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Welcome! The following read is absolutely outrageous and does not make any sense.
It was an unbelieveable vivid experience. When I woke up I was actually emotionally shifted...
So where do I start.. I'm on a boat with a number of other people, maybe three other guys and about four girls or so.
The reason why we're on this boat is simple: we are a company specializing in showing girls new and exotic places to go for a swim..
(cheesy yeah I know.)
Everything is all and well until in a burst of light we're all teleported onto the shore of this nearby island. I lie in the sand, confused. I look around and realize I'm all alone. Then out of nowhere this "Age of Empires" look-alike map consumes my whole screen showing me that one of my best friends from when I was in elementary school, is inbound with a ridiculously large army of knights.
In the midst of calling for backup from my boat friends, I am stabbed in the face with a spear from one of the knights. Disgusted of it, I press ESC so I don't have to feel the pain or see the gore. When I press ESC one more time I am standing in a large field surrounded by trees. Everything feels oke... BUT WAIT there's a freakin' grizzlybear running straight towards me! He stops right in front of me. Cute. But then he takes a huge bite all over my face (Why do they allways go for my face?). So I have to press ESC again to avoid the pain and gore.. When I grow the balls to finally press ESC to "resume play", there's that god damn bear again. But this time he actually talks to me, saying that he owed me for saving his life?? (Hang in there) So I'm basically like; "Sure! as long as you don't chew on my face again, I'll even provide you with a power-up!" So now I borrow a pen from the bear and write "Bears" on my forearm so that he can have some sort of superpowers. But the "system" reads it as "Qears", so the bear just stays being a normal talking grizzlybear. Dissapointing.. I would really want to see what kind of power he would of got
That's the last I ever saw of Grizzle.. Now I'm at this other place! I'm in this huuuge house with what I feel is supposed to be my family. There is an essence lurking in the room that everyone hates each other. Well yeah except two of my "sisters" who is actually very very hot! (They're my "sisters", not my sisters..).
There's this one guy in the room that I really want to punch REALLY hard right in the kisser. He keeps on commandeering me to get his car up front? What the fudge? After pulling his car up front a million times, there's a change in emotions and scenery. I am with my two hot "sisters" (god damn they're smokin) discussing a fling I have been having with this girl. I now feel that I have a strong connection with these two girls, it's a really weird feeling. Then BAM I wake up at this girl's apartment, wearing nothing but a boxer. The room looks awfully familiar, like IRL familiar. The girl is in the kitchen doing.. whatever. Then her mom walks in and then I get the bright idea to get the hell out of there! Another random teleport then brings me to a shopping mall, which takes us to the last stop in my dream. After walking around for a couple of seconds I stumble upon my REAL sister and my REAL father. Thats the last thing I remember before I wake up with one HELL of a headache...
I was really moved by this dream. It was extremely vivid. Awesome.
Oh and by the way, the familiar room belongs to the girl that lives next door to me..
AND if you are annoyed by any grammar errors or the way I used the word "really" waaay too many times that I should of, It's too late now..