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    View ViviWannabe's Dream Journal

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    The House

    by ViviWannabe on 05-21-2011 at 07:27 AM
    My husband and I find an ad for a nice house for a good price, so we decide to go see it. When we arrive, the lot of land is enormous, and the yard has a swing set. A small private road leads up to the garage. As we are shown around, we see that the house is incredibly spacious, with five bedrooms and three bathrooms. each room is very large. Both living rooms (there are two) are large enough to fit my entire current house in them. The smallest bedroom is bigger than my current living room. The kitchen has enough space for a second stove and fridge, but even with them would still have room for an island. In one bathroom, the shower alone is as big as my entire current bathroom, not to mention a tub in a separate area. The more we saw, the more we liked it. As wonderful as the house was, I couldn't seem to shake this nagging feeling in the back of my mind. I ignored the feeling as I opened a door to a small storage room. A tarp covering a pile of blankets inside began to move as if there was something underneath. I instantly sensed something was wrong. My heart pounding, I reached out and lifted the pile to find nothing there. Freaked out a bit, I quickly closed the door to the room. I found my husband and tugged his sleeve. "I don't know about this place, honey."
    "What are you talking about, this place is great." We proceeded out the back to get a closer look at the swing set. I glanced in the bay window and some movement caught my eye. I noticed the clock on the wall, and the arms were spinning at an alarming rate. A chill went down my spine. I was suddenly aware of an unearthly presence, and the area around me suddenly got chilly. I rubbed my arms, and looked inside again. The clock hands were spinning even faster, and they suddenly stopped at 12:00. I glanced at my watch and saw that it was 2:15.
    Out of nowhere, I heard a piercing, inhuman scream in the distance.
    non-lucid , nightmare


    by ViviWannabe on 04-26-2011 at 01:15 AM
    I was sitting at a conference for a new piece of technology. As I and several others sit and watch, a young girl takes a bit of metal with two pieces of cloth attached and inserts the cloth into some slots on the machine. She bites down on the bit of metal and presses a button on the machine, then slumps to the floor.
    "No need to worry." an announcer reassures us. "She's fine. The machine causes temporary numbness in the face and legs." The girl stands, then her feet lift off the floor. Everone around me gasps. "As you can see, she is not only fine, but more than fine."
    Afterward, everyone is shaking the girl's hand. As I reach the front of the line, I ask the girl curiously if it hurt.
    She blushed. "Not at all. Just a tingle, a little numbness, then superpowers." She grabbed a nearby buffet table loaded with food and lifted it with one hand. "See?"
    Later that day, I returned to the building and sneak in. As I inset the cloth bits into the machine, I note that there are tiny circles of metal on each one that clicked into place as I inserted it. As I bit down on the metal, the words of the girl left my mind and I braced myself for a painful shock of electricity. As I hit the button, I experienced exactly what the girl had said; a tingling sensation, followed by numbness in my face and legs. I grasped the table to keep myself upright as the security guard came in.
    "Are you alright?" he asked, and since my face was numb I could not answer. Grasping the table strongly in one hand, I gave him the "ok" signal with the other. "Are you sure? You look a little weak." he returned.
    At that moment I instantly regained feeling everywhere, which was surprising because I was expecting it to be more gradual. I straightened and turned. "I'm fine. Someone left this piece in the machine, I was just removing it."
    As the security guard left, I went to the nearest window and opened it. I floated out, surprised at how easy my new powers were to control, and flew up over the roof of the building. A young man came up beside me, and I recognized him as someone I knew (I knew him in the dream, but not IRL). He was shockingly attractive with light brown hair just a shade too dark to be considered blond and deep, honey-colored eyes. He wiggled his eyebrows at me. "Wanna join the mile-high club? Don't need an airplane anymore."
    I grinned, but before I could say anything, I heard a woman's voice. "Maybe you two should get a room." I looked around and there were a half dozen people up with us.
    I looked at them, puzzled. "Security must suck here."
    The girl who told us to get a room stared back at me. "I don't remember you. When did you come in?"
    "I snuck in. Didn't you?"
    Her eyebrow furrowed. "No, I volunteered. The government wanted a team of superheroes.. They had a bit left over, and added it to the last dose, but they hadn't administered it yet. You must have gotten it." She approached me. "That means you're stronger than us."

