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    View TyrannousWalnut's Dream Journal

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    Another night, another missed dream sign...7/29/10

    by TyrannousWalnut on 07-29-2010 at 06:45 PM
    I had three dreams that I can remember, but one of them just barely.

    The first dream I was chasing ghost-like wispy apparitions around my basement. I think this might have to do with my (possible, I'm not completely sure) experience with sleep paralysis, where I felt like there were ghost like apparitions in my room.

    The second dream involved me being on top of a hill or plateau of some sort, really high up. I was with a few other people, though the only one's identity I knew was my friend, Casey, who then proceeded to accidentally break the "O" off of a 3 feet by 4 feet Ohio State sign. I have a general feeling, even though I don't remember doing this in the dream, that we attacked these cities that were in the landscape around the plateau. The cities were sort of like the cities from spore.

    My last, and most vivid, dream involved me and a group of maybe 3, at most, other people walked into someone's open garage in a place that resembled my uncle's neighborhood. We were looking around when a kid I knew from grade school (a douchebag) ran in, stole a sort of vacuum cleaner on wheels and proceeded to ride it down the slope near the driveway to the house we were at. We stopped him and brought the vacuum cleaner back along with the other kid. The owner of the house saw the whole thing, and gave us a wad of cash for it, but left because she seemed in a hurry. As we tried to count the money and divide it equally among ourselves in this garage, a bunch of other douchebags from my school started making fun of us and tried to take the money. The dream ended before I could get a punch in

    A common theme that I'm starting to see is being around people, but not completely knowing who. Possible DS? And I should have been able to realize that, since I was counting the money at a near second-grade level, I was dreaming. Though, my dream covered up for it by adding the doucebags distracting me as a logical reason as to why I couldn't count the money.
    non-lucid , dream fragment

    7/28/10 Odd School Happenings

    by TyrannousWalnut on 07-28-2010 at 07:14 PM
    Although I know I had two dreams I could only recall one
    Oh well....

    Anyway, my dream started with me being in a mix between one of the lecture halls at my school and the fine arts center at my school. The room was filled with my classmates and people were being called up to receive 3 strips of five yellow tickets with writing on them. I got my tickets and left the room and started wandering the halls of my high school. I started to get extremely tired; my eyelids were heavy and my legs were dragging. I wandered for what seemed like 10 minutes, but it was sped up. for the last 2 minutes the bells rand and people flooded into the halls and I made my way to an office. In there I found the attendance secretary from my elementary school and she told me about how the tickets were for extra food at lunch, and she had two trays, each having one of the lunch choices for that day. And thats when the dream started to fade.

    The end might have to do with the fact that in elementary school I would order two lunches because the tiny lunches would never fill me up...?

    First Dream Journal Post!

    by TyrannousWalnut on 07-28-2010 at 06:25 PM
    This is the my first time posting here, and I'm recalling a dream I had about a week ago, so bear with me.

    I started the dream playing a defend-the-point kind of game on the computer, with everything other than what was being displayed on the screen silhouettes. My character was a knight in iron armor with a bow and arrows on the left of the screen and I had to shoot at zombies coming from the right side. This all took place in a sewer of sorts. unfortunately, the mouse control was too sensitive and I couldn't aim well (the aim system was like the game "bowman" somewhere online) and three zombies quickly swarmed me. I saw a cut-scene of my character taking out a sword and making quick work of the zombies, 300 style.

    This is when I subconsciously became the character I was playing, dream-logic allowed me to see through my character's eyes and think nothing of it, as if the dream started out that way. From there I moved through the sewers and I had two allies, also in iron armor, with me. We found two women in pauper clothing that were covered in frost and freezing. While my allies talked to them, I didn't quite pay attention and I huddled with one of the women in order to keep her warm, and my allies followed suit.

    My dream then kinda jumped forward in time, seamlessly, (again, dream logic make me think nothing of it) to where my allies and I were out of the sewer and in a sort of log cabin, around 20 feet square, filled with people. the entrance to the sewer was right behind us, and it looked like the entrance to a crypt. My family was among the people in the cabin, and everyone was dressed up in Renaissance-era clothing and everything felt this weird mix between a re-enactment and real life. While I was with my family, my sword suddenly felt fake, so i threw it on the ground. Someone I barely know from school showed up and was dressed in an agile sort of archer's clothing. He hugged me (don't ask why, cause I have as much of a clue as you do) and I reacted somewhat passive-aggressively towards him, so he and my family scolded me. I felt a little jealous of the person I knew from school.

    Through the crowd I saw my allies from the sewers who then had grave looks on their faces, and I could tell they wanted to go and were getting impatient with me. I had this feeling that there was evil about; that some important task needed doing.

    I realize now some similarities in the atmosphere of this dream and that of the beginning of the game "The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion," but I'm still confused about that mix of the re-enactment feeling and the grave danger feeling.
    non-lucid , memorable