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    View Unit53374's Dream Journal

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    Fallout: Ventura

    by Unit53374 on 06-28-2011 at 07:00 PM
    So this dream starts out in Ventura, the town I was born in. Me and my family is watching a news report showing heated debate about something. One side is arguing about using nuclear weapons more extensively, after developing a particle that destroys radiation, the Rwanda particle (not sure why I picked Rwanda). Somehow things escalate so quickly that one side ends up nuking Los Angeles. my family ends up getting into a vault type bunker, and live for ten years in it, until we get a GLaDOS type voice telling us that radiation levels are minimal. we head up, and somehow all of california is a wasteland, like Fallout. Anyway, my dad is killed by the monsters, who look a bit like the Zerg and only attack at night, and I become the head of the family. Somehow we can just drop down guns and building materials from the sky, and manage to hold them off. I use the days to work on the upgrading the shack, and teaching two people, whose faces I never see in the dream, how to play a saxophone and a tuba. For some reason the guy playing the tuba is in a granary, and the woman's saxophone looks like a trumpet... anyway, i finally send for a huge vehicle to get us all out, and we make it back to Arizona, where there is a huge area set up for refugees, that happens to be in my high school, which makes me suspect that the blast affected about half of AZ, since I live in the center... Anyways, I end up causing the entire evil corp, who was apparently run by GLaDOS mixed with Rosie, to revolt against her, and give me a piece of paper, somehow worth a million dollars... I also steal a pretty rock, as its a gemstone mining corp... So this robot starts living with me and the veteran soldier, and we found out it can manufacture water and Rwanda particles using any sort of matter. It then proceeds to switch the soldiers Rwanda needle with arsenic, killing him. The robot splits in half revealing a blood spattered iron maiden, and that's where i woke up.
    non-lucid , nightmare , memorable

    My Anima

    by Unit53374 on 06-25-2011 at 07:59 PM
    So I only remember the very end of this dream, but it's ok, since that's the important part. I'm in my kitchen. for some reason there's a barbie doll on the counter wearing all black. I remember, in the dream, that I've seen that before in my house. I don't know why, but I run into the office to ask about it, since that's where my grandmother is always. The office is changed. There's a sofa along the right-hand wall, on which that woman is sleeping. Every time I've gone into the office, I dream-remember, she's been there. Then the dream goes black. I sit lying on my bed, believing I'm awake, and analyze it. I notice some characteristics about the woman. From what I can tell of her she's tall, like me, but that's the only similarity. She has short-ish hair, where I keep my hair long-ish. She wears clothes in scene style, where as I wear sorta nerdy clothes. I think she's thin, whereas I'm sorta portly. She's also really attractive, which is a quality I do not possess. At this point I realize she is like the manifestation of all the qualities I don't have. I think in my head. I think that's my anima. BOOM! I start lucid dreaming. I jump back to the office, and I have enough time to start to float before I see the woman's eyes open up. For some reason this startles me, and I wake up in my bed not able to move. But that's just sleep paralysis...

    Vermont Apocalypse Volcano

    by Unit53374 on 06-23-2011 at 10:00 PM
    Dream was sorta odd. was watching a movie from the cameras perspective. Paused it, went downstairs, and proceeded to completely forget the next couple of minutes. Like, not in real life, but in the dream. As though I'd blacked out. Went back upstairs to watch the movie again, then one of those new alerts that takes control of the TV came on, warning of a giant volcano that had erupted under Vermont. Then I freaked out, because it was one of those apocalypse sized volcanos that wipes everything out, like in 2012, but then I found out that it was just in the movie. Then I woke up...