    Updated 04-26-2011 at 01:23 AM by ViviWannabe (corrected some typos)

    lucid , memorable

    Trying to get some

    by ViviWannabe on 03-28-2011 at 10:39 PM
    In my dream, I was single. I went to visit some friends out of town, and decided while I was there I was going to get laid. I was out walking to a club when a group of guys surrounded me (much like happens in superhero movies) and started harrassing me. One of them tried to reach up my skirt, when a guy shows up. "What's the deal, guys? Can't get it without taking it? Pathetic." I immediately decide to bed this guy.
    Many of the details early in the dream are fuzzy, but at some point, he said that he didn't agree with premarital sex and I agreed to marry him. After our brief, private ceremony, he took me to his place, where a bunch of his friends had crowded in.
    "Excuse me, what are you all doing here?" I indignantly exclaimed.
    "I heard there was a party!" One guy shouted.
    "Well, there's not! Get out!"
    After everyone had left, I sat down on the bed and tried to kiss my new groom. He dodged me. "I can't make love to you." He said.
    I stopped. "Are you a virgin, because that's okay, we all have to learn somewhere..."
    "No," he said, "I'm not a virgin, I lost my virginity a while ago, and he was really sweet."
    "Well what is... wait, did you say 'he'?"
    He grinned at me sadly. "I'm gay."
    I stared at him, bewildered. "Why didn't you just say so? Maybe before I married you?"
    "I didn't think you'd actually marry me. I was trying to get you to lose interest in me. I can't let me friends know, they'll never see me the same. Just do me a favor." He grinned sheepishly. "If anyone asks, we divorced because I was too much for you tonight."
    I rolled my eyes. "You ought to tell them the truth, but whatever."
    The next day, I went to my mother's house (except it wasn't her current house but the last one she lived in before it), and she there was a wedding in her backyard. I pulled her aside and told her what had happened. After she finished laughing, she said there were plenty of lonely groomsmen here waiting to be taken advantage of (yes, my mother is like this IRL). The last thing I remember beofre waking up was heading for the buffet.

    Disaster anxiety

    by ViviWannabe on 03-23-2011 at 01:21 AM
    Note: In order for this dream to make sense, you must know that right now I live in a suburb of Tokyo. My family has actually been given potassium iodide, but have not been directed to take it yet (and probably won't, we're pretty far away from Fukushima and aren't in any real danger).

    I am walking down an unknown hallway trying to get home. I see my one-year-old daughter, and she has a pack of potassium iodide pills in her hand. She is waving them at me as she toddles over. "You don't need those." I say. "We're very far away from the power plant." I take the pills from her and we exit through a door at the end of the hallway. I get tired of waiting for her to walk, so I pick her up and carry her. I see that I am at a part of the base where you have to cross an offbase highway and reenter through another gate. My house is on the other side. I see that (in my dream but not IRL) the crosswalk that goes over the highway fell in the earthquake and I have to cross at street level. As I head to the gate, the gate guard grabs my daughter from me and begins to strap her to a gurney. She starts crying and I scream at him to give her back, but they won't listen. Out of nowhere comes my husband, who decks the guy with my daughter and snatches her away. My son is with him.
    We get back to my house and grab our luggage, and get into the car. As we are heading out, the gate guard on the other side stops us and says that if we leave, we need to take some gurneys with us. We pack them into the back of the van and head off down ruined streets (again not IRL, the area I live in didn't get much damage).
    nightmare , memorable


    by ViviWannabe on 02-18-2011 at 02:09 AM
    I am in a playground with a friend of mine (we'll call her "A") and a Ghostbusters-era Sigourney Weaver. We are all playing like little kids, and eventually start fighting over who gets to go down the slide first. We have a paper-rock-scissors battle to decide. Sigourney gets to go first, then me, and "A" is last. Sigourney goes down the slide but when it is my turn, there is an asian woman I don't know and her baby trying to climb up the slide and I have to wait until they get off to go down. I start to get impatient. While I am waiting, Sigourney Weaver runs to a nearby corner store and buys a tub of Cool Whip. She says "A" can have some but I can't. She opens it and for some reason it is yellow. She says it is butter-flavored. I go down to the store and get my own, but mine is just plain and smaller, and I tell them they can't have any. "A" tells us to stop fighting. Then I realize I can't eat any anyway because I am on a diet. My kids show up and want to play, but I tell them there are mean people here and we need to go somewhere else. The dream ends and another that I cannot remember begins.