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    Please help me decipher this frightening dream- pt. 2

    by USAFLT on 03-18-2017 at 01:35 AM
    This dream happened after I went back to sleep from another frightening dream. In this second dream I was riding in a car. My coworker was in the passenger seat, her wife was driving, I was seated behind my coworker and my daughter was seated behind her wife. In the dream my co workers wife was another person claiming to be her wife and she couldn't see that it wasn't her wife. We were in Italy, which is where I want to be stationed once I join the air force soon. The person perpetrating to be her wife was driving her to work but she took us down the wrong street on purpose. We got to an intersection and looked around and there were people dressed in black robes and had on pointy black hoods similar to the KKK. And I could tell they were preparing for something. I kept telling the "wife" to drive off but she acted like there wasn't room for her to maneuver around the few people who were standing around the car. She just sat there saying she couldn't drive anywhere. All the people in black started a parade. And I knew they were trying to transfer demons into the people who watched the parade. I told my daughter not to look at anything or the people and they were playing demonic music during the parade too. I saw my daughter turning to look at the parade and I told her not to and she stated that she couldn't help it even though she knew she wasn't supposed to look. I was watching her look away and I yelled don't look and when she looked back at me her eyes were completely black for about 5 seconds. And I grabbed her close to me and put her face in my breasts because I knew the demons had gotten in her. I didn't look to see if my coworker or her wife were looking cause then I would see the parade. The parade was very short and seemed to kinda vanish. My daughter before the parade was like 6 or 7 and after the parade she was the age she is now, 13. The wife drove off and finished taking my coworker to work and my coworker still seemed "out of it"/in a trance. When we arrived at her job and she got out she didn't seem herself at all like she was still in a trance or not aware of anything she was doing. Once she walked to the job, we drove off and then I woke up.

    ** I felt weird all the morning and most of the day. I just felt a bad feeling and was scared every time I thought about the dreams which was most of the day.

    Please help me decipher this frightening dream- pt. 1

    by USAFLT on 03-18-2017 at 01:33 AM
    *I had a dream that my grandmother was dying and she practiced roots/witchcraft. She had demons inside of her and she knew she was dying so she wanted to take the demons out of her and put them inside either me or my kids. So she was trying to do anything she could to get me to bring my kids over to her house. As me and my kids neared her house, the sky kept getting darker and darker as though it was nightime but it was day time. The main street I had to turn off to get to her house was blocked by the police and they were turning people around telling them not to go down the street towards my grandmothers street. And as I looked down the street every street closer to hers was darker and darker and I could feel an evil presence. As I turned down the street towards my grandmother's, I felt worse and worse about the evil presence so I turned around. When I came back to the main street the police officer stopped me and asked me "didn't you hear me tell you not to turn down the street" and I told her no I thought she was talking to the other cars. The officer then says "you're special cause every other car that went down there after we told them not to didn't come back" and then she walked off. I drove off in my dream going back home and then I woke up.