As I was checking she sprayed me again, this time in my hands. I covered the phone as best as I could and told her to stop. My phone started to come back on, and I was flipping through it to make sure. It worked, but it was grainy. I then said something like “Okay we’re good.”

    Then things flashed to a house, it was small. In fact it was one of those houses that you can move. It was her and I all alone, we talked about our aspirations, things we wanted to do in the future, describing about opening a shop of some kind. Then we talked about each other, then things started to get intimate. She climbed on top of me and we started making out.

    Later she offered to make dinner, I decided to help her. So we prepared, I grabbing pots and pans, getting the food, and I got things from high places she couldn’t get, at one point I think I almost fell, but caught myself and continued on, then I got called into work again.
    It was in the evening and it got dark out and there wasn’t that much going on. I was thinking about my father and how he was doing. I was on top of a ladder, re-stocking the shelves, then I saw my dad walk in. I greeted him and continued to work. It was then I noticed something wrong. He wasn’t speaking to me, and he stood there with complete silence, and an expression on his face like something was not right. I then asked him what was going on. I saw my supervisor walk by, acknowledging me and walking right passed my father as if he wasn’t there.

    That’s when I understood everything, my father had just died and his ghost came to me. So I said “Oh shit, dad don’t tell me.” He nodded his head indicated that my suspicions were true. I then say, “Fuck…okay, how did it happen?” Since he couldn’t speak he was only able to make hand gestures. He made hand gestures saying that he was climbing up a ladder, to bring down a heavy object from a shelf. He lost his footing and fell off of the ladder with said object, which fell on top of him and he died.

    Afterwards I woke up, and was happy to hear my dad’s obnoxious snoring again.
    non-lucid , memorable

    From School to Driving Around then Ghosts

    by TwistedNitWit on 07-05-2013 at 06:26 PM
    It was in the middle of the day, I drove a red compact car to a university to study programming (I don’t know how to drive, I don’t own a red compact car, nor do I know anyone who has one in real life.). The thing was is that I’ve never been to this particular university, because it was an entirely different school building than the one I actually go to. The area around it were plains an green, the campus itself was big had multiple buildings with a modern design to them, like very geometric with and lot of sharp shapes to them, mainly around windows. So I entered the building and headed for the library as if I knew right where to go. When I reached the library I went straight to the computers and began studying. On the computer screen the tutorials were divided up in a branching style. Meaning that at the top was the advanced tutorial, and it branched downwards to other tutorials, I was at the very bottom where it said “The Basics of Programming.”

    Fast forwarding, I ended up studying until the sun went down. I left the library and headed for my car. At the same time another group of people were leaving as well, they talked about partying for the 4th of July. I reached the front doors I opened it to let a girl in, she said something to me, then I responded back sarcastically and smiled. I held the door for two more people, a short Asian looking girl, and a black guy. As I was heading for my car I noticed the group of people had their cars parked in the spaces around my car. They all left, except for one. It was a white guy with brown hair, wearing a green jacket, and jeans. He asked me if he could have a ride I said “Sure.” Then he asked if he could drive, and I agreed.

    As he was driving I noticed that he was very nervous, as if he was still learning how to drive. He even ran over a pole and kept going. I told him to calm down, take a breath, and slow down. Right after I said that he drove off the road onto another. I “Whoa – ho – ho, that was cool…But don’t do that again.” He calmed down a drove the rest of the way without any more incidents. As we got there I checked my phone, and found out that I’ve gotten a bunch of text messages from my mom and sister. They mainly consisted of “Where are you?” “Are you okay” “We’re worried about you”, I texted back saying “I’m okay and will be home soon.” After putting my phone away, I noticed that he came back with 2 more people with him. Both were girls, one was Asian (Not the same from earlier), the other was white. They said something about going to one of the girls’ place instead. I agreed and we left, but this time I was driving.

    While driving I noticed that there were still illegal fireworks being fired off from different parts of the city. After a few seconds I stopped gazing at the fireworks and focused on the road ahead. As I was driving though I didn’t know the area around me so I handed them my phone and told them to go to maps and type in the directions of where to go. I got my phone back but as I did I was in a familiar area and knew where I was more or less going. The guy told me to pull up on the side of the road, because they have something to confess to me. We all got out and walked down an alley, that lead to a grassy area. As we were walking I noticed that their movement patterns were very peculiar, and then I caught on. “Wait a minute… You’re all ghosts!” I said, I wasn’t actually scared but I was curious as to why they are bothering me. The guy confessed to me that they were ghosts, and that he was the ghost of my present. And the girls were my past and future. I followed them in to the grassy area, the guy hopped up and sat on a wall, to explain. Then I was rudely awakened before I could get any answers!!!